Academic journal “Political Science Issues”. Volume 13, Issue 3 (91), 2023
Pusko V.S. Theory and Practice of Political Violence
Chemshit A.A. The State as a Form of Political Existence of Society in the History of Chinese Political Thought
Kondratenko E.N., Santrosyan A.G. Etymological Phenomenon of the Concept "Business Elite"
Budarin Ya.S. Ideologies as the Conceptual Basis of the State
Savelyeva A.D. Historical Background for the Formation and Development of Civil Activism in Russia
Gadzhiev M.M. The Phenomenon of Cultural Extremism in Russia: Theoretical Concept and Real Manifestations
Kondratenko E.N., Santrosyan H.G. Agents and Mechanisms of Political Socialization of Youth In Modern Russia
Koroleva-Konoplyanaya G.I. The Paradoxes of Democracy
Khoperskaya L.L. Relocants from Russia – 2022: A Social, Psychological and Political Phenomenon
Xuguang Liu. Research on the Systematic Construction of the CPC's Intra-Party Laws and Regulations in the New Era
Novoselsky S.O., Moiseeva O.A., Filippova O.A. Communication Policy of the Executive Authorities with the Population in Social Networks
Adams O.Yu., Akhtamzyan N.A. China’s Villagers’ Committees: Grassroots Self-Governance System Experience and Improvement
Novoselsky S.O., Kuraev A.N., Grunina O.A. Analysis of the Implementation of State Policy in the Sphere of Inter-Religious Dialogue
Tuzovskiy A.S. Hazard/Security Policy in the Structure of GR-Activities of Corporations in the Siberian Federal District
Samosyuk A.A. Sources of Threats to Russia's Internal Military Security in Modern Conditions
Sitnik I.E. The Role of Social Networks in the Formation of Federal Recognition of Municipal Level Politicians
Davydova N.S. From "Democratic Transit" to Modern Russian Party Democracy. The Concept of "Party-Electoral Aggregation"
Cheban A.A. Features of the Formation of the Global Digital Ideology in a Networked Society: A Political Analysis
Ilyushin P.S. Essential Principles of Political and Legal Status of Religious Associations in Russia
Liu Qi. Dynamics of the Development of Socio-Humanitarian Technologies in the Context of Information Warfare
Sergeev A.S. Moralization and Using Grievances: Psychological Tools of Populist Political Mobilization
Gerasimenko A.A. Sociological Centers as a Tool for Assessing the Influence of the Media on Political Transformations in Modern Russia
Lyalikov A.A. Conceptual Foundations and Priorities for Implementing the Policy of Digitalization of the Economy
Maximova S.A. Activation of Political Behavior of Youth as a Form of Implementation of Primary Prevention of Drug Addiction (by the Example of St. Petersburg)
Muravykh A.I., Nikitenko E.G. Hot Phase of the World War
Choi Jae Duk. A Study on the Change of International Order in the Ukrainian War and the Age of U.S.-China Hegemony
Tushkov A.A., Omelyanenko S.Yu. Russia and Realpolitik in the Modern Digital Environment and Legal Field: from Duopoly and Oligopoly to International Regulation in a New Technological Cycle
Popova N.V. US Global Technological Hegemony and Measures to Protect It
Kozhukhova K.E., Volkov D.A. Colonial Strategic Culture of the Netherlands: Retrospective and Current State
Kudryashova D.A. The Struggle for the Post-Soviet Space: West, Russia, Turkey
Lomakin A.S. The Rise of Militarism in German Political Discourse: Myth or Reality?
Maslova K.V. Theoretical Approaches to Understanding the Role of Culture in World Politics: Discourse Analysis
Maiorova M.A. Turkey in the Post-Soviet Space – Leader or Hegemon?
Toro Nesterenko Ya.S., Sakhan Yu.V. Analysis of the Activities of the UN Mission in the Republic of Haiti and its Contribution to the Stabilization of the Situation in the Country
Wang Yang. Some Trends in Reforming the Education of the Russian Federation and China as a Component of a Strategic Partnership
Gao Ye. Formation of the Information Policy of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Countering Cyberterrorism
Guo Fanli. The Russian Approach to Information Warfare
Karnaukhova E.A. The Crisis of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime: Really Existing Fact or Just Rhetoric? Part II
Li Yawen, Mao Shuo. China's Role in BRICS
Klimova A.S. Counterterrorism Strategy as Top Tier Priority of the United Kingdom National Security Policy (2010-2023)
Lazarev A.A. Features of the Formation of the Image of Olaf Scholz in the Context of the Bundestag Elections in 2021
Mareai Yussef Abdo Saleh Mutanna. The Implications of Ethnic Conflict in the Tigrai Region of Ethiopia for the Future of Regional Security in the Horn of African
Samuseva O.A. Innovative Cooperation Between Russia and China
Stenko A.I. Legislative and Institutional Basis for US Foreign Policy in the Framework of Promoting the Concept of International Religious Freedom
Chegodar N.D. Political Communication in Modern International Relations on the Example of the European Union
Zakirov B.B. Contribution of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to the Settlement of the Afghan Crisis
Zvereva V.S. Specific Features of Ensuring Political Stability in the Republic of Cuba
Mohammad Anwar Baktash, Rezai Romal. Factors for the Restoration of the Taliban Power after 21 Years in Afghanistan and the Role of Major Countries of the Region
Saparbekova D.S. Socio-Political Content of the Khabar TV Channel in the Implementation of the State Information Policy of Kazakhstan
Kovalenko D.S., Kopytina E.A., Sushkevich M.A. Digitalisation of the Russian Energy Sector in the Context of Government-Business Interaction
Allenova A.S. The Specificity of Anti-Russian Orientation of Political Discourse in Modern Germany
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.001
V.S. PUSKO Doctor of philosophy, professor, Moscow, Russia
The article reveals the essence, the nature of violence as a social phenomenon in the life of the society, the peculiarities of political violence, its main characteristics and types, the causes of violence in different conditions of transformation of social relations. It is proved that in the modern period of society development socio-political violence is becoming more sophisticated by the use of social engineering techniques, information technology, military-political pressure on the society, the possibility of manipulating the consciousness of the broad masses of the population.
Key words: violence, social violence, political violence, political sings asilia, types of violence, institute of violence.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.002
A.A. CHEMSHIT D.Sc. (political science), Professor, Professor at the Department of Political Science and Philosophy, Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations, Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia
The article is a retrospective look at the essence and most important functions of the state. As an example, the ideas of Chinese political thinkers and statesmen on the relationship of the individual, society and power are chosen. In this regard, the doctrines, concepts and teachings of Confucius, Shang Yang, Deng Xiaoping, Kang Yuwei, Sun Yat-sen are involved. The author reveals specifically Chinese ideas about what is Due and What Exists in the worldview, about the "Tao" as the path of human life merging with the path of the universe, about a single goal for the state and the ruler, about the role of Law and Ritual in public life, about the movement from turmoil to higher harmony through order, about social justice, about mobilization political participation. The factor of political wisdom of the past in the modernization of the modern Chinese state is noted.
Key words: Xiaokan (small prosperity), datong (great unity), fa (law), Li (ritual), Confucianism, Legalism, Chaos (Juiluan), Becoming calm (Shengping), Great Calm (Taiping).
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.003
E.N. KONDRATENKO Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Ethnopolitics of the South Russian Institute of Management, a branch of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Done, Russia
A.G. SANTROSYAN Post-graduate student of the South-Russian Institute of Management, a branch of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Done, Russia
This article analyzes the etymology of the category "business elite". It is shown that this term originates from the category of "elite". Since ancient times, thinkers have been interested in this issue, and each scientist approached its interpretation from his own scientific position. As for modern Russia, the article reveals a versatile approach of the authors to the interpretation of the category of "business elite" and is explained by the fact that in its formation and development it went through several stages that influenced the content characteristics, among them: the Komsomol stage, demonstrating the exit of the elite businessmen from the party nomenklatura; the stage of privatization of the banking sector, within which a new pool of business elite was formed; the next stage is financial and industrial, which led to the creation of large-scale financial and industrial groups; a bright stage in the development of the business elite was the financial and oligarchic stage, in which there was a progressive merger of large capitals and state institutions; finally, state-corporate, manifested in the regulation of the business elite by the state.
Key words: elite, business elite, etymology, category, phenomenon, political science, study of elites, social inequality, upper stratum of society, special qualities, power resources.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.004
YA.S. BUDARIN Student, Institute of Public Service and Management, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Today, the information society has become an everyday reality of mankind. The next step for civilization is the formation of a knowledge society. The world Report of the specialized agency of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization "Towards Knowledge societies", published back in 2005, interprets the general dynamics of the formation of prerequisites for the formation of the information society and the knowledge society. It reflects the distinctive features of human development. The modern path of human development is closely linked by the institutions of the state, where the state acts as an instrument for consolidating the efforts of individual people for the benefit of the actors of state-building.
A retrospective analysis of the chronology of the formation of various states of the world defines one common feature. All countries of the world, to one degree or another, "are fighting internecine wars for control over resources." This is due to the factors of "human existence", while the general pattern in this situation is the quintessence of management systems, which is revealed in the imposition of a different management model on conquered/competing peoples/civilizations. The international agenda clearly emphasizes this.
The article considers the issue of positioning some ideological trends and their general patterns from the standpoint of morality. It is assumed that the knowledge society is a world of high morality and culture of society, where a person strives for the unknown and knowledge. State institutions of power in this case act as a cognitive regulator, and legal and technical tools allow creating a zone of absolute trust between a citizen and authorities of all degrees. It is determined that the current path of human development is a person in the chaos of information noise, who is not considered as a self – sufficient individual.
Key words: knowledge society, information society, the state of the future, ideology, actor, information noise, religious confessions.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.005
A.D. SAVELYEVA Postgraduate student of the Department of Russian Politics, Faculty of Political Science, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
The analysis of questions of the history of the study of civic activism is complicated by the fact that at all times the concept of activity in all spheres of human activity has a huge number of synonyms. At the same time, many scientists perceive civic activism in different ways, from different points of view, putting different definitions and trends into this concept. Very often, civic activity is equated in semantic terms with the concept of social activity. In the article, the author examines the history of the emergence and formation of the concept of civic activism and civic activity, the influence of historical events on the formation of the very concept of civic activism.
Key words: civil activism, activity, politicization, political activism.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.006
M.M. GADZHIEV Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences, Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Russia
The prevention of extremism is an essential component of the work in the field of national security of the country. The article reveals some of the main forms of extremism, such as religious-political, ethno-social, economic, pseudoscientific, and others, and provides examples. The main content of the article is devoted to the disclosure of the essence and diversity of manifestations of cultural extremism in the country, especially in the North Caucasus and Dagestan. Numerous concrete examples, are given to prove that cultural extremism takes place and sometimes takes on quite acute forms. It is shown that the manifestations of cultural extremism are more difficult to combat, since it manifests itself among more literate and intellectually savvy people and does not have open ideologically organized forms, as in the case of religious and political extremism. The article considers the current law of the Russian Federation and the draft new law on culture, which notes all the mechanisms for overcoming extremism in culture, and which clearly emphasize the primacy of the rights and freedoms of an individual creative person. Extremism in the sphere of culture in Russia, in particular, is aimed at publicly discrediting traditional values with the help of a wide variety of arts and cultural creativity. As will be shown, the meaning of extremism in the sphere of culture is to belittle the role and significance of these values, to demonstrate their relativistic nature by demonstrating to society their own “creative courage”, “extraordinary”, “original”. The targets of "cultural" actions are such symbols and meanings as the feelings of believers, interethnic relations, historical memory, etc. The most important reason for the emergence of extremism in the sphere of culture is that socio-cultural norms begin to lose their socio-regulatory functions. As a result, there is a conflict of "new" and "old" norms, the result of which may be the replacement of outdated norms with new ones, accompanied by manifestations of sociocultural extremism.
