№ 10-1 (98-1), 2023
Academic Journal “Political Science Issues”. Volume 13, Issue 10-1 (98-1), 2023
Krutov A.V. Modernization of Classical Political Science Theories Through a Combination of Different Methodological Approaches (by the Example of the Description of the Functions of the Political System)
Leskova I.V. Origins and Causes of Political Populism
Sviridenko E.A. A Symphony of the State and the Church in the Eyes the Josephlanes and the Non-Covenants
Ashcheulov O.E. On the Question of Soviet Assistance to China in the War Against Japan (1943-1945)
Brodskaya N.P. Large Language Models: Generative AI Models as a Tool of Influence in the Social Space of Modern Society
Popov S.I., Grishin O.E., Nesterchuk O.A. Trends in the Transformation of Tools for Holding Elections to State Authorities and Local Self-Government
Bigulov S.A. Comparative Analysis of the Parliament of the Republic of Albania and the Regional Parliaments of Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom
Wang Xiaoqun, Konkov A.E. Problems of Implementation of Development Projects within the Framework of the Cultural Policy of the State
Privalov V.A. Ethno-Cultural Backgrounds for Genesis of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
Morozov D.A. Interrelation of Geopolitics and Geo-Economics in the Modern World: Features of Scientific Discourse
Stolyarova A.N., Glebova I.A., Khairulina T.P., Knyazeva O.V., Novoselsky S.O. Environmental Policy in Socially Responsible Behavior of Corporations
Gryadunov Yu.Yu. The Regulatory Framework of the State Policy for the Protection of Traditional Values
Ksenofontova K.M., Fadeeva N.V., Ignatova M.N., Novoselsky S.O., Zolkin A.L. Policy for Managing Youth Entrepreneurship as an Instrument for Economic Transformation
Ksenofontova K.M., Chunikhina A.A., Danilov M.V., Ponomarev E.E., Novoselsky S.O. Economic Assessment of the Policy of Socially Responsible Behavior of Corporations
Kovalchuk A.G. Development of State-Civil Interaction in Modern Russia: Federal and Regional Programs
Goncharova N.V., Ignatova M.N., Novoselsky S.O., Biryukov I.A., Panova A.I. Foreign Experience in Implementing the Policy of Digitalization of Healthcare: Economic Assessment of the World Telemedicine Market
Poyarkov R.A. The Use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Transformation of Public Service
Linkova E.V., Kryazheva-Kartseva E.V., Georgieva N.G., Zverev V.V., Chernikova T.V. The Image of Latin America in the Russian Political Thought of the XIX Century: Features and Evolution
Abramov V.L. Countermeasures by Iran and Venezuela to Overcome Long-Term Sanctions Limitations
Agonnoude Bidoley Vianney Freddy. Digital Transformation During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Experiences from Sub-Saharan Africa
Pisarenko S.S. The Expanding of US Military Presence in the Indo-Pacific
Spasov A.A. The US Military-Political Operation on the Balkan Track as a Threat to Russian-Serbian Interstate Relations
Davydov S.D. US Information Policy in Southeast Asia in the Mid-2010s to the First Half of the 2020s.
Kopylov I.A. Management of National Defense in the Public Administration System of the Russian Federation
Lu Wanqing, Xu Mengzhu. Formation and Development of a New Eurasia
Tushkov A.A., Maximova T.D. International Aspects in the Study of Legitimation and Positioning Socio-Political Structures of Modern China
Khasanova K.E. Countering Global Increase in Drug Use Through the Prism of J. Law’s Social Topology
Shen Lihua, Du Yilin, Suo Lingfeng. Moldova’s Foreign Policy Vectors Against the Backdrop of the Russian Special Military Operation
Poturukhin V.D. Prospects of Globalization and Globalism in International Relations
Rogova Ya.D., Tokareva S.A., Kostina A.D. Unilateral Restrictive Measures: Concept, Types and Specifics
Zhang Zhan. Soft Power and the Status Quo of China's Soft Power
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.001
A.V. KRUTOV Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia
In the modern world, it has become increasingly difficult to describe political events using previous methods and approaches. The isolation of doctrines and methodologies in political science leads to its crisis. The article puts forward a hypothesis about the possibility of describing unpredictable political phenomena by combining different approaches without their conflict. The functions of the political system developed in the middle of the XX century by G. Almond and others are considered with the help of A. Badiou's modern event theory and methods of nonlinear dynamics. The purpose of the article is to modernize the concept of the political system, using a methodological synthesis that reveals the cognitive possibilities of combining different approaches in describing an event. Politics (according to Badiou) is the subject's actions on the way to a singular event from a situation with uncertainty. The stages of such development (pre-political situation, the beginning of the formation of the subject, procedure and event) associated with Almond's functions for the political system are revealed. Their new content is shown for two groups: the "internal state" (socialization, recruitment, communication) and the main ones (articulation, aggregation, course development, adjudication). In the course of the study, a theoretical and methodological analysis was carried out, a systematic approach and set theory were applied, the role of the subject was designated. By necessity, Badiou's terms are used in his dialectical ontology. Works by J.-M. Denquin, J. Rancière and other foreign and Russian researchers. The practical significance of combining methodologies is noted, and the "Navalny phenomenon" is used as its illustration. At the end, conclusions are drawn about the expansion of the boundaries of methodologies and process management tools, which improves the quality of event forecasting.
