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DUBROVINA О.V., SALAMOV R.R. Paradiplomacy as a New Architecture of International Relations

DOI 10.35775/PSI.2019.33.3.010

О.V. DUBROVINA Doctor of Sciences (political sciences), Professor, Rector of the Siberian Institute of International Relations and Regional Studies, Novosibirsk, Russia

R.R. SALAMOV Post graduate student of the Siberian Institute of International Relations and Regional Studies, Novosibirsk, Russia


The purpose of this scientific article is to study the paradiplomacy that acts as the new architecture of international relations. In this context, the article presents theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of “paradiplomacy” and reveals its characteristic features. In addition, the role and importance of paradiplomacy in strengthening modern international relations are determined. The main methods of this scientific research are analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, a systematic approach, the institutional method and structural-functional analysis.

Key words: international relations, paradiplomacy, theoretical approaches, interregional cooperation, regions.

The relevance of this scientific article is conditioned by the fact that at the present stage of development of international relations, the processes of multilateral and bilateral cooperation of states continue to be intensively carried out not only at the federal, but also at the regional level. The main reasons for the intensification of ties at the regional level are the processes of globalization and regionalization. Under such conditions, such a phenomenon as paradiplomacy begins to play an increasing role.

Thanks to the implementation of interstate ties at the interregional level a whole range of tasks of the economic, scientific, technical and socio-cultural nature is being solved. Accordingly, paradiplomacy primarily, acts as an important element that contributes to the successful functioning of the complex mechanism of political interstate relations, complementing and strengthening it.

Paradiplomacy between the regions of different states contributes to the strengthening of bilateral cooperation at the federal level, contributes to the achievement of the set goals and the resolution of various tasks.

Despite its relevance, the problem of paradiplomacy among the state regions which acts as a new architecture of international relations, remains poorly studied in the modern scientific literature.

In view of the foregoing, the study conducted in the field of such a phenomenon as paradiplomacy, as well as its role in the development and strengthening of modern interregional cooperation, seems quite relevant.

Among the works of Russian scientists, we would like to single out the works by O.V. Dubrovina (O.V. Plotnikova) [12. Pp. 65-69] and O.Yu. Dubrovina [3. Pp. 57-62] devoted to the peculiarities of international relations and regional international relations, as well as the regional dimension of foreign policy. In the work by Yu.G. Akimova [1. Pp. 25-33], the theoretical and practical aspects of paradiplomacy are studied in the context of the expression of the regional identity of the subjects of the federations. E.B. Mikhailenko and T.V. Verbitskaya [11. Pp. 14-20], as well as V.G. Blagodatskih and A.A. Kerimov [2. P. 158-166] analyze various approaches and scientific concepts regarding the interpretation of the concept of “paradiplomacy,” identify key characteristics and features of this phenomenon in the context of the activities of the regions in the international arena. Among the works of foreign scientists it is necessary to highlight the work by I. Dukhachek [4. Pp. 1-33], J. McNiven [9. Pp. 167-183], M. Keating [6], devoted to the phenomenon of paradiplomacy and its intensive development, due to the intensification of the international cooperation at the regional level. Of particular note is the study by G. Michelman and P. Soldatos [10. P. 322] revealing the key aspects of the activities of the subjects of the federal states in the international arena.

The purpose of this article is the study paradiplomacy as a new architecture of modern international relations.

The target orientation necessitated the solution of the following tasks: to analyze the main theoretical approaches to the definition of the term “para-diplomacy”, to identify the key features of paradiplomacy; to investigate the role of paradiplomacy in the successful functioning of the mechanism for the implementation of modern interstate and interregional relations; to identify promising areas for the implementation of paradiplomacy as a new architecture of international relations.

The scientific novelty of the study is that it identifies key aspects of the little-studied problem of paradiplomacy of the regions and its role in the development of bilateral international relations.

At the present stage of the development of international relations, individual regions of the states enter the international arena, establish and maintain contacts with foreign partners in various fields. This phenomenon has received the name of “paradiplomacy.” A special place among the above-mentioned actors is occupied by the subjects of the federations, which have territory and constitutionally fixed rights. External relations of the subjects of the federations is a relatively new phenomenon. At the same time, a certain experience has already been accumulated in the world in the implementation of the diplomacy of regions of states, the features and advantages of this phenomenon have been identified, attempts have been made to theoretical understanding of it [1. P. 26].