Key words: extremism, religious and political extremism, cultural extremism, human rights and freedoms, national security, radicalism, North Caucasus, Dagestan.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.007
E.N. KONDRATENKO Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Ethnopolitics of the South Russian Institute of Management-Branch of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Done, Russia
H.G. SANTROSYAN Postgraduate student of the South Russian Institute of Management-RANEPA branch under the President of the Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Done, Russia
This article analyzes the activities of agents and mechanisms of political socialization of youth in modern Russia. The agency structure consisting of the education system, family, mass media, army, religious and socio-political organizations is singled out. It has been revealed that an increase in the share of civic and socio-political activity in the ranks of young people will be the key to the intensive and stable development of Russia. In this regard, one of the priority tasks of the state is the political socialization of such a social group as youth. This phenomenon is very interesting and has a deep socially important aspect. Thus, it can be considered that youth as a social group constitutes a huge social layer for the internal political situation in the country. The future of the country, its political course largely depends on the political sentiments among the youth, its model of political socialization. Therefore, the political socialization of youth is one of the most important transformational directions of the political actions of the existing government in any state. The agents and mechanisms of political socialization, their study, are primarily aimed at forming a new political reality by creating and ensuring the political socialization of young people, preventing their apoliticality as a social group, eradicating anti-government and anti-patriotic sentiments. That is why it is important to study practical methods of political socialization of youth as one of the models of socialization in modern political realities.
Key words: political socialization, citizenship, education system, family, mass media, army, church, socio-political organizations.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.008
G.I. KOROLEVA-KONOPLYANAYA Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Humanities and Natural Sciences “Moscow Institute of Economics” (NOCHU VO MEI), Moscоw, Russia
Democracy today is the fundamental principle the life of an developed state. However the conceptual diversity, the interpretation of the values of democracy and the extent of participation of the native masses in democratic governance is still the subject of discussion. In his article, the author tried to trace the development of democracy from its inception to the present day, to comprehend them in theoretical and practical terms. Churchill’s words, taken by us as epigraph, perfectly emphasize the contradictions between democracy as an ideal and real content.
The relevance of the topic is also connected with current events in the world and with the almost complete as crediting of the so-called “reference” liberal democracy, proclaimed at one time by Western countries.
Key words: ancient democracy, ideals of freedom and equality, liberal democracy, political parties as a symbol of democracy, parliamentarism.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.009
L.L. KHOPERSKAYA Doctor of political sciences, professor, Director of the Center for Eurasian Studies Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
The article is devoted to the problem of relocation from Russia, which arose as a result of the start of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine in 2022. Real statistical data and fakes about emigration flows are analyzed, psychological characteristics of relocators based on a sense of fear and social irresponsibility are revealed. A review of domestic and foreign scientific and journalistic studies of the problem is presented, the ideological meaning of Western support for relocants as carriers of alternative ideas about Russia and participants in political processes after the “regime change” is outlined. The "types" of anti-Russian activism of the emigrant community in Kyrgyzstan are shown. The reaction of the authorities and society of the host states to the threats emanating from relocants is considered. Based on the materials of the Kyrgyz Republic, the myth of the mass migration of IT specialists to this country is debunked, and the influence of “digital nomadism” on the erosion of civic identity is shown. The arguments of the problematic return of relocants to Russia are presented.
Key words: Special military operation, relocators, cowardly emigration, Western support, digital nomadism, moral assessment of relocators.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.010
XUGUANG LIU School of Maxism, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China
The purpose of this study is to explain the context and achievements of the systematic construction of the CPC's intra-party laws and regulations in the new era. The article focuses on the summary of the relevant research results of the Chinese domestic academia since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and in-depth analysis of which is not lack of tit-for-tat argument. By sorting out the context of the systematic construction of the CPC's intra party laws and regulations in the new era, the researchers can provide theoretical support for in-depth understanding of the theoretical and practical achievements of the CPC in governing the party by system and by rules, and enrich the research on party governance.
Key words: CPC (Communist Party of China), New era, Intra-Party laws and regulations, Systematic construction.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.011
S.O. NOVOSELSKY Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Research Center for the Study of the History and Development of World Civilizations of the ANO VO «University of World Civilizations named after I.I. V.V. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia
O.A. MOISEEVA Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Technology K.G. Razumovsky «(PKU)», Moscow, Russia
O.A. FILIPPOVA Postgraduate student, Moscow State University of Technology K.G. Razumovsky «(PKU)», Moscow, Russia
Introduction: communication between the executive authorities and the population is a targeted policy to disclose the results of their activities and receive a feedback assessment of its effectiveness from representatives of civil society. In the current market conditions of information policy, social networks are a relevant tool for communication between executive authorities and the population, the possibilities of which must be used to expand the information potential to improve the efficiency of the management mechanism at the state and municipal levels. The use of social networks in the existing information field is multifunctional and has a significant impact on the formation of public opinion on certain issues of socio-economic development. Thus, we can conclude that social networks are large-scale information technologies capable of manipulating public consciousness.
Purpose and objectives: the purpose of the work is to study the features and potential of the communication policy of executive authorities with the population in social networks. Achieving this goal required solving the following list of tasks: to reveal the essence and role of social networks in the communication policy of executive authorities, to characterize the basic principles of using social networks for communications between authorities and the population, to analyze the use of social networks to establish communications between executive authorities and the population of the Kursk region.
Methods: when performing the study, historical, comparative, statistical, analytical, expert, monographic methods, as well as survey and questioning methods were used.
Results: the paper presents the results of a study of the role and intensity of the use of social networks in the formation of a sustainable communication policy of the executive authorities with the population of the Kursk region based on an analysis of the engagement rates, communication activity and communication interest of subscribers.
Conclusions: within the framework of the existing socio-economic formation, social networks are a relevant tool for building effective communications between authorities and the population, which should be used as actively as possible to broadcast information, educational and propaganda content based on the adaptation of the principles of accessibility, feedback, involvement and relevance. The main focus of the use of social networks should be aimed at improving the efficiency of the functioning of public authorities and reducing the level of social tension in society.
Key words: social networks, power, population, communication policy, information content, involvement, feedback, communication activity.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.012
O.YU. ADAMS Assistant Professor Department of Asian Political Studies School of Global Studies of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
N.A. AKHTAMZYAN Senior Researcher Department of Asian Political Studies School of Global Studies of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The article analyzes China’s experience in developing the grassroots self-governance system which to this day is regarded as the embodiment of ‘people’s democracy’ and is represented by villagers’ committees. The self-governance is analyzed in the context of law-making process: designing and updating ‘Organic Law of Villagers’ Committees of People’s Republic of China’. The article also points out gradual turn to strengthening of party control over self-governance system both in countryside and in cities which is likely to accelerate after the Twentieth CPC Congress.
Key words: PRC grassroots self-governance system, villagers’ committees, ‘Organic Law of Villagers’ Committees of People’s Republic of China’, grassroots party organizations, party control, people’s governments.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.013
S.O. NOVOSELSKY Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Research Center for the Study of the History and Development of World Civilizations of the ANO VO «University of World Civilizations named after I.I. V.V. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia
A.N. KURAEV Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow State Technical University named after M.V. K.G. Razumovsky "(PKU)", Moscow, Russia
O.A. GRUNINA Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow State Technical University (branch) K.G. Razumovsky "(PKU)", Moscow, Russia
Introduction: interreligious dialogue is a tool for achieving cultural integration. In the modern world, culture closely intersects with religion, which forms the basis of social development. Reaching agreement between representatives of different religions on fundamental issues forms a fertile ground for cultural exchange, which holds the population of the country together into a single monolithic element. The authors see the use of interreligious dialogue to achieve cultural integration in the creation of a nationwide system for the preservation of the spiritual and cultural values of all confessions, the harmonious development of the cultural heritage of religious associations, the systematic conduct of nationwide events for spiritual and cultural exchange, the cultivation of cultural tolerance towards representatives of all religious movements present in public environment in Russia.
Purpose and objectives: the purpose of the work is to analyze the implementation of state policy in the field of interreligious dialogue. Achieving this goal becomes a consequence of solving the following list of tasks: to assess the problems of interreligious dialogue in the city of Moscow, to characterize the organization of interreligious dialogue in the cities of the Republic of Crimea, to describe the features of the implementation of interreligious dialogue in the Kursk region, to analyze the dynamics of the state of interreligious dialogue based on the index of religious tolerance.
Methods: when performing the study, historical, comparative, statistical, analytical, expert, monographic methods, as well as survey and questioning methods were used.
Results: the paper presents the results of an analysis of the implementation of state policy in the field of interreligious dialogue, the status of which was diagnosed using the index of religious tolerance in Moscow, the Republic of Crimea and the Kursk region.
Conclusions: the implementation of the state religious policy in the Russian Federation should be proactive and focused on building the highest quality interreligious dialogue. The formation of a proactive state religious policy should take place on the basis of a systematic analysis of current criteria, indicators, indicators of the sphere of interreligious dialogue, taking into account the regional specifics of each subject.
Key words: state policy, interreligious dialogue, civil society, religion, religious policy, religious tolerance.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.014
A.S. TUZOVSKIY Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management, Siberian Institute of Management, Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Novosibirsk, Russia
The article discusses the problem of choosing, within the framework of interaction with public authorities in the Siberian Federal District, strategies and tactics that are provocative or destabilizing. Based on the local regulations of GR subjects on sustainable development, ESG communications and compliance, the driving motives for aberrant business behavior were clarified. The desire of corporations to survive, coupled with an adaptive attitude to risk, is seen as a threat to a society striving for progressive development.
Key words: GR, lobbying, security policy, ESG-agenda, compliance.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.015
A.A. SAMOSYUK Research Associate, Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
The purpose of the article is to analyze the nature of threats to the internal military security of the Russian state in modern conditions. To achieve this goal, the article solves the tasks of analyzing the general context of the development of the modern geopolitical situation. Based on the use of methods of political analysis, the fact of weakening the methods of direct military confrontation between states is stated, which dictates the need to use means of influencing the domestic political situation. Taking into account these factors redefines the rethinking of approaches to understanding the sources of threats to internal military security that require a new understanding of this category. The proposed understanding of threats to internal military security can contribute to the improvement of military-political management in this area.
Key words: internal military security, threats, geopolitics, world order.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.016
I.E. SITNIK Leading Specialist, Autonomous Non-Profit Organization «Dialog Regions», Moscow, Russia
The number of Russian politicians who maintain personal pages on social networks is increasing every year. This is facilitated by both the society's request for an open dialogue with the authorities, and the digitalization course proclaimed at the federal level. The rapid growth in 2022 was shown by the statistics of the presence of politicians at the municipal level in social networks. In this regard, the question of the influence of social networks on the career of a municipal politician, including one of the important indicators – the level of recognition, becomes relevant. The purpose of the study is to assess how social networks can influence the formation of federal recognition of a politician at the municipal level. The author analyzed the connection between the media activity of mayors in social networks and the level of recognition within the municipality using the examples of the mayors of Ivanovo and Voronezh. The typical content of social networks of heads of municipalities is considered. Examples of the phenomena of the all-Russian recognition of city mayors are considered on the examples of the cities of Vologda and Yakutsk, the patterns that influenced the growth of recognition are highlighted. The following factors have been identified that allow municipal politicians to become recognizable among a wide audience throughout the country: non-standard behavior for their position, persistent memorable images, viral content involving politicians, and the use of humor.
Key words: social networks, politics, awareness, municipal level politicians.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.017
N.S. DAVYDOVA South-Russia Institute of Management – branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
The article presents the results of the analysis of the theories of democracy, democratic transit in correlation with the specifics of Russian party genesis. As a theoretical and methodological "know-how", the concept of party-electoral aggregation was proposed, which etymologically and conceptually-methodologically focuses research interest on the attributes of modern parties and their innovative electoral function – the function of forming, in accordance with public demand, aggregation and articulation of citizens' interests in order to conduct appropriate policies at the state level, acting as a mediator institution between citizens and political power.