Key words: G. Almond, A. Badiou, methodology, situation, event, functions, system, process, nonlinear dynamics.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.002
I.V. LESKOVA Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Candidate of Political Sciences, professor, head Department of Political Science and Applied political work of the Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia
In the article, the authors analyze the problems of political populism, economic, social and cultural causes of populism. The relevance of the topic under consideration is due to the need to consider populism, left and/or right-wing populism in a comprehensive perspective, both in the general theoretical spectrum of research tasks, and at specific levels of certain incidents.
The goal is to analyze the causes and origins of the demand for political populism, to formulate the existing trends of populism as a political phenomenon.
The research methods were general scientific methods, including the logical-intuitive approach to the study of populism, the method of comparative analysis that allows you to compare the signs and foundations of the concepts of populism and existing political cultures.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the formulation of the causes and origins of political populism, the signs of populism and the relationship between legal populism of the parties of the EU countries and Euroscepticism.
Conclusions. The article states that the reasons for the growth of political populism is the disappointment of citizens with the socio-economic policy pursued by the state, which results in a decrease in trust in the authorities. The article presents the results of sociological research in the EU countries, which state the growing trend of political populism, the growth of the political proposal of right-wing parties in European countries. Populism researchers write about the paradoxes of the category of populism, since, on the one hand, populism acts as a direct manifestation of democracy and the political participation of citizens, on the one hand, on the other hand, populism can have a destructive effect on democratic institutions and processes.
In the article, the authors conclude that populism is gaining a trend of being in demand by society, in conditions when existing political parties cannot offer voters clear alternatives on important issues that concern society, coalitions are formed that blur the differences between parties, which contributes to the demand for populism.
Key words: populism, politics, political parties, coalitions, public sphere.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.003
E.A. SVIRIDENKO M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy of Politics and Law, Moscow, Russia
The work is devoted to the study of the views of two church groups within the Russian Church in the XV-XVI centuries on the relationship between church and state and the permissible limits of mutual penetration into each other's spheres. The purpose of the article is to clarify the differences in the views of the Josephites and non-possessors and their ideological struggle with each other at the throne of sovereigns for the primacy of their spiritual and political concepts. Spiritual messages to monks and secular rulers, as well as numerous "Messages" and "Hagiographyes" were taken as historical sources. The main research methods were the comparative-historical method and the cause-effect analysis of relationships between historical events. It can be stated that the leader of the Josephites, Joseph Volotsky, and the leader of the non-possessors, Nil Sorsky, looked at the tasks of the Church itself differently, and from this came disputes about allowable contacts with the secular world. Nil Sorsky represented the Church as a gathering of those who have renounced this world, and they should not have strong contacts with the outside world. Joseph considered the symphony and spiritual guidance of the Church over the sovereign, and the figure of the Sovereign as the defender of Orthodoxy, the best option for the development of the state. Also, Western researchers consider the struggle of the Josephites and non-possessors one of the first stages of the struggle between liberalism and conservatism.
Key words: sovereign, royal power, political philosophy, history, politics, religion, Josephites, non-possessors, Joseph Volotsky, Nil Sorsky.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.004
O.E. ASHCHEULOV Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Economic Theory of the State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Moscow, Russia
The article deals with the actual problem of cooperation in the framework of assistance to China by the Soviet Union in the fight against a common enemy – Japan, during the Second World War. After all, the study of Soviet-Chinese relations is of great importance for understanding modern international relations in Asia and the world as a whole. The purpose of the article is to summarize historical material on the issue of mutual assistance of the USSR and China during the war against Japan for the period from 1943 to 1945, as well as to understand exactly what factors and to what extent hindered the cooperation of the USSR and the Republic of China in the joint counteraction of Japanese aggression in the Far Eastern region. The choice of the research object is due to its relevance and insufficient knowledge of the interaction of the two great powers during the Japanese aggression and World War II from the point of view of diplomatic relations. The methodology of the article is based on general scientific methods of cognition common to the humanities and other sciences, as well as special scientific principles (historicism, objectivity, consistency). In conclusion, the author of the article came to the following conclusions: the stages of assistance were carried out within three stages. The first stage – 1932-1937 – is a period of establishing ties between the countries, as well as restoring previously severed diplomatic relations; the second – 1937-1941 – is a period of active assistance to the PRC from the USSR; The third is 1943-1945, characterized by the fact that countries are preparing for the entry of the USSR into the war with Japan.
Key words: history, Soviet Union, Japanese aggression, World War II, Republic of China, foreign policy, diplomacy, Asia.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.005
N.P. BRODSKAYA Cand. Of Science (Politics), Senior Researcher, Institute of World Economy and International Relations Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Nowadays, the development of AI technologies based on the principles of machine learning has led to serious changes in many areas of public life. At the same time, generative models of artificial intelligence, large language models, are one of the most innovative technologies of recent years. The study examines the current problems of the use of generative AI in the modern social space and the possible risks of its adaptation to the realities of the modern world. Particular attention is paid to the impact of AI technologies on the spread of disinformation and manipulation of public opinion.
Key words: artificial intelligence, AI technologies, generative technologies, large language models, ChatGPT.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.006
S.I. POPOV Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Policy and History of State and Law, Law Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
O.E. GRISHIN Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Policy and History of State and Law, Law Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
O.A. NESTERCHUK Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Policy and History of State and Law, Law Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; Professor of the Department of Political Science and Political Management of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
The article analyzes the developing trends in modifying the means and methods of holding elections to state authorities and local self-government. Progress in the development of electoral technologies in the context of the emergence of technical innovations has been demonstrated. The debatable problem field that arises when implementing new technologies in election campaigns is outlined. The vectors for further development of remote electronic voting technologies are shown.