The term “paradiplomacy” is applied most successfully to the international activity of the regions of the states due to the fact that the prefix “para-” in this context indicates parallelism or complementarity. The state diplomacy is complemented by the diplomacy of the regions, as entities occupying the level immediately after the state level [2. P. 161].

J. McNiven [9. P. 178] notes that paradiplomacy is a concept related to the international activity and which takes place alongside (hence the use of the Greek prefix "para-") with traditional diplomatic activity. Traditional diplomacy is based on the interstate political relations. In its turn, paradiplomacy is carried out by the subjects of the states, in particular, by the regions [2. P. 161].

It should also be noted that the use of the prefix “para-” and the adjective “parallel” often causes an ambiguous attitude of a number of researchers. For example, M. Keating [6] notes that to call the phenomenon “parallel” means to recognize that it has no contact with other processes and phenomena [2. P. 161].

For the first time, the term "paradiplomacy" appeared in the 80s of the XX century. The “pioneers” in applying the concept of “paradiplomacy” as an analytical concept of the political science were P. Soldatos and I. Dukhachek. Prior to this, during the academic debate of the late 1970s and early 1980s (which were associated with the changes in relations between the federal authorities and the authorities of the state entities in the field of foreign relations), the concept of "micro-diplomacy" was used. The author of the term “micro-diplomacy” is also considered I. Dukhachek, who subsequently replaced it with the term “para-diplomacy”. This transition was due to the fact that the prefix “para-” more accurately conveys the meaning behind it: the activities of the regions, running parallel and in addition to the activities of the central government in the field of diplomacy [7. P. 76].

Since the state continues to be the main actor in diplomacy, the system of foreign relations of the regions has been called paradiplomacy [14. P. 668].

In 1984, the city of Birmingham (Great Britain) became the pioneer of the new architecture of regional paradiplomacy. The municipal council of this city decided to open its representative office in the city of Brussels (Belgium). This example was followed by the municipalities and federal lands of Germany. In addition, regions experiencing tensions with their own government (as a result of disagreements or claims for greater autonomy than is stipulated by national legislation) were among the first to establish their representative offices in Brussels. Among them – the Catalans and Basques (both representative offices were not of an official nature, as this would contradict the Spanish state laws), representative offices of Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. It should be noted that the regions that enjoy greater autonomy and are endowed with greater legislative powers are more actively involved in activities at the level of the European Union [14. Pp. 668-669].

Based on the above definitions of paradiplomacy in political science, it becomes possible to distinguish its following main features: 1) paradiplomacy is carried out by territorial units (subjects) of the state (in particular, regions of states); 2) it is limited by the prerogative of the state to exercise external sovereignty, international relations of the regions should not contradict the interests of the state itself (should not affect the external sovereignty of the country); 3) paradiplomacy is controlled by the state in the person of the competent authorities to prevent separatism, to draw up the idea of the international relations of its regions, to prevent the financial insolvency of its regions; 4) it is embodied by the authorities of the regions of the state, created to ensure international and foreign economic relations [11. P. 17].

In addition, the most important feature of paradiplomacy is the fact that the regions of the states themselves cannot conclude international treaties. In other words, the regions do not have the authority to carry out completely independent and center-independent political cooperation in the international arena. As a rule, the scope of competence of the center and regions regarding relations in the international arena is delimited and enshrined in the Constitutions and relevant regulatory legal acts.

In the modern world, interstate relations are characterized by diversity and multi-vector nature, as well as the presence of various levels of government.

In the system of international relations, a multi-level structure is clearly visible, which includes a variety of types of international relations. In the foreign policy of states, a regional dimension can be traced, affecting, to a certain extent, the foreign policy of the state [3. P. 57]. Regions of the states get the opportunity to make contacts in the fields of economics and trade, science, ecology, culture, education, sports and a number of other areas [12. P. 65]. The exception is the political level, which is the prerogative of the state itself.

Summing up, it can be noted that at present, the question of the content of the concept of “paradiplomacy” remains debatable. The analysis of various theoretical approaches allows, within the framework of this study, to determine diplomacy as a system of external relations of state regions [14. P. 668].

Modern paradiplomacy is an essential element in a complex and multifaceted mechanism for the implementation of both bilateral and multilateral relations between states. Thanks to paradiplomacy, bilateral relations at the political interstate level are being strengthened and become more diverse, meaningful and dynamic. Paradiplomacy proves that interstate political relations are becoming more durable and effective. In addition, the implementation of interregional relations contributes to the achievement of strategic goals and objectives formulated in the most important conceptual documents of the states.


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