Key words: political system, parties, democracy, democratic transit, pathogenesis, elections, party-electoral aggregation.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.018
A.A. CHEBAN Postgraduate student of the Department of Public Policy of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
A significant number of modern researchers of the digitalization process are unanimous in the fact that a new global ideology is being formed today. In addition to technological changes in the socio-political structure, transformation processes are taking place at the paradigmatic and axiological levels of the human worldview. A number of digitalization trends are manifested on a global scale. At the same time, the process of forming a digital ideology differs from country to country.
The purpose of this study is to determine the features of the global ideology of digitalization. In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks were set within the framework of this study: to perform the following tasks: to determine the modern digital ideology; to analyze the concepts not only of the prisms of the study of the digitalization process, but also of the network society. The paper analyzes such concepts as techno-optimism, technoscepticism, alarmism, network society, rhizomatic society.
The result of the study is the definition of digital ideology as not unified and not fully global. This is explained by the peculiarities of the development of the modern information society and the presence of inequality in the implementation of digital technologies. In addition to the technological aspect, the process of forming a digital ideology is also influenced by cultural, political, economic and other elements, which in turn are influenced by implemented technologies. The formation of a digital ideology is not over, and not final, due to ongoing technological progress.
Key words: digital ideology, network society, rhizomatic society, digital worldview, digital capital, virtualization.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.019
P.S. ILYUSHIN PhD student (Political Science) Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Moscow, Russia
In the recent history of Russia, the policy in the sphere of state-confessional relations has changed significantly. This change inevitably affected the political and legal status of religious associations.
The article examines the legislatively fixed position of religious associations in the Russian Federation and their permissible activities, including in cooperation with the state. The study is based on the analysis of the legal framework concerning state-confessional relations, as well as on the study of the activities of authorities engaged in interaction with religious associations.
The political and legal status of religious associations in Russia is based on the following principles: the confessional neutral nature of the state and its institutions, the equality of religious associations before the law and the close interaction of religious associations with state institutions of different levels. These principles are written in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Freedom of Conscience and on Religious Associations", as well as other statutory acts. Legislation in the field of state-confessional relations contributes to promoting cooperation between the state and religious associations in a number of different areas implemented to strengthen social stability in society.
Key words: religious association, state-confessional relations, secular state, legal equality, cooperation.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.020
LIU QI Postgraduate student of the Department of Global Social Processes and Youth Work Faculty of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
With the rapid development of information network technology, modern warfare has entered a new era of global live broadcasts, universal participation and territory-wide coverage, and all major countries in the world have incorporated warfare with the press and public opinion into new fighting styles. Although the construction of the public opinion warfare function in our armed forces is constantly evolving and improving, there are still problems such as unclear strategic status, not new concepts, poor integration between the military and the people, lack of professional talent, etc.
In information warfare, public opinion warfare has a special status as an important form of national political, diplomatic and military struggle, an effective means of asymmetric warfare, an important action throughout the process of network warfare and a relatively independent and important style of political struggle, playing the indispensable role of "regulator" of military power, influencing the success or failure of both sides and an important key to victory in war.
Key words: modern warfare, press and public opinion, mass media.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.021
A.S. SERGEEV Postgraduate student of the Department of Political Science, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
The subject of the research presented in the article is the methods of political mobilization, which are often used by politicians with populist rhetoric. The main goal of this article is to describe how the feeling of grievance towards some actions of the authorities in the past affect the moral state of society in the present and how this moral state of society is being used by populist leaders and movements. Comparison of consequentialist, deontological moral standards and the third standard that can be called "moral accounting for approach" (Lakoff) leads to the conclusion that the use of morality is a very effective way of political mobilization, and "raising old wounds" to emphasize the feeling of discontent is a form of moralizing, actively used by politicians who use the rhetoric of populism. Politicians pursuing a populist strategy seek to use grievance to mobilize and stimulate political support. The ability to use past grievances and discontent to build political mobilization on its basis makes it attractive to politicians, but focusing on grievance in the way of a political strategy has two clear costs: it might be used to legitimize undemocratic means of achieving political power, and its use can lead to political conflicts.
Key words: populism, political mobilization, grievance, Moralization.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.022
A.А. GERASIMENKO Graduate student, University of World Civilizations named after V.V. Zhirinovsky, Omsk, Russia
Opinion polls conducted by sociological centers in Russia are a key source of information about the mood of the masses, their political position, problems and preferences of various fields of activity, not excluding politics. In turn, the media act as a guide between the published research results of sociological centers and the population of the country, bringing information to them. Only properly communicated information can show the true attitude of the population to the political transformations taking place at the present stage. However, at the stage of broadcasting media information, various kinds of problems arise when they use falsification of data, substitution of concepts, which requires a more thorough study of this issue and finding ways to solve them in order to form correct ideas about political activity among the population of the country. The purpose of the study is to assess the influence of mass media on political transformations in Russia by broadcasting the results of opinion polls by sociological centers. Research objectives: to consider the main sources of obtaining information about the results of polls for the mass media; to determine the attitude of the population of the country to public opinion polls conducted by sociological centers in terms of political transformations; to determine the degree of trust of Russians in the mass media according to the data of sociological centers. The research methods used in solving the research tasks are as follows: analysis and synthesis, comparison and systematization, observation. According to the results of the study, it was found that the media have a significant influence on the political transformations of modern Russia, however, they quite often broadcast distorted information that forms contradictory opinions about the authorities among the population. The conclusions obtained from the research of sociological centers allowed us to establish a certain degree of influence on political processes in the country.
Key words: Mass media, sociological centers, VTSIOM, Levada Center, political transformations.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.023
A.A. LYALIKOV PhD Student, Department of Political Theory, Faculty of Management and Politics, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Predicting the coming changes, many developed countries have begun a systematic movement towards the development of the digital economy. Similarly, the Russian Federation has taken a worthy place in this row. Currently, programs supporting the digital transformation of the economy are widespread in many countries, including the Russian Federation. Digitalization of the economy is a matter of strategic importance in Russia. Russia is developing new information and communication technologies, widely using them in the political system and society as a whole. In modern world political practice, this important task is successfully implemented by the "electronic government". All this indicates the relevance of the research topic, which is associated with important political tasks and strategic documents for Russian society. The purpose of this article is to study the digital economy and its role in the development of the economic sphere of the state, to determine the conceptual foundations and priorities for the implementation of the policy of digitalization of the economy. The author concludes that the conceptual foundations of the implementation of the digitalization policy of the economy include the economic content of the adoption of this phenomenon as the basis of the innovative development of the state, the desire of the state itself for innovative development and the understanding by the political leadership of the state of the importance of the implementation of the "digital economy" as a concept of public policy. At the same time, the priorities of the implementation of the digitalization policy of the economy can be identified as the support of digital technologies, the creation of information infrastructure, ensuring information security and the formation of a sustainable system of digital public administration.
Key words: digital economy, concept, national program, development priorities, innovations, public administration.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.024
S.A. MAXIMOVA PhD student, Department of State and Municipal Administration, Faculty of Public and Municipal Administration Northwest Institute of Management – Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia
This article discusses the issue of primary prevention of drug addiction, the successful implementation of which can be carried out by the youth contingent that has membership in pro-government political youth communities. The political potential for influencing this group of people is quite large, and measures to bring the youth and the authorities closer together can work effectively within the framework of anti-drug activities. The state is largely interested in activating the political socialization of youth and its constructive mobilization. Primary prevention of drug addiction, as well as active youth self-government, are aimed at developing the adaptive skills necessary for the younger generation to socialize and overcome life's problems and the formation of skills to counter drug addiction. In addition, representatives of the youth environment, especially its leaders, can act as sources of influence on their peers in the issue of refusing drug use.
Key words: political behavior, political socialization, youth communities, drug addiction prevention, youth self-government.
УДК 32.327
A.I. MURAVYKH D.Sc. (economics), professor, Department of Public administration and National safety of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia
E.G. NIKITENKO Major General, Cand. Sc. (History), professor, Department of Public administration and National safety of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia
The article analyzes the threat of unleashing a world war up to the use of limited nuclear weapons. The involvement of senior US officials in blowing up the Nord Stream gas pipelines testifies to the unbridled plans of the transnational elite and the complete utilization of the myth of a world order based on rules. With the impending global collapse of financial capitalism, the transnational elite will commit any crime for their own survival. (It is shown that) The American tragedy of Ukraine is on the conscience of the transnational oligarchy. Globalists will not be satisfied with half-hearted solutions and a frozen conflict in Ukraine. It is the hot phase of the world war that corresponds to those large-scale changes in the formation of the world order, which must fit the survival model of the world transnational elite.
Key words: world war, transnational elite, world order, conflict in Ukraine, blowing up the gas pipelines.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.026
CHOI JAE DUK Ph.D., Moscow, Russia
In the article the author analyzes the problems of changing the world order in the light of the Ukrainian war. Based on the theory of aggressive realism, Professor John J. Mearsheimer argued that "a powerful nation does not strive to maintain peace, but to maximize its share of power in the world." He pointed out that the U.S. participation in two world wars was not for European peace, but to prevent dangerous enemies from gaining regional hegemony, and peace was a pleasant byproduct of this action. As a hegemon of the Americas, the United States has been extremely wary of the emergence of regional hegemonic powers on other continents and taking control of the entire continent. Accordingly, the U.S. strategy against Eurasia was found to curb Russia's expansion of power in the east of the continent and prevent China's rise in the west.
Key words: USA, Russia, China, Ukraine, conflict, hegemony, world order, transformation.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.027
A.A. TUSHKOV Doctor of Historical Sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Department of International Relations and the rights of Vladivostok State University, Moscow, Russia
S.YU. OMELYANENKO Graduate student of the Department of International Relations and Law Vladivostok State University, Moscow, Russia
This article is devoted to an urgent topic – issues of emergence and development of the latest actors in politics and interstate relations. Digital multinationals (CTNCs) become one of these actors. The transnationalization of markets, the expansion of the influence of the CNTC and non-governmental organizations once and again delve into the idea of public administration, raise the question of their activities in the legal field and building a security architecture. Modern globalization processes are more stable than ever, the value framework of local civilizations is blurred, but at the same time the problem of localizing individual societies associated with transnational corporations arises. All this denotes the research problem of the role and place of digital multinationals in international relations as relevant, requiring further research.
Key words: digital multinationals, "technological ecosystems", American and Chinese technology platforms, the legal field of activity of the TsTNK.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.028
N.V. POPOVA Candidate of Political Studies, First Deputy General Director of the “Innopraltika” Non-Governmental Development Institute, Moscow, Russia
The intensification of the process of transition to a new world order from February 2022 forces us to take a closer look at the scientific and technological security of the United States and its conceptualization as part of the nationwide security strategy of this country, which is a world technological leader.Export control should be recognized as one of the most important tools for ensuring scientific and technological security and US hegemony in the field of technology. In different historical periods during the 20th and early 21st centuries. this tool was used with varying degrees of intensity against states that the United States considered its adversaries or competitors – primarily against the USSR and its allies. Based on a comparative analysis of the regulatory legal framework (since the beginning of the 21st century, six versions of the National Security Strategy have been successively replaced in the United States), significant differences in the regulation of scientific and technological security have been established in the work. In two strategies of the George W. Bush era (2002 and 2006), scientific and technological security was practically ignored. In two strategies during the presidency of Barack Obama (2010 and 2015), it was singled out as a separate segment of national security, and the importance of investing in STEM education was also emphasized. The 2017 strategy of the year, adopted under D. Trump, argued that technology transfer threatened the economic security of the United States. The 2021 strategy adopted under Joe Biden was to double investment in science and technology to provide scientific and technological support for solving problems in various fields, as well as increase funding for STEM education and the deployment of modern digital infrastructure. Since the early 2020s, the US has recognized China's claim to leadership in key technology areas as a key threat. At the same time, against the backdrop of the deepening global economic crisis, socio-political and economic challenges in the United States, the decisive measures proposed in the new strategic documents to strengthen scientific and technological security may encounter difficulties in implementation, which gives a chance to countries wishing to form a new, more equitable world order.