Key words: elections, public authorities, local government, electoral technologies, electoral process, election campaigns, remote electronic voting.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.007
S.A. BIGULOV Postgraduate Junior research fellow at SOIGSI of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of RAS, Vladikavkaz, Russia
The Parliament of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania is not a unique unit of regional policy formation either in the Russian Federation or in world practice. The opportunity to look at regional parliaments in other states allows us to identify similarities and differences in the system of public power in the regions. Such an analysis makes it possible to assess the current practice of the functioning of regional parliaments in various foreign countries and to consider potential ways of further development of the Parliament of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. For such a comparison, we selected Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom. The Federal Republic of Germany is one of the most developed and richest federations in the world. RAI (Regional Authority Index) Germany is also one of the highest in the world. Canada is the second largest federal state after the Russian Federation. Even under the formal authority of the British Crown, Canada uses the Crown's mandate in regional politics to strengthen the influence of the Legislative Assembly. The United Kingdom, being a unitary state, at the end of the XX century went to regionalism, and revived the parliaments of its constituent kingdoms of Scotland and Wales. The process of regionalization of the unitary state and increasing the importance of regional parliaments makes it possible to verify the possibility of such transformations. The Parliament of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania is not something strikingly different from the regional parliaments discussed in this article. Thus, it can be argued that in the potential future, further movement towards the rapprochement of the Parliament of the Republic of Albania and the parliaments of foreign states is likely. However, such changes are possible only as a result of the consensus in society on the further modernization of the political system of the republic in the federal structure of the Russian Federation.
Key words: Parliament of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Regional Authority Index, Bavarian Landtag, Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, Parliament of Scotland, Senedd.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.008
WANG XIAOQUN Graduate student at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
A.E. KONKOV Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Political Analysis, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
Development projects within the framework of the state's cultural policy make it possible to attract alternative resources, carry out decentralized cultural activities, support partnerships between state structures and non-governmental organizations. In this regard, it is important to consider the challenges faced by major development projects. The article analyzes such problems as the political and legal system of the country, the intangible nature of development projects, the unclear role of sponsors and leaders of development projects.
Key words: cultural policy, project activity, development projects, organizational flexibility.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.009
V.A. PRIVALOV Postgraduate student, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The purpose of the article is to determine the ethno-cultural backgrounds for the emergence of a conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. Within the framework of the article, both theoretical and empirical studies aimed at studying the ethno-cultural backgrounds for the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh were analyzed. Three basic concepts of ethnic identity have been identified that explain the emergence of ethnopolitical conflicts: primordialism, constructivism and instrumentalism. Regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the opinions of researchers are divided – some of the researchers (for example, T. De Waal, A. Tonoyan) adhere to the primordial concept of the conflict, explaining it by the importance of preserving the historically established ethno-cultural values of the population of Nagorno-Karabakh, other researchers (for example, O.Yu. Kuznetsov, M. Kuburas, L. Papazyan) tend to the constructivist concept, emphasizing that the ethno-cultural factors of the conflict are the result of political processes, and not historical "memory". However, as shown by an empirical study conducted by N. Naromanyan in 2022, the population of Nagorno-Karabakh to a greater extent adhere to the primordial concept – the importance of historical memory and centuries-old ethno-cultural values – religion, culture and language. In general, the study made it possible to conclude that the ethno-cultural factor, including the religious and cultural-linguistic identity of the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh, along with the territorial one, is one of the most significant prerequisites for this ethno-political conflict, regardless of their historical or acquired as a result of political basis changes.
Key words: ethnopolitical conflict, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, backgrounds of conflict, ethno-cultural background of conflict, primordialism, constructivism.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.010
D.A. MOROZOV PhD student at the Department of Political Science of Institute of history and policy of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia
The article is devoted to the issues of identifying the features, interrelations and mutual influences between geopolitics and geo-economics within the framework of existing scientific concepts. The author substantiates the prospects of using interdisciplinary and synergetic approaches in their analysis and application in political science research. The author comes to the conclusion that within the framework of the dynamics of the scientific explanation of the terms "geo-economics" and "geopolitics", there is an inextricable link between geo-economics and geo-economic strategies with geopolitics as complex parts of a single whole, which indicates the prospects for expanding the scientific understanding of modern geo-economics within the framework of political science. The interdisciplinary approach dictates the need to supplement geopolitical strategies not only with economic aspects, but also with other components: informational, environmental, scientific (intellectual) and cultural.
Key words: geoeconomics, geopolitics, geoeconomic strategy, methodology of geoeconomics.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.011
A.N. STOLYAROVA Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Basic Department of Trade Policy FSBEI HE «REU im. G.V. Plekhanov», Moscow, Russia
I.A. GLEBOVA Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Management, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Technical University named after. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)», Moscow, Russia
T.P. KHAIRULINA Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Environmental Management Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Technical University named after. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)», Moscow, Russia
O.V. KNYAZEVA Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Customs Affairs State Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian Customs Academy», Moscow, Russia
S.О. NOVOSELSKY Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the Research Center for the Study of the History and Development of World Civilizations ANO VO «University of World Civilizations named after. V.V. Zhirinovsky», Moscow, Russia
Introduction: the article examines the theoretical and practical aspects of corporate environmental policy, which is implemented in the wake of socially responsible business behavior. The environmental agenda occupies an important place in the mechanism of corporate social responsibility. The scale of a company's environmental investments depends primarily on the specifics of its economic activities and the level of anthropogenic load on the environment. The need to integrate the environmental component into the CSR space is due to the following reasons: firstly, the overall relevance of reducing the anthropogenic impact on the environment, regardless of the form of profit, secondly, government lobbying for environmental projects, thirdly, close public attention to solving environmental problems, what is important for increasing the social status of the company, fourthly, is the visibility of achieving the desired result, which can be quickly replicated in the information space.
