Procedure for reviewing manuscripts submitted to the editorial office of the scientific journal “POLITICAL SCIENCE ISSUES”
Manuscripts of all articles submitted to the editorial board are subject to mandatory double blind review. The reviews are carried out by candidates or doctors of sciences specializing in the issues raised in the article. The author or co-author of the reviewed work cannot be its reviewer.
Each manuscript submitted to the editorial office is sent to a member of the Editorial Board or a reviewer who specialize in the topic of the article.
Reviews are discussed by the editorial board and serve as a basis for accepting or rejecting the manuscript. Each review should be signed by the reviewer stating his/her surname, first name and patronymic, the date of the review, the academic degree, academic title and position of the reviewer.
The reviews should objectively evaluate the article and contain a comprehensive analysis of its scientific and methodological advantages and disadvantages. The reviews are supposed to include the following provisions:
– relevance of the submitted article;
– scientific novelty of the research considered in the article;
– significance of the results obtained by the author for the further development of theory and practice in the field of knowledge under consideration;
– the quality of the article design: style, terminology, and wording.
The review should contain reasonable conclusions about the manuscript as a whole and a clear recommendation on the expediency of its publication in the journal or the need for its revision.
If the manuscript does not meet one or more criteria, the reviewer indicates in the review the need to finalize the article and gives recommendations to the author to improve the manuscript (indicating the inaccuracies and errors made by the author). The editorial board informs the author of the review result. Articles modified by the author are re-sent for review to the same reviewer who made critical comments, or to another at the discretion of the editorial board.
If the author does not agree with the reviewer's comments, he/she may apply for a second review or withdraw the article.
The final decision on the expediency of publication after review is made by the editorial board.
The editorial board of the journal does not keep manuscripts that are not accepted for publication. Manuscripts accepted for publication are not returned.
The editorial board sends copies of reviews or a substantiated refusal to the authors of the submitted materials, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation when a corresponding request is received by the editorial board of the journal. The reviews are kept at the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.
N.P. Medvedev,
Editor-in Chief, DSc (political science), professor