Key words: USA, scientific and technological security, technological hegemony, export control, domestic development problems.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.029
K.E. KOZHUKHOVA Candidate of Political Sciences, Lecturer of the Department of Political Science, Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia
D.A. VOLKOV Student of the Master's degree in the direction of preparation of Political Science of the Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia
The colonial strategic culture of the Kingdom of the Netherlands turned a country that had been under the yoke of Spanish rule for a long time into a great colonial empire. The analysis revealed that it was economic and military expansion that shaped the colonial strategic culture of the Netherlands. The creation of the East India and West India Companies completely determined the vector of economic expansion of the state and ensured the power of the Netherlands over a huge number of territories. The decline of the East Indies and West Indies significantly weakened the influence of the colonial strategic culture on the foreign policy of the state. Nevertheless, the colonial strategic culture has significantly influenced the foreign policy of the modern Netherlands and the desire of the state to occupy not the last place in the international arena. The analysis of the coalition agreement defining the main policy of the government until 2025 and the White Paper published in 2022 revealed the main features of the state's foreign policy characteristic of the colonial strategic culture. The participation of the Netherlands in political and military blocs fully reveals the desire of the state not only to protect its own national interests, but also to contribute to strengthening its own influence in the world.
Key words: strategic culture, foreign policy, Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Netherlands, colonial policy.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.030
D.A. KUDRYASHOVA Junior Researcher, ANO "Center Oriental studies and intercultural communications”, Moscow, Russia
The article examines the influence of external players in the post – Soviet space – the Republic of Turkey, the European Union, the Russian Federation. Turkey, due to the syndrome of oppression and imperialism, saw an opportunity for the return of its former influence at the expense of the Turkic states. For this reason, Ankara has gradually shifted its focus from the field of culture and history shared by Turks and Turks to the energy sphere of interaction. At this stage, the country is seeking to merge foreign policies and deepen economic ties within the framework of the Organization of Turkic States. The European Union was introduced into the region in order to obtain unilateral economic benefits, so it immediately began the integration process with economic cooperation, which required political reforms and economic liberalization. Similar demands were made within the framework of Partnership and Cooperation Agreements, the European Cooperation Instrument and Eastern Partnership programs. Russia's influence in the region was initially not at a high level due to changing geopolitical realities and challenges to Russian statehood, and therefore Moscow had to create cooperation mechanisms as an alternative to the programs of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey operating in the post-Soviet space. Today, Russia is striving to cover the entire post-Soviet space through interaction with the post-Soviet republics in the field of regional security (CSTO), economic cooperation (EAEU), joint work in the political, economic, humanitarian, environmental, legal spheres within the CIS. While Turkey and the EU are striving to integrate the post-Soviet states into their value systems, Russia maintains contact and promotes the expansion of dialogue with the countries of the region.
Key words: Post-Soviet space, European Union, Republic of Turkey, Russia, soft power tools, OTG, EAEU, CSTO, Eastern Partnership, CIS.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.031
A.S. LOMAKIN Chief management specialist protocol events of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; applicant for the degree of candidate of political sciences, Moscow, Russia
The article raises the problem of examining the growing popularity of militarist sentiment in German society against the backdrop of a significant politico-military transformation in the region. German citizens have supported the country's political leadership in the area of military and financial assistance to one of the parties to the largest post-World War II politico-military conflict in the region. Opinion polls show contradictory results, which do not provide a clear answer to the question: is there a significant increase in militarist sentiment in Germany today? At the same time, the decisions of the political leadership and statements by Bundestag party deputies demonstrate unequivocal support for the political line that Berlin has chosen as the main one in countering Russian military activity in Ukraine.
The absence of moral barriers (providing military aid against the victorious Nazi Germany) and the policy of redefining Berlin's role and place from world leader of the pacifist movement to security guarantor in the region represent serious challenge for the German identity and society as a whole.
Examining and analyzing the country's public opinion on the increasing militarization of public and political discourse will provide an objective assessment of the degree of etatism, the consolidation of society, of the political elite and the state's leaders. Consideration of all these issues also makes it possible to forecast further changes in attitude of the general public of the German people on military and security policy, which is of particular interest to the domestic academic political science community.
Today the Federal Republic of Germany declares its readiness to take a central place in ensuring/providing security in Europe and in the world. Germany's uneasy modern history in addition to its complex historical and political past, form a complex landscape for political discourse within the country. The psychological trauma of the nation as a result of the world wars has a cumulative effect and creates tendencies for a revival of populism and militarisation in society.
Key words: FRG, militarization, special military operation, political discourse, European security crisis, society, conflictology.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.032
K.V. MASLOVA Lecturer, the World Politics department, MGIMO, Moscow, Russia
Cultural activities are firmly entrenched in the foreign policy arsenal of different states and other actors. Various concepts that seek to explain international processes through the prism of culture or at least considering the cultural factor have been emerging since the beginning of the XX century and actively developing since the 1970s. The present article is aimed at reviewing the main existing paradigmatic approaches to understanding the cultural side of international interactions with the use of discourse analysis. To this end, four theoretic approaches – neorealism, neoliberalism, constructivism, postcolonialism – are compared in their understanding of culture and its significance in world politics. The author concludes that despite the long history of the phenomenon, as well as the increased interest in cultural aspects with the emergence of new types of discourses, the study of the cultural dimension of the modern world has not received comprehensive coverage in the theory of international relations. It is noted that reflexive theories have a great explanatory potential to reflect the full impact of cultural factors on world political processes, in contrast to rational theories that use an instrumental approach to understanding culture.
Key words: culture, world politics, neorealism, neoliberalism, constructivism, neo-Marxism, postcolonial studies.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.033
M.A. MAIOROVA Junior Researcher, Department of Middle and Post-Soviet East Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (INION) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
The article examines Turkey's foreign policy in the post-Soviet space in a multipolar world order, where regional actors seek to influence world processes and claim leadership positions. However, an analysis of Ankara's foreign policy approach and discourse reveals traits characteristic of a hegemon in relation to the Turkic countries of the former Soviet Union. The Republic of Turkey, expanding its spheres of influence, is trying to become not only a regional, but also a world leader in the international arena. An obstacle to strengthening the leadership positions of the Muslim and Turkic worlds is the lack of resources and the tendency to hegemonism.
Key words: leadership, system of international relations, post-Soviet space, Turkic world, Russia, Turkey.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.034
Ya.S. TORO NESTERENKO Undergraduate student of international relations Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Yu.V. SAKHAN Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Head of the Department "Mathematics and Informatics" Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
The stages of formation and development of democratic transformation in the Republic of Haiti are considered. The national peculiarities that impede the full development of a democratic society in the country are determined. The preconditions of the economic and humanitarian crises, the development of which led to the need to create the MINUSTAH and MINUJUSTH missions in the territory of the Republic of Haiti, are analyzed. The conditions for the functioning of the UN missions MINUSTAH and MINUJUSTH in the Republic of Haiti, their relationship with the local population and branches of government of the Republic are described. A descriptive description of the contingent of peacekeeping missions, their structure, features of their work, the main goals, functions and tasks facing the staff of UN peacekeeping missions is given.
The economic, humanitarian and military prerequisites for the creation and deployment of a contingent of UN missions MINUSTAH and MINUJUSTH in Haiti, which have developed as a result of the instability of the internal political situation in the country and the fall in economic indicators of Haiti, are analyzed. The analysis of the activities of the UN mission, its relationship in the course of fulfilling the goals and objectives of missions with the indigenous population and the national government of the country was carried out. Both the positive aspects of the activities of the UN mission in Haiti, and the negative consequences of its work are identified. The negative information background that accompanied the UN missions in the Republic of Haiti is characterized and the degree of its influence on the result of the stay and work of the UN missions in the Republic of Haiti is determined.
Key words: UN, UNICEF, Haiti, peacekeeping mission, refugees, economic indicators, democracy, corruption, humanitarian crisis.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.035
WANG YANG Candidate of Department of Political Science of the East of the Faculty of Global Studies, Moscow State University Lomonosov; Lecturer at Weifang University of China, Moscow, Russia
The relevance of the proposed problem lies in the growing role of education in modern states. Education, being one of the main social institutions, in modern conditions of development, implements various socio-political functions, creates the basis for generating the most significant innovations and best practices. determining the prospects for the development of society. The purpose of this study is to analyze the education system of the People's Republic of China – the Russian Federation and the main trends in the process of its reform. The object of the study is education as a factor in the state and public life of the PRC and the Russian Federation.
Key words: Russian-Chinese cooperation, strategic partnership, reform, education, national strategies.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.036
GAO YE PhD student Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The article is devoted to the consideration of one of the most urgent problems of the modern world in the field of information and communication technologies, which have covered almost all spheres of society and the state. It is emphasized that at present new media technologies affect not only in a positive way, but they can also have a negative impact and become a tool of destabilization in each particular state or in an international organization. It is emphasized that only by using new ICT technologies and strengthening ties at all levels, international organizations will be able to maintain stable and progressive development, and the SCO is no exception in this series.
Key words: SCO, cyberterrorism, China, Central Asia, borders.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.037
GUO FANLI PhD student, Department of Political Science, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The article analyzes the nature and peculiarities of the Russian approach to information confrontation and examines the evolution of Russian combativeness to information confrontation. It is noted that there are notable differences between Russian and Western perceptions of a number of concepts and phenomena related to information security. In particular, in Russian theory and practice, information confrontation is characterized by “duality” – it has served both as a threat to the country's security and as a highly effective weapon for strengthening internal cohesion and deterring the enemy.
Key words: information confrontation, information operations, information security, Russia, USA, the West.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.038
E.A. KARNAUKHOVA Postgraduate Student of the School of World Politics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The author of this article raises the question whether the "crisis" of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and the nuclear nonproliferation regime is a real fact or is it just a rethoric. The discussion about this "crisis" was boosted after the unsuccessful Tenth NPT Review Conference (August 1-26, 2022), which ended without the adoption of the outcome document, as well as against the background of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine. The interest in this research question is connected with the fact that already in the works of the 1970s, some researchers, at least in the West, raised the problem of the NPT imminent collapse. In modern Russia, warnings about the challenges and threats to the stability of the nuclear nonproliferation regime and the risks of the emergence of new nuclear powers can be found in the researches of the 1990s-2000s. However, despite such discussions and actually a large number of problems in the field of nuclear nonproliferation, the NPT itself and the entire regime continue to function for more than 50 years. The author draws on historical material to understand the context of the development of the NPT, and analyzes its conditions. On this basis, the author defines the priorities and the main contradictions of the NPT and the nuclear nonproliferation regime, which lay the objective prerequisites for their permanent "crisis". Concluding that it is premature to talk about a deep crisis, the author uses the concept of "erosion" and pays attention to the fact that the current stage of international confrontation, namely speculation and one-sided consideration of the situation around Ukraine, can lay the foundation when the fine line between "erosion" and "crisis" is passed.
Key words: contradictions of the NPT, nuclear nonproliferation regime, review conferences, "nuclear five", crisis rhetoric, erosion of the regime.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.039
LI YAWEN Postgraduate, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
MAO SHUO Postgraduate, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Despite the fact that more than ten years have passed since the creation of the BRICS, the connection between the member states is becoming stronger. In China's foreign policy, strengthening ties with other BRICS countries has always occupied a special place and received special attention. During this time, China has made significant progress in various areas of cooperation within the organization, despite the difficult international, political and economic situation.
At present, China's role in supporting world development, expanding openness to the outside world, and stimulating world economic integration is becoming increasingly significant. In the complex context of growing trade protectionism, China's initiatives, uniting East and West, developed countries with developing countries, are designed to give new impetus to the integration process, trade liberalization, protecting the interests of developing countries and economic development in the region and in the world.