Goal and objectives: the purpose of the work is to consider the features of the implementation of environmental policy in the space of socially responsible behavior of corporations. The article poses and solves the following problems:
– justify the relevance of expanding the scope of the environmental agenda in the structure of corporate social responsibility;
– perform a dynamic and structural analysis of corporate expenses on environmental activities and projects in the socio-economic system of the Russian Federation;
– consider the regional and sectoral distribution of corporate activity in the focus of solving environmental problems.
Research results: the team of authors clarified the theoretical aspects of the substantive essence of corporate environmental responsibility, and also diagnosed key indicators reflecting the environmental activity of corporate structures, including at a regional and industry level.
Key words: environmental policy, socially responsible behavior, corporate social responsibility, environmental costs, environmental measures.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.012
YU.YU. GRYADUNOV Graduate student, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Central Russian Institute of Management – branch, Orel, Russia
To date, traditional values characteristic of Russian society are under pressure from the American and European communities and transnational companies, which indicates the relevance of this study. Purpose of the work: to analyse the normative base of the state policy of protection of traditional values (TC). Hypothesis: the category of "traditional values" in Russia is not a speculative concept that exists solely in the minds of the country's leadership and citizens, but one of the most important directions of state policy, reflected in the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts. Results of the work: the provisions of Russian legislative acts were analysed and it was concluded that traditional values in Russia are one of the most important directions of state policy, as they are, firstly, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Articles 2 and 44). Secondly, the task of their preservation and protection shapes the activities of the following executive bodies: the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
Key words: normative framework, traditional values, society, society, patriotism, transnational corporations, strategy.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.013
K.M. KSENOFONTOVA Senior Lecturer at the Department of Psychology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian State University named after. A.N. Kosygina (Technology. Design. Art)», Moscow, Russia
N.V. FADEEVA Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport – a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Irkutsk State Transport University», Krasnoyarsk, Russia
M.N. IGNATOVA Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and government controlled», Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Southwestern State University», Kursk, Russia
S.O. NOVOSELSKY Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the Scientific Center for the Study of the History and Development of World Civilizations of the ANO VO «University of World Civilizations named after. V.V. Zhirinovsky», Moscow, Russia
А.L. ZOLKIN Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Computer Science, FSBEI HE «Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics» (PGUTI), Samara, Russia
Introduction: the article discusses the main aspects of managing youth entrepreneurship as a tool for economic transformation. The team of authors notes the relevance of using the potential of young startupers to implement knowledge-intensive transformations and build a track to achieve technological sovereignty. The demographic group of the population studied in the work has a high level of entrepreneurial activity, risk tolerance and innovative thinking. The set of designated criteria creates conditions for the use of youth business initiatives in the vector of transformation of the national economy. Within the framework of the existing geopolitical situation, the state must provide the most favorable conditions for the intensification of business processes among young people on the basis of administrative, economic, educational and consulting tools.
Goal and objectives: the goal of the work is to conduct a retrospective assessment of the development of the youth start-up market and substantiate the possibilities of using its potential to transform the economy. The following tasks are solved in this work:
– substantiate the relevance of youth entrepreneurship as a tool for economic transformation in conditions of low technological sovereignty;
– analyze the dynamics and segmental priorities of youth startups;
– to focus the general trends in the development of the domestic market for youth startups in the current business environment.
Research results: the team of authors, in the focus of studying the intensity of youth entrepreneurship, assessed the variability of the domestic business environment, analyzed the dynamics of the number and segmentation of youth startups, and also substantiated the growth points of this market in the existing business space. The results of the author's generalizations can become an up-to-date information base for searching for optimal tools for stimulating entrepreneurial activity among young people in a theoretical and practical plane.
Key words: youth entrepreneurship, business activity, public policy, technological development, startup.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.014
K.M. KSENOFONTOVA Senior Lecturer at the Department of Psychology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian State University named after. A.N. Kosygina (Technology. Design. Art)», Moscow, Russia
A.A. CHUNIKHINA Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and government controlled», Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Southwestern State University», Kursk, Russia
M.V. DANILOV Master of the Department of Management and state municipal government Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Technical University named after. K.G. Razumovsky» (PKU)», Moscow, Russia
E.E. PONOMAREV Master of the Department of Management and state municipal government Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State Technical University named after. K.G. Razumovsky» (PKU)», Moscow, Russia
S.О. NOVOSELSKY Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the Research Center for the Study of the History and Development of World Civilizations ANO VO «University of World Civilizations named after. V.V. Zhirinovsky», Moscow, Russia
Introduction: The paper presents an economic assessment of the policy of socially responsible behavior of corporations. The information base for analytical diagnostics and value judgments was the data from corporate social reporting of Sberbank PJSC, Gazprom PJSC and Lukoil PJSC. The objects of analysis were the directions, targets and volumes of financing of social investments of systemically important domestic corporate structures. The performed dynamic analysis of the basic economic indicators of the implementation of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy showed the presence of a stable track of increasing the capacity of socially responsible behavior. The empirical tools used allow us to talk about the existence of a growing trend of social obligations assumed by companies, which are voluntary in nature and are a form of strategic development. The article substantiates the relevance of intensifying processes in the focus of CSR for solving fundamental socio-economic problems in the current turbulent environment. The importance of CSR is caused by the need to relieve social tension, minimize environmental risks, eliminate social defects and improve the quality of the investment climate.
