№ 1 (53), 2020
ADOUNDE YAOVI SYLVESTER – Рost-graduate student, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Republic of Benin.
ANIKIN D.A. – Associate Professor of the Department of history and theory of politics, Moscow State University, candidate of philosophical sciences, docent, Moscow, Russia.
BARSUKOV A.M. – Candidate of Sciences (political sciences), Deputy Dean of the Department of politics and international relations of the Siberian Institute of Management, branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Novosibirsk, Russia.
BUBNOV A.YU. – Associate Professor of the Department of history and theory of politics, Moscow State University, candidate of philosophical sciences, docent, Moscow, Russia.
CHERNIKOVA D.A. – Laboratory assistant of the Department of constitutional and legal studies of the Krasnodar branch of the Institute of globalization problems, student of Kuban state agrarian university named after I.T. Trubilina, Krasnodar, Russia.
DELGADO A.A. – Master Student of the Department of History and Archeology, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
DONTSOV N.V. – Undergraduate, Russian State Social University, St. Petersburg, Russia.
DOSAEVA D.M. – Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of History, The Chair of the History of Political Parties and Political Movements, Moscow, Russia.
EGOROVA E.YU. – Laboratory assistant of the Department of constitutional and legal studies of the Krasnodar branch of the Institute of globalization problems, student of Kuban state agrarian university named after I.T. Trubilina, Krasnodar, Russia.
ENTINA E.G. – Candidate of Sciences (Politics), Associate Professor of National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia.
FOMENKO S.S. – PhD in Political sciences, associate professor, Department of philosophy, social sciences and journalism, Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets, Russia.
GALIMULLINA D.I. – Post-graduate student, Department of Diplomacy and Consular Services, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
GONCHAROV V.V. – Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the department of state and international law, Kuban state agrarian university named after I.T. Trubilina, Krasnodar, Russia.
GRITSAY D.V. – Student of Kuban state agrarian university named after I.T. Trubilina, laboratory assistant of the department of constitutional and legal studies of the Krasnodar branch of the Institute of globalization problems, Kuban state agrarian university named after I.T. Trubilina, Krasnodar, Russia.
GRITSENKO R.A. – Master Student of the Department of International Relations, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
GUSARSKAYA T.A. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia.
IBRAGIMOV S.R. – Post-graduate student of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RF, Moscow, Russia.
KASEMS M.F. – Graduate student, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia.
KISHUYEVA I.A. – Graduate Student, International Relations Dept., RSHU, The National Union оf Political Scientists (Member), Moscow, Russia.
KOC SEVGİ – Post-graduate, Saint-Petersburg state University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
KURBONOVA Z.M. – Candidate of political sciences, Doctoral candidate of Philosophy, Political Science and Law named after A. Bahouddinov, AS RT, Associated Professor of the TSUC, World Economy & IR Department, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan.
КUZMIN A.G. – Candidate of Sciences (political sciences), Associate Professor at the Chair of social work of Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin, Syktyvkar, Russia.
LANTSOV S.A. – Dr.Sci.(Pol.Sci.), Professor of the Department of International Political Processes, School of Political Science Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
МAAZOV U.S. – Post-graduate student working for the candidate’s degree at the Chair of national and federative relations, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.
МAGADIEV M.F. – Candidate of Sciences (sociology), Associate Professor at the Chair of public administration and national security of the Institute of law and national security, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.
MAKHMADOV A.N. – Doctor of Political Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Academy sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe.
МЕKHDIEV E.T. – Candidate of Sciences (history), leading researcher at the Center for analysis, risk management and financial control in the digital space of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
MIRALAYEVA S.R. – Graduate Student, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia.
NAZAROV V.P. – Candidate of Sciences (political sciences), working for the doctoral degree at the Chair of political theory, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Foreign Ministry of RF, Moscow, Russia.
NAZAROV A.D. – Professor, Doctor of Sciences (history), Deputy Head of the Chair for scientific work at the Chair of advertising and public relations, Institute of foreign languages of the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow, Russia.
NAZAROVA E.A. – Professor, Doctor of Sciences (sociology), Chair of Sociology, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Foreign Ministry of RF, Moscow, Russia.
NA ZHAO – Post-graduate, Department of political science of the East, Lomonosov Moscow state University, Moscow, Russia.
NECHIPORENKO V.S. – Doctor of Sciences (history), Professor at the Chair of public administration and national security of the Institute of law and national security, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.
NOSIKOV A.A. – Post-graduate student working for the candidate’s degree at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.
OKUN M.V. – Post-graduate of the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
PROKOPCHUK D.D. – Master Student of the Department of International Relations, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
PRYAKHIN V.F. – D.Sc. (political science), Professor (International Relations Dept., RSHU), Professor (Diplomacy Dept., MGIMO-University), Moscow, Russia.
PUSTOVOIT YU.A. – Candidate of Sciences (political sciences), Associate Professor at the Chair of political science and technology of the Siberian Institute of Management, branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Novosibirsk, Russia.
PYZH V.V. – Doctor of political science, head Department of social and humanitarian disciplines national state University physical culture, sports and health named after P.F. Lesgaft, expert of the Commission on defense and security Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the CIS member States, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
RODIONOVA M.E. – Candidate of Science in Sociology, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Director Center for European studies, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
ROGOVAYA P.I. – Student of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia.
SHULENINA N.V. – Candidate of Sciences (political sciences), Associate Professor at the Chair of political analysis and management, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
SHULGA E.P. – PhD in History, associated professor, Head of Social-Humanitarian Department Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut, Russia.
TOLOCHKO A.V. – PhD in Political sciences, associate professor, Department of philosophy, social sciences and journalism, Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets, Russia.
TUSHKOV A.A. – Professor, Department of International Relations and Law, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, Vladivostok, Russia.
VAKILOVA V.R. – Post-graduate, Institute of Philosophy RAS, Moscow, Russia.
VOSСRESENSKY F.A. – Researcher, Laboratory of Political and Legal Studies, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
VRACHEV V.A. – Student of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia.
ZHURAVLEV O.V. – Rear Admiral, head of the Pacific higher naval school S.O. Makarova, Vladivostok, Russia.
ZUBOREVA M.A. – Рost-graduate student at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of the Contract department at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow, Russia.