Key words: China, BRICS, foreign policy, new era, fight against the pandemic, partnership, economic development, common destiny community, global challenges, global governance, democratization, digital economy, international law.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.040
A.S. KLIMOVA PhD student, Lomonosov Moscow State University, The faculty of World Politics, Moscow, Russia
The UK Government's counter-terrorism policy defines the long-term development trajectory of the United Kingdom's security sector. This article is devoted to the analysis of UK’s fight against terrorism and extremism, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the policies of the government under D. Cameron, T. May, B. Johnson, L. Truss and R. Sunak in 2010-2023. The purpose of this article is to assess the strategic documents of British government and practical measures to combat terrorism, as well as the results obtained in this area.
Counter-terrorism policies in 2010-2023 included both preventive measures and measures to respond promptly to all kinds of attacks, but accountability and monitoring mechanisms for the effectiveness of these policies have not received sufficient attention. D. Cameron received the task of overcoming rising extremism and terrorism both within the UK and abroad. In the fight against terrorism, the UK focused on deradicalization, the work with local communities, strengthening intelligence services, combating cyber-attacks, modifying migration laws taking into account the problem of fighters recruited by ISIL in the UK. The UK authorities currently have the resources to adequately respond to most of the possible threats. However, there are a number of non-standard ways to prepare and implement terrorist attacks, for which adequate response measures have not yet been developed. Concern is also caused by a significant increase in cybercrime in 2021-2022. The analysis of documents and practical measures in the field of countering terrorism allows drawing conclusions regarding the successes and indeterminate problems in this area.
Key words: the United Kingdom, national security, terrorism, cyberterrorism, counterterrorism, «Contest» strategy, «Prevent» programme.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.041
A.A. LAZAREV Graduate student, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The article observes the features of the image formation of Olaf Scholz in the process of the elections to the Bundestag 2021. The strategies and mechanisms of the election campaign, the crimes of the Social Democratic Party of Germany and its leader Olaf Scholz in particular are analyzed. Thus, it was concluded that the construction of a policy volume represents the use of general media using effective mechanisms in election campaigns. In this regard, elements of self-promotion of politics, using symbols and mechanisms perceived by constituencies, successfully carry out a pre-election campaign.
Key words: formation of a political image, election campaigns, image of a leader, mechanisms of self-positioning.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.042
MAREAI YUSSEF ABDO SALEH MUTANNA Postgraduate student of St. Petersburg state university, St. Petersburg, Russia
The current regime in Ethiopia adopted ethnic federalism and redesigned the country along ethnic lines as soon as it took political power in 1991. The purpose of this article is to shed light on the ethnic conflict in Ethiopia and its risks to regional security in the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea, and also to try to assess the possible causes of these conflicts. There are competing claims for and against federalism. And while it would be correct to state that the founding principles of federalism have few ideological flaws, it is possible that technical problems (types and forms) could interfere with the imposed federal system in Ethiopia. Thus, the ethnic conflicts prevailing in Ethiopia may be caused by similar technical problems, and the federal structure of ethnic minorities in Ethiopia needs to be urgently reviewed before things go according to the worst-case scenario.
Key words: Ethiopia, Tigray, Tigray People's Liberation Front, security in the Red Sea, separatist demands.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.043
O.A. SAMUSEVA Candidate of Department of Political Science of the East of the Faculty of Global Studies, Moscow State University Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
This article is devoted to the actual problem of the development of modern states and societies – the innovation environment. The results of innovations largely determine the success of the socio-economic development of states. The purpose of this study is to characterize the political coordination of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China in the field of innovation. Cooperation between Russia and China in the field of science, technology and innovation is of great importance in modern geopolitical conditions. The factors shaping the status of states in the innovation sphere are determined.
Key words: strategic partnership, innovative cooperation, scientific and technical innovations, competition, dialogue.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.044
A.I. STENKO Postgraduate Student, Department of Comparative Political Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Aim. To conduct an in-depth analysis of the legislative, institutional, and fiscal basis of the United States foreign policy methods and instruments in promoting the concept of International Religious Freedom.
Methodology. The article is based on a study of official documents available on the Internet from the archives of US government agencies (Congress, State Department, etc.), aimed at securing the sphere of International Religious Freedom as one of the current international priorities of Washington's foreign policy.
Results. A holistic picture of the arsenal of methods accumulated by the United States aimed at making use of the religious sphere as a tool to achieve its strategic priorities on the world stage is formed. The system that Washington has at the current stage of connecting church and confessional instruments to the national hierarchy of government bodies involved in the implementation of the White House's foreign policy line is detailed.
Theoretical and/or practical significance. The materials of the study can be used in educational activities in order to counteract the complex anti-Russian propaganda of the United States and other Western countries, who seem to increasingly involve religious issues into their policy towards Russia.
Key words: United States International Religious Freedom Act, US foreign policy, the religious factor in Washington's policy on the world stage, sanctions.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.045
N.D. CHEGODAR PhD student of the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
This article is dedicated to the features of modern political communication on the example of the European Union (EU), taking into account current international political processes. The purpose of the research is to identify the key aspects of modern political communication, using the EU as a good example of the use of various communication resources and participation in information wars in the context of interaction with Russia. Using a systematic approach, an institutional method and case-study, the author identifies the main trends in political communication in modern world politics and demonstrates their practical application in the case of the EU as an actor seeking to spread specific political narratives and concludes that competition in the field of digital diplomacy is intensifying.
Key words: political communication, international relations, European union, information wars, digital diplomacy.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.046
B.B. ZAKIROV Ph.D. student at the Department of Public Administration in Foreign Policy, Scientific specialty "International Relations" (Political Science), the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
The article examines the ways of political settlement in Afghanistan by the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Against the background of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the arrival of the new political leadership of the Taliban movement in August 2021, the risks of escalation of the situation in the country have significantly increased. Afghanistan is in a deep crisis and there are still serious challenges and threats to the region, including: international terrorism, extremism, drug and arms trafficking. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, having a huge potential in solving a complex of security problems and being a key element of the Eurasian security architecture, is able to stop challenges and threats emanating from Afghanistan. Despite the fact that positions on the Afghan crisis differ between the countries of the organization, a consolidated standpoint was developed at the SCO summit in Samarkand in September 2022. All the SCO states have agreed that it is necessary to solve the Afghan problem exclusively through political and diplomatic means. Thus, the SCO's role as one of the emerging centers of power in Eurasia is increasing and, most likely, the organization’s policy in the region will become an example of a successful solution to the Afghan problem.
Key words: Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Afghanistan, SCO countries, regional security, Afghan problem.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.047
V.S. ZVEREVA Postgraduate student, Department of comparative politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The article discusses the prerequisites and mechanisms for ensuring political stability in the Republic of Cuba for the period from 2008 to 2022. The research aim is to identify the resources of the regime's stability. A systematic approach contributed to determine the internal and external conditions for ensuring political stability. The conducted research demonstrates that political stability is ensured by the following factors: the universal social policy guaranteeing rights and equal access to basic education, health and culture services; the inviolable basic revolutionary principles and ideals with a high level of moral education; the adoption of legal regulators to overcome the information pressure; the high level of public support for the Communist Party of Cuba and its leaders; the avant-garde young people and mass public organizations that maintain the continuity of socialist transformations under the new circumstances; the development of allied relations with the alternative US world's centers of power, as well as wide international recognition of Cuba for its scientific and technological achievements, humanistic vocation and ability to withstand the pressure.
Key words: Cuba, geopolitics, United States, socialism, stability, conceptualization.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.048
MOHAMMAD ANWAR BAKTASH PhD Student, Department of Public Policy and History State and Law of the Russian University friendship of peoples, Moscow, Russia
REZAI ROMAL Master student of the Department of Theory and History International Relations of the Russian University friendship of peoples, Moscow, Russia
After 20 years of war, the Taliban captured Kabul and declared their victory. Failure to create a strong army with high morale, human casualties and economic costs of the war, failure to cut Taliban financial resources and US mistakes during the war, corruption and ethnocentrism in the Afghan government, the formation of extralegal governments, war tactics and changes in the ethnic policy of the Taliban are the main factor in the return of this group to power. At the same time, thanks to the international legitimacy of the Taliban government and the continued assistance of the international community to Afghanistan, it is possible to ensure security and relative peace in this country.
Key words: America, Afghanistan, Taliban, ISIS, international community.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.049
D.S. SAPARBEKOVA Master's student of the Faculty of Journalism of the Russian Academy of Sciences and GS, Moscow, Russia
The article discusses the socio-political content of the Khabar TV channel in the implementation of the state information policy of Kazakhstan in the context of the activation of new information technologies. It is emphasized that the «Khabar» TV channel broadcasts a wide range of programs aimed at reaching viewers of different ages. When combining news and analytical programs, it is also necessary to strive to introduce new types of programs using new mechanisms for preparing and submitting programs. It is noted that the state media of Kazakhstan should pay attention to the updating of information and communication technologies, taking into account the era of digitalization.
Key words: "Khabar", television, Kazakhstan, information technologies.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.050
D.S. KOVALENKO Student of Social Sciences and Mass Communication Faculty, Financial University, Moscow, Russia
E.A. KOPYTINA Student of Social Sciences and Mass Communication Faculty, Financial University, Moscow, Russia
M.A. SUSHKEVICH Student of Social Sciences and Mass Communication Faculty, Financial University, Moscow, Russia
In recent decades, digital transformation has actively affected the energy sector of the Russian Federation, becoming a direct factor in the development of companies within the industry. The interaction between business and government in promoting digitalisation has a direct impact on the development of the energy sector and the performance of the Russian economy. The study of this process should take into account such factors as the trend of transition to renewable energy, as well as the dependence of the domestic energy sector on foreign software.
Key words: digitalisation, energy sector, FEC, business, domestic software.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.91.3.051
A.S. ALLENOVA MA in Comparative Political Science, RUDN, Moscow, Russia
The article analyses the political discourse of modern Germany. After 2014, the anti-Russian orientation of political discourse can be observed. After the start of a special military operation, the anti-Russian orientation of German discourse received a new impetus. The author attributes this phenomenon to a speech delivered by the German Federal Chancellor, dubbed the "Zeitwende". The purpose of this article is to examine the specifics of the anti-Russian thrust and to analyse the discursive technologies used to create an image of Russia in the German consciousness. This objective is achieved through a linguistic and cognitive analysis of the speeches of German politicians, as well as articles of leading German media. Based on the media headlines and priority topics, the informational reasons, tone and vector of orientation were determined. Based on the study of political discourse, the positions of Russia were defined; markers and templates used in the information flow were identified, as well as linguistic techniques of shaping the image of the country. The analysis shows that Russia is presented as a "military aggressor", an "invader" with a totalitarian regime. General scientific methods of cognitive and interpretative linguistic discourse analysis were used in this article.
Key words: political discourse, mass media, manipulative pressure, Germany, anti-Russian discourse, political communication.
ADAMS O.YU. – Assistant Professor Department of Asian Political Studies School of Global Studies of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
AKHTAMZYAN N.A. – Senior Researcher Department of Asian Political Studies School of Global Studies of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
ALLENOVA A.S. – MA in Comparative Political Science, RUDN, Moscow, Russia.
BUDARIN YA.S. – Student, Institute of Public Service and Management, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
CHEBAN A.A. – Postgraduate student of the Department of Public Policy of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
CHEGODAR N.D. – PhD student of the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
CHEMSHIT A.A. – D.Sc. (political science), Professor, Professor at the Department of Political Science and Philosophy, Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations, Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia.
CHOI JAE DUK – Ph.D., Moscow, Russia.
DAVYDOVA N.S. – South-Russia Institute of Management – branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
FILIPPOVA O.A. – Postgraduate student, Moscow State University of Technology K.G. Razumovsky «(PKU)», Moscow, Russia.
GADZHIEV M.M. – Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences, Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Russia.