Purpose and objectives: the purpose of the work is to conduct an economic assessment of the policy of socially responsible behavior of corporations. The objectives of the study include the following:
– justify the relevance of intensifying processes in the wake of socially responsible behavior of corporations in the current turbulent environment;
– focus the key priorities and basic achieved results of socially responsible behavior of leading domestic companies;
– conduct an economic assessment of the social investment activity of Russian corporate structures.
Results of the study: the team of authors carried out a diagnosis of the economic component of the social investment policy of PJSC Sberbank, PJSC Gazprom and PJSC Lukoil, which allows for an objective assessment of the intensity and scale of socially responsible behavior. The results of the study can be used to form a general picture of the existing CSR potential of domestic companies and develop effective tools for its expansion.
Key words: corporate social responsibility, charity, social investment, social effects, long-term development, social transformation.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.015
A.G. KOVALCHUK Graduate student, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Central Russian Institute of Management – branch, Orel, Russia
The article reveals an actual problem of civil participation in governing processes in modern Russia within the framework of special programs at the federal and regional levels. The research goal is to consider the essence of the main programs for state-civil interaction in public administration at the regional and local levels. In the study the following tasks were solved: the conceptual foundations of state-civil interaction in domestic and foreign political science were considered; federal and regional programs were considered, within the framework of which interaction between the state and citizens in modern Russia was possible. The research methodology is based on a systems approach and includes general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction); as well as a number of special methods: historiographical analysis of the topic being studied; methods of political analysis (system-historical, structural, system-functional). Based on the research results, the author concluded that at the present stage, programs of state-civil interaction are focused on enhancing the civic position, especially in local and regional governments.
Key words: public administration, public-civil management programs, political participation, mechanisms of public-civil interaction, political analysis.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.016
N.V. GONCHAROVA Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Automated Control Systems and Cybernetics FSBEI HE «OSU named after I.S. Turgenev», Orel, Russia
M.N. IGNATOVA Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and government controlled», Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Southwestern State University», Kursk, Russia
S.O. NOVOSELSKY Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the Research Center for the Study of the History and Development of World Civilizations ANO VO «University of World Civilizations named after. V.V. Zhirinovsky», Moscow, Russia
I.A. BIRYUKOV Student of the Department of International Relations and government controlled», Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Southwestern State University», Kursk, Russia
A.I. PANOVA Student of the Department of International Relations and government controlled», Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Southwestern State University», Kursk, Russia
Introduction: the article reflects the results of an economic assessment of the development of the global telemedicine market, which resulted from the implementation of the healthcare digitalization policy in foreign countries. The tools for using telecommunications and digital technologies to provide medical care are actively developing in foreign countries. The formation of a progressive path for the development of telemedicine in most foreign countries occurs in the presence of a comprehensive regulatory legal framework that corresponds to the current conditions and features of the use of telecommunications and digital technologies for the provision of medical care. The presence of a relevant organizational and legal framework helps expand the potential for the use of various types of telemedicine tools, and also establishes a clear and transparent framework for the functioning of medical organizations in this area. The development of telemedicine occurs with the active participation of government agencies. Forms of state support are of a different nature, which is due to the specifics of the existing socio-economic formation and the peculiarities of the methods of state regulation of the economy used. An important form of government participation is the activation of digital transformation processes of the national healthcare system.
Purpose and objectives: the purpose of the work is to consider the results of the implementation of the digitalization policy of healthcare in foreign countries through the prism of an economic assessment of the global telemedicine market. The article poses and solves the following problems:
– highlight the relevance of implementing digital transformations in healthcare in the current socio-economic environment;
– analyze key dynamic and structural indicators of the functioning of the global telemedicine market;
– group regional features of the development of the global telemedicine market.
Research results: the team of authors carried out a comprehensive diagnosis of the functioning of the global telemedicine market in the focus of analyzing the dynamics of its value volume and segmentation structure, and also carried out a study of investment activity and regional features of the intensification of the digital transformation of healthcare. The generalizations made allow us to form an objective picture of the current state and trends in the development of digitalization of healthcare in the wake of the use of telecommunication technologies.
Key words: digital transformation, healthcare, telemedicine, global market, foreign experience.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.017
R.A. POYARKOV Post-graduate student, Central Russian Institute of Management – branch (Orel), Orel, Russia; founder, R Group LLC, Moscow, Russia
In the context of the digital transformation of the public service, the article discusses the features and problems of using arrays of information (Big Data), which are entrusted with making informed decisions in public administration, as well as the relevance of using artificial intelligence technologies in order to improve the type of service under consideration and its mechanism in our state. In conclusion, we come to the conclusion that in modern Russia, which is developing towards the integration of digital technologies into everyday life, public relations in the field of state regulation, bring to the fore new requirements for one of the forms of state activity. That is why it is undergoing changes that will fully respond to digital transformation in the future. In this regard, one of the many long-term strategic projects is being implemented on the territory of our country – the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation, which began in 2018, the implementation of which should be completed in 2024. However, no matter how amazing it may look, not all citizens have mastered or acquired modern means of digital communication, which entails prospects for survival in the conditions of artificial intelligence and competition with it.
Key words: public administration, digitalization, long-term strategic project, artificial intelligence, Big Data, Internet, digital economy, transformation, Russian Federation, neural network, national program, information society.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.018
E.V. LINKOVA Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian History of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
E.V. KRYAZHEVA-KARTSEVA Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Russian History of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
N.G. GEORGIEVA , Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian History of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
V.V. ZVEREV Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Center "History of Russia in the XIX – early XX century", Moscow, Russia
T.V. CHERNIKOVA Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department the World and national history of MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia
The article reveals the multifaceted image of Latin America formed in the Russian public consciousness of the XIX century. Moreover, the main subject of the study is the picture of ideas about the Latin American continent, which has become a part of the foreign policy constructions of Russian thinkers. It is in their concepts, reflecting all the specifics of Russia's international course, its position on the world stage, and relations with European countries, that it is possible to identify the main features of that image of a distant continent, which at the same time attracted Russian travelers with its uniqueness, and was considered as a possible new force that could influence the pan-European situation.
The authors draw a conclusion about the versatility of ideas about Latin America in Russian society, formed under the influence of the notes of travelers and diplomats, as well as those judgments that were broadcast by representatives of the socio-political thought of Russia on the pages of magazines and newspapers. It is difficult to say unequivocally how objective this image was. However, by the middle of the XIX century for Russian thinkers, it becomes obvious that Latin America has gradually turned into a region that has a significant impact on the European agenda, in a certain way changing the foreign policy course of countries such as, for example, France and the Great Britain. In addition, many events on the American continent (in particular, the Mexican campaign of Napoleon III) took place in parallel with the transformation of the system that developed after the Crimean War of 1853-1856, and this could not but affect the interests of Russia, which wanted to cancel the restrictive articles of the Paris Peace of 1856 as soon as possible. For this reason, both official St. Petersburg and Russian public and political figures closely followed what was happening in Latin America, gave assessments of the current situation, and made attempts to predict how Latin American issues would affect the rhetoric of European countries and their policies on the European continent. Finally, the authors note that by the second half of the XIX century, the processes and events that took place in Latin America were considered in the Russian discursive field not only as part of the global system. Russian thinkers were attracted to this aspect in the context of the development of the theory of cultural and historical types, a kind of civilizational approach of the second half of the XIX century.
Key words: Latin America, imagology, public and politcal thought, foreign policy, history of ideas, Mexico, Brazil, theory of "cultural and historical types".
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.019
V.L. ABRAMOV Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, chief researcher at the Institute for International Studies economic relations; Professor of the Department of World Economy and Global Finance (DME and MF) Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
The relevance, scientific and practical significance of the article is due to the fact that the Russian economy was subjected to unprecedented sanctions from a number of other unfriendly countries. The purpose of the article is to analyze the long-term sanctions restrictions that were imposed on Iran and Venezuela as sovereign states defending their political and economic interests and national identity. The urgent task was to summarize the best practices and counter-sanction measures that they used to overcome sanctions restrictions, and to assess the possibilities of their use in Russian conditions.
It is shown that over the past decades, sanctions restrictions have become systematically used as an instrument of political economic pressure from the United States and EU countries on states that do not share the ideology of a monopolar world order. It analyzes the countermeasures that target countries use to reduce the impact of sanctions on their economies, circumvent them, or impose the costs of their implementation on the initiating countries themselves. The focus of the analysis is the counter-sanction measures that Iran and Venezuela used to overcome sanctions on the export of oil resources, as an important source of socio-economic development.
The results obtained can be used in the practical activities of state and municipal bodies and Russian companies to overcome sanctions restrictions.
Key words: sanctions restrictions, Iran, Venezuela, counter-sanctions, monopolar world order.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.020
AGONNOUDE BIDOLEY VIANNEY FREDDY Ph.D. in Political science. Assistant at the Department of Public Policy and history of state and law. Law Institute, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia
The article is devoted to the issue of digital transformation in the African region. The author examines the digital tools and measures taken by governments in sub-Saharan Africa to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic is identified by the author as the main driver of digital transformation in African countries in 2020-2022.
Key words: digital transformation, sub-Saharan Africa, Covid-19 pandemic, digital tools, government services.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.021
S.S. PISARENKO Postgraduate student of the Faculty of Global Studies, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
This article examines the use of the capabilities of countries supporting the "Free and Open Indo-Pacific Vision" to provide member states with modern weapons aimed at countering the growing threat from China and North Korea. The article analyzed official statements by heads of state, representatives of the ministries of foreign affairs, and ministries of defense. The study found that the transfer of modern weapons occurs through programs to strengthen coast guards and control shipping lines, as well as on a regular basis through defense programs concluded between allies. Over the past few months, reports, summits, and statements from the US Department of Defense and allied states have traced the agenda of building up military capabilities in the Indo-Pacific region against the “subverters of the international order” represented by China and the DPRK. US foreign policy chiefs, together with allies, are building a certain rhetoric during the game for dominance in the Indo-Pacific region, condemning the authoritarian actions of the People's Republic of China, combining methods of active propaganda and the use of open channels for negotiations with China. Despite the fact that the concept of a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific Region” provides for ensuring freedom of seas and airspace in the Indo-Pacific, the main aim remains to ensure the systematic development of economies, solving climate and environmental problems, to develop humanitarian aid corridor and a modern system of healthcare. The United States, in turn, sees the opportunity to benefit from an indirect clash with its enemy, China, by arming and training its allies under various pretexts, and sometimes without any of them.