GAO YE – PhD student Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
GERASIMENKO A.A. – Graduate student, University of World Civilizations named after V.V. Zhirinovsky, Omsk, Russia.
GRUNINA O.A. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow State Technical University (branch) K.G. Razumovsky "(PKU)", Moscow, Russia.
GUO FANLI – PhD student, Department of Political Science, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
ILYUSHIN P.S. – PhD student (Political Science), Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Moscow, Russia.
KARNAUKHOVA E.A. – Postgraduate Student of the School of World Politics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
KHOPERSKAYA L.L. – Doctor of political sciences, professor, Director of the Center for Eurasian Studies Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
KLIMOVA A.S. – PhD student, Lomonosov Moscow State University, the faculty of World Politics, Moscow, Russia.
KONDRATENKO E.N. – Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Ethnopolitics of the South Russian Institute of Management, a branch of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Done, Russia.
KOPYTINA E.A. – Student of Social Sciences and Mass Communication Faculty, Financial University, Moscow, Russia.
KOROLEVA-KONOPLYANAYA G.I. – Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Humanities and Natural Sciences “Moscow Institute of Economics” (NOCHU VO MEI), Moscоw, Russia.
KOVALENKO D.S. – Student of Social Sciences and Mass Communication Faculty, Financial University, Moscow, Russia.
KOZHUKHOVA K.E. – Candidate of Political Sciences, Lecturer of the Department of Political Science, Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia.
KUDRYASHOVA D.A. – Junior Researcher, ANO "Center Oriental studies and intercultural communications”, Moscow, Russia.
KURAEV A.N. – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow State Technical University named after M.V. K.G. Razumovsky "(PKU)", Moscow, Russia.
LAZAREV A.A. – Graduate student, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
LIU QI – Postgraduate student of the Department of Global Social Processes and Youth Work Faculty of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
LI YAWEN – Postgraduate, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
LOMAKIN A.S. – Chief management specialist protocol events of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; applicant for the degree of candidate of political sciences, Moscow, Russia.
LYALIKOV A.A. – PhD Student, Department of Political Theory, Faculty of Management and Politics, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
MAIOROVA M.A. – Junior Researcher, Department of Middle and Post-Soviet East Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (INION) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
MAO SHUO – Postgraduate, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
MAREAI YUSSEF ABDO SALEH MUTANNA – Postgraduate student of St. Petersburg state university, St. Petersburg, Russia.
MASLOVA K.V. – Lecturer, the World Politics department, MGIMO, Moscow, Russia.
MAXIMOVA S.A. – PhD student, Department of State and Municipal Administration, Faculty of Public and Municipal Administration Northwest Institute of Management – Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.
MOHAMMAD ANWAR BAKTASH – PhD Student, Department of Public Policy and History State and Law of the Russian University friendship of peoples, Moscow, Russia.
MOISEEVA O.A. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Technology K.G. Razumovsky «(PKU)», Moscow, Russia.
MURAVYKH A.I. – D.Sc. (economics), professor, Department of Public administration and National safety of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.
NIKITENKO E.G. – Major General, Cand. Sc. (History), professor, Department of Public administration and National safety of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.
NOVOSELSKY S.O. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Research Center for the Study of the History and Development of World Civilizations of the ANO VO «University of World Civilizations named after I.I. V.V. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia.
OMELYANENKO S.YU. – Graduate student of the Department of International Relations and Law Vladivostok State University, Moscow, Russia.
POPOVA N.V. – Candidate of Political Studies, First Deputy General Director of the “Innopraltika” Non-Governmental Development Institute, Moscow, Russia.
PUSKO V.S. – Doctor of philosophy, professor, Moscow, Russia.
REZAI ROMAL – Master student of the Department of Theory and History International Relations of the Russian University friendship of peoples, Moscow, Russia.
SAKHAN YU.V. – Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Head of the Department "Mathematics and Informatics" Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
SAMOSYUK A.A. – Research Associate, Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
SAMUSEVA O.A. – Candidate of Department of Political Science of the East of the Faculty of Global Studies, Moscow State University Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
SANTROSYAN A.G. – Post-graduate student of the South-Russian Institute of Management, a branch of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Done, Russia.
SANTROSYAN H.G. – Postgraduate student of the South Russian Institute of Management-RANEPA branch under the President of the Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Done, Russia.
SAPARBEKOVA D.S. – Master's student of the Faculty of Journalism of the Russian Academy of Sciences and GS, Moscow, Russia.
SAVELYEVA A.D. – Postgraduate student of the Department of Russian Politics, Faculty of Political Science, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
SERGEEV A.S. – Postgraduate student of the Department of Political Science, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia.
SITNIK I.E. – Leading Specialist, Autonomous Non-Profit Organization «Dialog Regions», Moscow, Russia.
STENKO A.I. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Comparative Political Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
SUSHKEVICH M.A. – Student of Social Sciences and Mass Communication Faculty, Financial University, Moscow, Russia.
TORO NESTERENKO YA.S. – Undergraduate student of international relations Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
TUSHKOV A.A. – Doctor of Historical Sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Department of International Relations and the rights of Vladivostok State University, Moscow, Russia.
TUZOVSKIY A.S. – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management, Siberian Institute of Management, Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Novosibirsk, Russia.
VOLKOV D.A. – Student of the Master's degree in the direction of preparation of Political Science of the Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia.
WANG YANG – Candidate of Department of Political Science of the East of the Faculty of Global Studies, Moscow State University Lomonosov; Lecturer at Weifang University of China, Moscow, Russia.
XUGUANG LIU – School of Maxism, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China.
ZAKIROV B.B. – Ph.D. student at the Department of Public Administration in Foreign Policy, Scientific specialty "International Relations" (Political Science), the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
ZVEREVA V.S. – Postgraduate student, Department of comparative politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Academic journal “Political Science Issues”. Volume 13, Issue 1 (89), 2023
Ravochkin N.N. Multitemporality of the Modern World: Russian Specificity
Medvedev N.P. Ethno-Political Regionalistics: History and Modernity (by the Materials of Publications in Scientific Journals 2022. Part 1)
Kuchumova E.V., Wang Juntao, He Lianyuan. Integration of Confucius Philosophy and Modern Human Life
Pronchev K.G. Personalistic Motives in the Political Thought of Russian Conservatism
Samsonova N.N. Revisiting the Use of “Collective Historical Trauma” Category in Political Science
Xuguang Liu. Analysis of Marx and Engels' National Security Thoughts
Urolov D. The Concept of Global Ideology: its Genesis and Scientific Analysis
Grigoriev M.S. Racism and Genocide in the Ideology of Ukrainian Nationalism in the First Half of the XX Century (Part I)
Goncharova I.V. Sociocultural Aspect in the Formation of Mathematical Competencies Among Students of Sociology
Glazkov A.B., Sherbachenko A.K. Patriotism and the Strategy of Sustainable Development of Modern Russian Society
Khandzhyan A.A., Grigoryan D.K. Patriotic Discourse and the Prospects for the Formation of a New Elite Consciousness in Modern Russia
Titov A.S., Grigorian D.K. Patriotic Education as a Factor in Political Life in Modern Russia: Institutional Experience of the Rostov Region
Kuznetsova E.A. Modernization of the Political Process of Distribution of Powers Between State and Local Bodies within a Unified System of Public Government
Suleimanov E.A. Influence of Information and Communication Technologies on the Implementation of the Information Policy of the State
Moiseev A.V., Gusakov I.M. Features, Challenges and Risks of Modern Labor Migration, Regulatory Issues
Kharlashkina T.A., Popov S.I., Novikova A.V. Solid Municipal Waste Disposal Policy in Moscow
Kovalev M.K. State Information Policy in the National Security System
Podobreevskaya E.S. Using the Principles of Sustainable Development in the Practice of Political Management in Russia: Perspective Trends
Mikhailenko A.N., Vorobyov A.V. On Reliability of Russian-Chinese Strategic Partnership
Tushkov A.A., Somova I.Yu., Nekhorosheva A.N. Universals of Conflict Potential on the External and Internal Political Contour of the Philippines: an Attempt to Comprehend and Analyze
Magadiev M.F. Political Architectonics of the System of International Relations: Problems and Prospects
Tushkov A.A., Somova I.Yu., Amelchenko A.Ya. The Taliban’s Heroin Jihad or Who Stands Behind Afghanistan in the Global Heroin Industry
Vasetsova E.S., Fathullina D.V. Main Features and Peculiarities of "Soft Power" of the State of Qatar
Avakyan D.A., Sterlikov A.V. Interaction of Trade Unions and the State in the UK: History and Modernity
Delov V.V., Ebzhnou D.E. The Crisis of Kemalism and the Six Arrows Doctrine at the Present Stage in the Republic of Turkey
Mosakova E.A., Mirzabekov N.R. International Experience of Regulatory and Legal Regulation of Cryptocurrencies Turnover
Temirkhanova A.Ye. Zhetysu – East Gate Great Silk Road
Arzhanov I.A. Russia's Policy in the Context of Rivalry with NATO in the Arctic Region: Military-Political Aspect
Nazike Bielike. The Policy of Preserving the National Sovereignty of Small European States (by the Example of Serbia)
Yancha Tuasa Segundo Elias, Bogdanova E.A., Ana Luba Yakusik Slobodiuk. Dynamics of Dollarization in Ecuador 22 Years Later
Wang Xin. One Belt – One Road Project in China's Foreign Policy as a Tool for Mutually Beneficial Cooperation
Kenigfest L.S. The "Soft Power" of Museums in Cultural Diplomacy and the Formation of Historical Memory on the Example of Russia and Israel
Luo Dongmei. Joe Biden Administration's Cybersecurity Policy
Muravyeva A.E. Socio-Political Consequences of the Functioning of TNCS in Egypt
Osmani A.Kh. Political Participation of Afghan Youth in the Context of Ethno-Political Concerns
Petrosyan Ph.A. Joint Expeditionary Force: the British Factor of Increasing the Military Activity of Finland and Sweden
Poturukhin V.D. Globalization Influrnce on Modern Configuration of the Westphalian System of International Relations
Tsakhilova L.M. NATO: Yesterday and Today
Zhou Geer. Views of Chinese Researchers on the Arctic Strategies of Russia and the United States from the Perspective of China's Interests
Shao Zixuan. Countering Corruption as the Main Direction of Administrative Activity in Modern China
Vinokurov D.V., Zakharchuk S.S., Kim V.V. Analysis of Public Opinion Among Russian Citizens Regarding the Foreign Political Situation: Consequences for Domestic Political Actors
Кomarov K.S. Economic Factors of France's Foreign Policy in EU Policy
Shapovalova S.V. The Power of Education or the "Soft Power" of Turkish Politics in Azerbaijan
Vdovin S.S. Intellectual Game "Caucasus at the Crossroads of Civilizations"
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.001
N.N. RAVOCHKIN Dr. in Philosophy, Associate Professor Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy; Professor at the Department of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev, Kemerovo, Russia
The problem of the perception of time by states has become one of the most significant in recent decades. In many ways, this is associated with a set of markers that determine the difficult-to-predict nature of world development scenarios, first of all, these include “non-linearity” and “riskness”. Strategies of behavior and the overall chances of success in the international arena depend on the peculiarity of the experience of time and the awareness of being powerful actors in a particular historical period and social time zone. The article deals with the specifics of the Russian perception of the plurality of times. Theoretical grounds for the experience of time in the domestic space are studied. The essential features of the positions occupied by the Russian state, which make it possible to note the dual nature, are revealed. The influence of German intellectual thought is determined. The trajectories of catching up imports of advanced ideas that fund political and legal institutions and practices are noted. In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized.