Key words: Indo-Pacific region, US foreign policy, Chinese foreign policy, IPR, militarization of IPR, trilateral cooperation between Japan, South Korea and the USA.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.022
A.A. SPASOV Ph.D. in Political Science, Assistant of the Department of Political Analysis and Socio-Psychological Processes, Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia
This article examines a modern US military-political operation aimed at a controlled escalation of the Kosovo-Serbian conflict through a partial transport blockade of Serbian municipalities located in Kosovo and Metohija. Political and military pressure was exerted on the Serbian government in order to reorient Belgrade from interstate interaction with Moscow to building cooperation with Washington. The author records two stages of the military-political operation, in which KFOR ("Forces for Kosovo") and the political leadership of Kosovo and Metohija were involved. The operation began after Washington's unsuccessful attempts to influence Serbia's position towards Russia through blackmail and the imposition of sanctions. The author notes that the military-political operation did not lead to proper results for Washington, since interstate relations between Russia and Serbia maintain positive dynamics in the development of bilateral cooperation. At the end of the article, the directions of cooperation between Belgrade and Moscow in matters of security from external threats and military-political operations are outlined.
Key words: military-political operation, Kosovo-Serbian conflict, USA, interstate relations, Russia, Serbia.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.023
S.D. DAVYDOV Lecturer, University under the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of EurAsEC, the Chair for Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Moscow, Russia
A very important part of modern international relations is information policy, which is carried out by various actors. The conditions that currently exist in the information space provide new opportunities for its implementation, for improving the interaction between elements that are one way or another involved in world politics and in relevant processes. The nature of such interaction can be different: from cooperation to informational confrontation. This is often associated with the actor’s desire to expand its own influence on other actors, including cultural, political, value, and technological influence. The purpose of the article is to analyze the characteristic features of US information policy in Southeast Asia (in a number of states in the region) in the period from the mid-2010s to the first half of the 2020s. The main documents of BBG/USAGM (American organizations implementing information policy) concerning the countries of Southeast Asia and the steps taken by these organizations in the region during this period for the purpose of information impact in various forms are considered. As a result, the article provides a description of the information policy of the United States in the region, including the main factor determining its properties and changes.
Key words: USA, Southeast Asia, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, Philippines, information activity, information policy, BBG, USAGM.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.024
I.A. KOPYLOV Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Military Sciences, Moscow, Russia SPIN code: 5319-6005, AuthorID: 695158
The article examines the functioning of the Russian public administration system in the conditions of modern interstate confrontation, analyzes its main subsystems, the function of which is to ensure the defense and security of the country. Attention is focused on the need for further scientific research into the subsystem of public administration – national defense management, the importance of which is currently steadily increasing.
Key words: public administration system, interstate confrontation, theoretical and methodological foundations, defense management: management of the national defense of the Russian Federation, ensuring security.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.025
LU WANQING Postgraduate student, Department of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
XU MENGZHU Postgraduate student, Department of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
For Russia, Asia has been and occupies the second place among Russia's strategic priorities. Russia's partnership with China and India began only in the mid-90s on the initiative of Primakov E.M., who at that time was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. But to take a course to the East, Russia was promoted by the deterioration of relations with the West in 2014.
For Russia, one of the most important aspects were two:
– Close ties with China;
– Bilateral approach in relations with other countries.
The goal of the modern partnership between Russia and Asia is to create and build a "Greater Eurasia", which will include both geopolitical, military, informational and cultural aspects.
Key words: international relations, Russian-Chinese cooperation, regional relations, Russia's foreign policy course, China's economic development strategy.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.026
A.A. TUSHKOV Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow, Russia
T.D. MAXIMOVA Postgraduate Student of the Department of International Relations and Law Vladivostok State University, Vladivostok, Russia
The proposed article is devoted to an urgent topic that explores the international aspects of legitimation and positioning in the activities of the political leadership of modern China. The author examines some aspects in the activities of a number of states that influence the formation of the internal political landscape of the People's Republic of China to one degree or another. These are such formats of political transformation as "from the translateral form of relations of the post-Westphalian world order to the format according to the rules in the era of chaotic fluctuations of the crumbling world", "practice in the period of geopolitical procrastination" and "asynchronous multipolarity".
Key words: China, BRICS, G7, geopolitical procrastination, asynchronous multipolarity, Southeast Asia.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.027
K.E. KHASANOVA PhD Student, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Department of International and National Security, Moscow, Russia
Introduction. The article studies an application range of actor-network theory (ANT) in political science. By laying a particular emphasis on variable forms of social coordination, J. Law’s concept opens up a wide field of research in current issues of international relations through the prism of social topology. Meanwhile, for more than half a century the question of effectiveness of different anti-drug strategies has been one of the most acute dilemmas of world politics.
Purpose and objectives. The aim of the study was to present a comparative analysis of the punitive and non-punitive drug policy models in terms of ANT. The review allowed to identify the mechanism of building each of the strategies and to reveal specific conditions under which they maintain their integrity. The following tasks were set to achieve the goal: 1) defining the components of two anti-drug models’ ‘network form’; 2) describing the physical level of spatiality in drug policy; 3) exploring stable and unstable connections of the entities.
Methods. The research combines both general scientific (analysis, synthesis and observation) and specific methods, including the structural-functional method.
Results. The author concludes that the core of significant relations of anti-drug policies is receptive to changes in public sentiment. That is exactly why the core is prone to disruption. Therefore, multifold capabilities of J. Law’s social topology let the theory become a far-reaching instrument in forecasting morphogenetic transformations in various regions when it comes to adoption of new counterdrug activities.
Key words: narcotic drugs, anti-drug policy, actor-network theory, social topology, increase in drug use.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.028
SHEN LIHUA Professor of the Center for the Study of Russian Language, Literature and Culture, Director of the Center for Ukrainian Studies, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China
DU YILIN PhD student at the Center for Russian Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China
SUO LINGFENG PhD student at the Center for Russian Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China
As a small Eastern European country neighboring Ukraine, Moldova has attracted close international attention since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The spillover effects of the conflict have had a significant impact on Moldova's domestic and foreign policy. In the area of foreign policy, Moldova continues the process of integration into the European Union and strengthens cooperation with NATO, but at the same time demonstrates a higher anti-Russian sentiment on the international stage. The competition between Russia and the EU and NATO around Moldova will become more intense, Moldova will face even more difficult choices.
Key words: foreign policy, Moldova, Russian-Ukrainian conflict, geopolitical competition.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.029
V.D. POTURUKHIN Postgraduate student, Faculty of Global Studies Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow, Russia
The modern conditions of the process of international interaction, characterized by the growing geopolitical and geo-economic tension between the hegemon of the world order configuration approved in the last decade of the twentieth century and the newly emerging poles of power of international relations, are accompanied by polarization processes in the trade, economic, military-political, information and ideological spheres of society, demonstrating pronounced deglobalization trends. At the same time, it seems unreasonable to assert the irreversibility of modern disintegration processes due to the fundamental objectivity of the phenomenon of globalization, which is currently experiencing only another downward wave of its own cycle, the long-term trend of which remains unchanged – the growth of interconnection and interdependence of all peoples of the world. At the same time, the statement about the "death" of the phenomenon of globalism, which is currently undergoing a stage of compression and concentration of forces on the eve of a new upward wave with fundamentally new participants and globalization projects, looks premature.
Key words: globalization, globalism, globalization projects, world order, international relations.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.030
YA.D. ROGOVA Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
S.A. TOKAREVA Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
A.D. KOSTINA Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
The topic of unilateral restrictive measures as an instrument of coercion among international actors is becoming more and more relevant. This tool is widely used in the modern world community and can have serious consequences for economic, political and social relations between states and companies.
In the article the authors define and formulate the concept of unilateral restrictive measures and their classification, study the main principles and mechanisms of their application.
Key words: international relations, security, restrictive measures, legal regulation, sanctions.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.98-1.10-1.031
ZHANG ZHAN Bachelor's degree, Faculty of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
The article discusses issues related to the "soft power" status quo of China's "soft power". The purpose of the study is to study the soft power and the status quo of China's soft power. The main research methods: the method of analysis, comparison, decision-making, logical reasoning and many others. The current state of China's "soft power" is considered. Next, we will study the system of public cultural services. The system of education reform in China is considered. The author of the article notes that the right to an international voice covers a wide range of areas, such as politics and economics, and attaches greater importance to international public opinion. The importance of strengthening China's "soft power" in the 21st century is emphasized. In addition, the main characteristics of China's "soft power" have been studied. Strengthening cultural soft power is an unavoidable requirement for strengthening comprehensive national power. Strengthening cultural soft power is an important means of protecting national security and interests. Strengthening cultural soft power is an important way to shape the country's image. The concept of "national image" is studied. The process of development of China's "soft power" is considered. The main problems in the development of China's cultural "soft power" are studied, among which are noted: insufficient ability to transform the cultural resources of "soft power", the main part of the cultural construction of "soft power" has certain defects, the development of the cultural industry is backward, and motivation for cultural endeavors is insufficient. The directions for strengthening China's cultural soft power have been studied.
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to study the soft power and the status quo of China's soft power.
Methods: Basic research methods: the method of analysis, comparison, decision-making, logical reasoning and many others.
Results: Today's world is in a historical period of great upheavals, major adjustments, major changes and major development, differentiation and combination of international forces and the continuous evolution of the structure of interests in international relations. The trend of the development of the multipolarity of the world, which has emerged since the end of the twentieth century, meets the objective requirements of cultural diversity and the democratization of international relations. Against this background, the desire for peace, stability, cooperation and development has become an irresistible historical trend. Thus, the commitment to promote the multipolarity of the world structure and the formation of the image of a responsible big country contributes to the improvement of China's national soft power. Regarding China's soft power, many experts have repeatedly stressed in interviews that they should have a clear understanding. China's economic development path and the concept of building a harmonious society have also been confirmed by the world, and its soft power has improved.
Conclusions: In the current international situation, the goal of China's foreign policy should not only be to create a peaceful environment conducive to economic construction, but also to pay attention to how to improve the international image of my country and expand friendly relations, as well as whether it can effectively implement the foreign policy policy of a harmonious world. China should respect the existing international order, protect its national interests in the existing international order, international system and international mechanism, know and effectively apply existing international rules and practices, and actively participate in consultations, formulation and multilateral development of relevant international affairs and international rules. Diplomatic activity, properly maintain diplomatic relations with major Powers, neighboring countries and developing countries, live in friendly relations and cooperate with all countries of the world in accordance with the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and other recognized international relations norm.
Key words: status quo, China's soft power, foreign policy.