Key words: temporality, society, power, institution, import, idea, time.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.002
N.P. MEDVEDEV Doctor of political sciences, professor, editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Nauka Segodnya", Moscow, Russia
The article analyzes research materials for 2022 published on the pages of peer-reviewed journals "Issues of National and Federal Relations", "Eurasian Union: Issues of International Relations", "Regional and Municipal Management: Issues of Politics, Economics and Law", which can be conditionally attributed to new scientific direction "Ethnopolitical regional studies". It is concluded that this research topic is in demand in the context of the conflict potential of the post-Soviet space and the need to strengthen the scientific search for the sources of ethno-political conflicts, as well as the preparation of scientific foundations for recommendations for their consensus settlement and the development of a new model of diplomatic relations between states.
Key words: ethnopolitical regionalism, scientific direction, topical publications, interethnic relations, post-Soviet space, ethnopolitical conflicts, consensus, diplomatic relations.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.003
E.V. KUCHUMOVA PhD, Associate Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations of the Humanities Institute. Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
WANG JUNTAO Political candidate Sci., Associate Professor Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
HE LIANYUAN Student of the Higher School of International Relations, Humanitarian Institute of St. Petersburg State University Saint Petersburg, Russia
Introduction. The philosophical development of Confucius' thought has been discussed and studied by many scholars in ancient and modern times, and there are different opinions about the significance of his existence and the impact of his role for future generations. This article examines the role and influence of Confucius' philosophical thought on the life of modern man and its educational significance against the background of the emergence and development of Confucius' philosophy.
Goals and objectives. The study and analysis of the influence of Confucius philosophy on the life of modern man is the main purpose of the work.
Methods. Empirical research methods, search and analysis of materials from mass media, comparison and generalization, as well as methods of content analysis were used in the work.
Results. After a country has reached a prosperous standard of living, it needs a moral, idealistic, stable and cohesive social environment in which people could engage in further activities. The ideas of Confucius, which have been transmitted in China for more than 2000 years, are the basis of traditional Chinese culture and have influenced the temperament of the Chinese people. Therefore, speaking about the construction of spiritual civilization and national public morality today, it is impossible not to mention the philosophy of Confucius and his moral attitude towards people.
Conclusions. Summing up, the benefits of Confucianism in China today may consist in regulating the life of the people, restoring public morality and the national spirit of the people, restoring faith and hope, restoring the legitimacy of the political order, creating a political system with cultural characteristics, establishing the moral foundations of China's modernization, as well as solving China's environmental problems. In a word, Confucianism can solve all the major modern problems facing China today, and therefore it can be concluded that Confucianism is the most useful ideological doctrine in today's China.
Key words: Confucius, humanity, benevolence, clash of ideas, educational value.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.004
K.G. PRONCHEV Junior researcher, Department of Global Problems, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Postgraduate student, Department of Philosophy of Politics and Law, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The article is devoted to the study of possible ways of harmonious correlation of the principles of personalism and conservatism in political theory. On the basis of the theoretical heritage of N.N. Strakhov and F.M. Dostoevsky, possible models of this coordination are determined. It is established that it can be implemented by mitigating the individual's claims to exalt his own uniqueness on the one hand, and correcting the assertion of the state's self-worth on the other. Based on the analyzed material, the foundations of the ideological component of the identity of the Russian statehood in the near and long term are proposed. It is determined that the corresponding ideological reorientation implies concomitant changes in the field of national identity.
Key words: personalism, conservatism, N.N. Strakhov, F.M. Dostoevsky, national identity.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.005
N.N. SAMSONOVA Graduate Student, History and Theory of Politics Program, Political Science Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The article attempts to substantiate “collectivity” as a specific feature of trauma as a cultural and social phenomenon by analyzing methodological approaches to the use of the "trauma" category in social and political science. According to the psychoanalytic approach, the collectivity of trauma is caused by the common mechanisms of processing traumatic experience, in particular with the traumatic effect on memory capabilities (displacement of traumatic events, difficulties in traumatic experience articulation, partial return of the displaced); within the framework of the sociological approach to trauma, collectivity is the result of an act of communication between the bearer of individual traumatic memories with a wider audience, contributing to the spread of traumatic experience. The author defines collective historical trauma as a phenomenon of mismatch between the collective experience of a historical event and its consequences, on the one hand, and the constructed representations of this experience, which had arisen as a result of the lack of conditions for its articulation or incorrect decoding (interpretation) of this experience, on the other hand. The following specific properties of trauma as a socio-cultural phenomenon are revealed: the dependence of representation on the cultural context and social conditions, the duality of the structure (a combination of subjective (the experience of the carrier) and objective (the discourse built by the collective agent) principles, resistance in time.
Key words: collective historical trauma, collective memory, psychoanalysis, sociological approach, trauma studies.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.006
XUGUANG LIU Doctor of Law, Head of Department for ideological and political education at the College of Marxism, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China
The purpose of this study is to explain the national security thoughts of Marx and Engels. Mainly through the literature research method of Marx and Engels' classical works, the paper deeply analyzes and reveals that political security with the focus on popular sovereignty, economic security based on the materialistic view of history, cultural security with ideology as the core, and ecological security characterized by the harmony between human beings and nature constitute the main contents of Marx and Engels' national security thoughts. The interpretation of Marx and Engels' national security thoughts can provide theoretical support for the in-depth understanding of Marxist national security theory and the enrichment of the study of the overall national security concept.
Key words: Marx and Engels, National security, Popular sovereignty, Materialistic view of history, Ideology.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.007
D. UROLOV Independent researcher Institute for Social and Spiritual Research at the Republican Center for Spirituality and Education, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
This article is devoted to the concept of global ideology and its genesis. The author analyzes the main aspects of transnational mass culture, ways to solve the world-wide problem of the place and role of international organizations in the sustainable development of countries in the era of globalization. The basic principles and ideological attitudes of ideologies are considered in order to show the polarity of ideological ideas about ways to resolve and resolve social conflicts. In these conditions, ideologies turn into a special kind of simulacra of the symbolic field of politics, acting as a kind of markers that allow distinguishing between their own and others, friends and enemies, as well as serving to mobilize target audiences and support groups for various PR projects.
Key words: globalization, transnational mass culture, multicultural communities, international organizations.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.008
M.S. GRIGORIEV Candidate of political sciences, professor Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
In the article the author analyzes the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism. Explores its origins and the main content of the formation of the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism, the components of the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism, including the most radical ones. Reveals that Ukrainian racism with the idea of the superiority of the “Ukrainian nation”, as well as the associated policy of racial discrimination and genocide, has been one of the main principles of the ideology and practice of Ukrainian nationalism since the very beginning of its formation in the early 20th century. Moreover, much of what later became part of Nazi racial politics was promoted and put into practice by Ukrainian nationalists before the German Nazis.
Key words: racism, nationalism, Ukrainian nationalism, ideology.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.009
I.V. GONCHAROVA Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Social Technologies of Sociological Faculty of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
The article is devoted to topical educational and methodological issues related to the training of Russian sociologists in higher educational institutions. The disclosure of socio-cultural features of the development of mathematics, the emergence of various mathematical concepts at a certain stage of the historical development of society contributes to the steady formation of the interest of students of sociology in the study of sections of higher mathematics and the further use of acquired knowledge in professional activities. The article is of interest to specialists involved in the formation of mathematical competencies among students of sociology.
Key word: sociological education, mathematical competencies of sociologists, socio-cultural and historical development of mathematics.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.010
A.В. GLAZKOV Postgraduate student of the department Political Science and Ethnopolitics Department, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia
А.K. SHERBACHENKO D. in Law, Professor of the Department of Criminalistics and Investigative Activity of the Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
The article is devoted to the study of the foundations of the formation of sustainable development strategy of the Russian state in the modern global context of increased instability and chaos. The influence of the value platform on the formation of a renewed public communicative space, within which the basic political concepts acquire the potential of an effective regulatory tool, is considered. The relationship between the key values of political thinking and the patriotic idea as the main integrating structure of civic identity in modern Russia is analyzed. Sustainable development is interpreted through the prism of the concept of stability as a goal and as a value of individual and national scale. The main problem is that the significant inertia of political thinking leads to the identification of the idea of stability in the minds of modern Russians with the image of a "closed" society, regulated by the type of closed system and therefore devoid of internal foundations of stability.
The research methodology is based on the tradition of the study of equilibrium and nonequilibrium socio-political systems, which has sufficient experience in analyzing the factors that destabilize political institutions and processes. At the same time, political stability is considered in the unity with its opposite, which creates the prerequisites for the development of an effective strategy of political stability of society and the state. Such a strategy includes both value orientations and target orientations. Achieving the unity of these two aspects is considered in the context of studying the role of the patriotic idea as a key constitutive element of socio-political consciousness and project activity in contemporary Russian society. The restoration of social trust of citizens to political institutions and the overcoming of civil-legal nihilism together create prerequisites for the growth of human capital as the main argument in the global civilizational competition.
Key words: sustainable development, stability, civic identity, patriotic idea, social trust.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.011
А.A. KHANDZHYAN Postgraduate student of the department Political Science and Ethnopolitics Department, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia
D.K. GRIGORYAN Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the chair of D. in Political Science and Ethnopolitics at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; Associate Professor of Chair of Criminalistics and Investigative Activity of Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
The aim of this article is to investigate the correlation between the formation of a new nationwide integrating ideological paradigm of political thinking and political practice and the crisis of traditional elite consciousness. The problem of mismatch between the self-consciousness of elite socio-political strata in modern Russian society and the conceptual strategy of identification of individual (singular) political interests and positions with the nationwide axiology and teleology is raised. Without which the subjectivity of the elites in the space of political action is devalued. The ultimate meaning of the theoretical study of this problem is determined by the necessity of expert evaluation of patriotic discourse which in the current conditions of growing global instability is chosen as a priority structuring principle of public communication. The achievement of this goal is related primarily to the solution of such problems as the differentiation of elite consciousness and the consciousness of the elites, including in relation to the cultural and historical dimension of Russian statehood. It is also important to analyze the form and content of the revived patriotic ideology as a possible subject of elite self-determination of political subjects.
The methodology of analysis of the formation of a new elitist consciousness on the basis of patriotic discourse, on the one hand, is based on the tradition of civilizational and historical self-consciousness of the Russian world, within which the foundations of civil and legal, political and spiritual and moral synergy were identified. On the other hand, the search for overcoming the crisis of elitist consciousness should take into account the studies of deformation of public communicative rationality in the conditions of postmodern destruction of social and political institutions in the modern world. The main question is as follows: can the identity criteria of elitist consciousness be identified with the value and meaning narratives of patriotism in modern Russia? In the course of solving the tasks, the author comes to the conclusion that the traditional patriotic discourse is precisely the experience of the consciousness of elite groups, but its transformation as elite consciousness in modern conditions requires a significant transformation of the internal conceptual relief.
Key words: patriotism, elite consciousness, elite consciousness, self-consciousness, Russian civilization, political identity.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.012
А.S. TITOV Postgraduate student of the department Political Science and Ethnopolitics Department, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia
D.K. GRIGORIAN Candidate of political sciences, Associate Professor of the Chair of D. in Political Science and Ethnopolitics at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; Associate Professor of Chair of Criminalistics and Investigative Activity of Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
The article analyzes the regional experience of Rostov region in updating the strategy of patriotic education of youth as a constituent element of formation of the platform of political integration of modern Russian society. The key point of this experience is cooperation of institutions of local and regional government, public foundations, Rostov-on-Don Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Don Cossacks in the implementation of state tasks and programs of spiritual, moral and civic-patriotic upbringing of the younger generation. Historical experience of such interaction is considered from modern positions of restoration of a role of Orthodox Church in political life of the country, in processes of formation of national civil – legal consciousness and social-political identity. In the article the factual material, reflecting reached level of cooperation of public and religious associations of Don region is resulted. This fact testifies to efficiency of carried out state policy in the field of strengthening of cultural and communicative bases of national security and true sovereignty in modern global context. The main problem faced by the region, which requires exactly the conceptual level of comprehension, is the need for a hierarchical structuring of educational activity, which will allow to include an element of political design and planning already in the initial process of assimilation of knowledge and a moral code. The comprehension of the ways of its decision leads to the level of the analysis of the general state program of national "education" which outside the limits of a separately taken region, the Don area, has not always sufficient degree of realization.
Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study include the classical tradition of domestic political thought, in which the formation of a mature personality was a twofold process of formation of both moral and cognitive layer of knowledge and skills of value-oriented self-consciousness. The source base of the study were also official documents and materials of the Russian Orthodox Church and Cossack educational institutions of Rostov region, the programs of which directly rely on the imperatives of patriotic education as a constitutive element of civil identity.
Key words: patriotic education, civic identity, Russian Orthodox Church, regional experience, tradition.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.013
E.A. KUZNETSOVA Post-graduate student of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia
The constitutional amendments served as the beginning of the process of modernization of the entire power structure. The emergence of public authority required its study in relation to the theory of separation of powers and from the point of view of observing the fundamental features of democracy. The mechanisms of checks and balances that have arisen as a result of new constitutional reforms are considered on the basis of an institutional analysis of the powers of the President, state bodies, and local self-government. A strong link in the unified management system has been found.
Key words: public power, redistribution of promotion, goal-setting, head of power, centralization of power.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.014
E.A. SULEIMANOV Graduate student of the faculty of journalism IGSU RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
The article considers the information policy of the state as one of the key areas in the social and political life of the state and society. Information space as a backbone factor of political life. It is noted that over time, the political role of the information space is increasing, as the processes of informatization and digitalization of all spheres of human life are developing. The post-industrial society has made its own adjustments to the information policy pursued by the state.
In the post-industrial society, the influence of the media in the political sphere has increased, and mediatization of politics has also taken place, since the information space has come to the fore in all spheres of public life.
Key words: information policy, mass media, information confrontation, manipulative techniques, informatization, digitalization, media provocations.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.015
A.V. MOISEEV Candidate of Military Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Administration in Foreign Policy of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russia
I.M. GUSAKOV Master of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
The article is devoted to an urgent problem related to the fact that labor migration, in addition to a sharp increase in its number, has become a serious factor influencing the socio-economic, external economic and demographic development of most states that are part of the modern system of international economic relations. The relevance of this topic is confirmed by the fact that in 2016, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) introduced labor migration management as one of the dimensions of the so-called "Migration Policy Index" of states. This means that the management of labor migration is currently recognized as the most difficult issue for the entire world community, and labor migration itself has become a structural element of the economy of states, becoming its non-alternative resource. Currently, the issues of the impact of migration on economic development are very relevant for Russia. When developing and implementing new methods of labor migration management, the experience of foreign countries should not be neglected, the analysis of such experience is necessary and relevant.
Key words: labor migration, demographic development, migration policy index, migration risks, network-centric management, the role of state and international regulation of labor migration.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.016
T.A. KHARLASHKINA Bachelor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia
S.I. POPOV Ph.D. in Political Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Policy and History of State and Law Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia
A.V. NOVIKOVA Senior lecturer of part-time education, Economist, Laboratory of Sociological and Focus Group Research, Department of Sociology, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia
The authors consider one of the most acute problems of our time, especially relevant for megacities, – the disposal of municipal solid waste on the example of the Russian capital of the federal city of Moscow through the prism of advanced industrial technologies recently used in the city. The most significant factors influencing the evolutionary solutions to this issue are highlighted, and the possibility of applying the experience of the capital region in other subjects of the Russian Federation is assessed.
Key words: solid municipal waste, recycling, environment, innovative technologies, legislative regulation.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.017
M.K. KOVALEV Postgraduate student of the Department of Russian Politics, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The article discusses the place of the state information policy (SIP) in the national security system. To define the role of the SIP in the system of national security, the author fixes the change of the forms and methods of conducting modern warfare and comes to the conclusion that the state information policy in modern conditions has been transformed from supporting to one of the main tools for ensuring national security.
Key words: state information policy, national security, new generation war, information war, "hybrid warfare".
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.018
E.S. PODOBREEVSKAYA Postgraduate Student, Department of Political Science, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Within the framework of the presented study, the issue of promising trends in the use of the principles of sustainable development in the practice of political management in Russia in the medium term is investigated. The work methodology is built on the basis of a combination of elements of systemic and structural analysis. The author comes to the conclusion that the prospects for the development of the principles of sustainable development in the practice of political management in Russia are determined primarily by economic and social transformations generated by the escalation of the conflict between Russia and the collective West. This confrontation raised the question of the need to expand measures of financial and technological support for “environmentally friendly” practices, formed new groups of the population in need of large-scale support from the state (including intangible support) and increased the demand for a change in the quality of communication between the authorities and society. At the same time, the effectiveness of solving each of these tasks is somehow connected with the solution of economic problems – the successful implementation of plans for gaining technological sovereignty, maintaining export revenues, increasing parallel imports and diversifying foreign trade. Accordingly, we can conclude that the key factors determining the prospects for the development of the principles of sustainable development in the practice of political management in Russia are its resource endowment and the dynamics of this indicator.
Key words: ESG, sustainable development, political management, Russia, trends, factors.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.019
A.N. MIKHAILENKO Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of International Security and Foreign Policy Activities of Russia of the Faculty of National Security of the Institute of Law and National Security of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
A.V. VOROBYOV Postgraduate student of the Department of International Security and Foreign Policy Activities of Russia, Faculty of National Security, Institute of Law and National Security, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
In the context of aggravation of situation in the world, associated with the formation of a new world order, the importance of such a property as reliability in international alliances and strategic partnerships is significantly increasing. It is often used in political discourse when characterizing partners in international relations, but there is no clear definition of it in political science. The article proposes the authors’ definition of this property of international relations, as well as the main directions of its development within the framework of the strategic partnership between Russia and China.
Key words: new world order, reliability, China, strategic partnership, alliance, Western sanctions, Belt and Road Initiative, Eurasian Economic Union, small and medium enterprises, trust, payment systems.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.020
A.A. TUSHKOV Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of International Relations and Law Vladivostok State University; Professor of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies University of world civilizations named after V.V. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia
I.YU. SOMOVA Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies University of world civilizations named after V.V. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia
A.N. NEKHOROSHEVA Student, Institute of language and translation technologies and the devel-opment of international communication University of world civilizations named after V.V. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia
In this article, the authors turned to an urgent and little–studied topic – the universals of conflict potential on the external and internal political contour of the Philippines. The interest of the scientific community to this problem is not accidental. The last three years, when implementing the course of "Russia's turn to the East", the national policy of integration into the fastest growing markets of the world, dictates a strict need to study the regional problems of the Asia-Pacific region. The "Russia’s turn to the East" was the starting position for the formation of a new foreign policy and economic course of the country, justified both by the geostrategic goal and the solution of practical tasks. With the conduct of unjustified restrictions, traditional partnerships with the West have practically ceased to exist. Russia's search for new points of contact in Asia, as an alternative to Western restrictions, is intended to counter Russia's isolation on an international scale and mitigate the negative economic impact of restrictions. But after the collective West went to war with Russia, the backwardness of relations with Asian countries became an obvious obstacle to its own development and adequacy to the challenges of the modern world. From Russia's point of view, a turn to the East is the most natural result of adopting the country's foreign policy and economic course. The study of regional problems in this case is the most important task for us. Such a search goes beyond this concern and corresponds to Russia's goal of ending the dominance of the "American-centric" world order by giving it the objectivity of multipolarity. In this regard, the Philippines, being one of the main hotbeds of radical sentiments in Southeast Asia, is of special scientific interest. The conflict potential of the southern regions of the Philippines associated with growing terrorism has existed and progressed for more than a century and still remains the most important internal political problem of the State, which is based on a complex, ethnopolitical and religious nature. Because of numerous events taking place in the country and measures taken by the international community to achieve regional security, the authors see the need to comprehensively analyse the origins of terrorist danger and answer the question of the possibility of their resolution. In this article, the authors consider the main factors hindering the formation of a new architectonics of regional security in Southeast Asia, where the Philippines plays one of the key roles.
Key words: Philippines, terrorism, separatism, Bangsamoro, Mindanao, Muslim minority.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.021
M.F. MAGADIEV Candidate of sociological sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and National Security Institute of Law and national security of the Russian Academy national economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow, Russia
The Russian Federation is a large state with a political system and international relations that are built on mutual understanding and trust between partner countries. However, in recent years this concept has been violated as a result of the destructive impact on international relations of economic sanctions and pressure exerted by the US and EU countries on Russia. In addition to political processes, the changes affected the economic, social, cultural, sports and other areas of cooperation between states that ensure social balance among the population. At the same time, it is precisely the building of international relations that is currently receiving great attention from Russian and foreign political scientists, who, on the whole, characterize them rather contradictory.
This article is aimed at studying the political architectonics of the system of international relations, in the context of the difficulties and contradictions that have arisen, as well as finding directions for eliminating crises and escalating relations, which is of interest not only to the Russian Federation, but also to the United States and EU countries, as well as the whole world.
Key words: political architectonics, system of international relations, socio-economic sanctions, problems, prospects, history of development.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.022
A.A. TUSHKOV Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of International Relations and Law Vladivostok State University; Professor of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies of the University of the World Civilizations named after V.W. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia
I.YU. SOMOVA Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies University of world civilizations named after V.W. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia
A.YA. AMELCHENKO Student, Institute of Linguistic Translation Technologies and Development of International Communications, University of World Civilizations named after V.V. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia
This article is dedicated to revealing an actual problem – the problem of drug trafficking originating from the territory of Afghanistan and "metastasized" around the world. The authors have made an attempt to answer the question: how opium, hashish and ephedra became the main agricultural cultures of Afghanistan, why the United States for two decades of being in the country and fighting for the integration of the “foundations of democracy” have not managed to defeat the local drug business. Washington’s withdrawal from the country of “eternal war” after an unsuccessful attempt to give this desperate country a somewhat democratic image has only increased. The world does not believe the promise of the Taliban that has come to power to end the drug industry and curtail the opiates and opioids production. The bottom line is that a ban on the heroin production is not capable to solve the problem: Afghanistan has long been a supplier of drugs to the American continent and Europe. In addition, in the last decade, Afghans have established the cultivation of ephedra, a plant that is used in methamphetamine production, an almost equally hazardous drug. Today, the question concerning many is: where have the Taliban, leading a “guerilla lifestyle”, got the money to buy weapons and wage war with the leading power of the world – the United States? The fact they tax all the transport routes in the territories they control, as well as conduct an unlicensed mining of minerals that Afghanistan is rich in, is not victory. The initial research position of the authors is the thesis that up to 60 percent of the Taliban’s income is provided by the heroin trade and it is the Taliban movement that is the ancestor of the drug business in Afghanistan, that brings an enormous income to the movement of “students”. The entire volume of data, according to which it would be possible to judge fully the perpetrators of such a global disaster as drug trafficking, is not available to the majority of mass media represented to the world community. After having made a detailed analysis of the materials hidden from public review the fact that Western intelligence services had been interested not only in the formation of the Taliban movement itself, but also in turning Afghanistan into a source of drug trafficking, becomes clear. Proceeding from this, the question posed by the authors in this article is legitimate: "is drug-trafficking a system-forming element of the Taliban’s policy, or is it a screen behind the scenes of the activity of Western intelligence services implemented on “the chessboard of the XXI century”? This is the question the authors are trying to give an answer to in this article.
Key words: Afghanistan, Taliban, drugs, drug traffic, opiates, the CIA, the MI6, the USA.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.023
E.S. VASETSOVA Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science of the East FGP Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
D.V. FATHULLINA Postgraduate student of ISAA Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
The State of Qatar continues to strengthen its position in the regional and international arena, despite the ongoing confrontation with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its allies. Largely thanks to the use of “soft power” tools, Qatar successfully defends its national interests and develops, overcoming serious pressure from neighboring countries. The lower chronological boundary of the study begins in 2017 and is due to the beginning of the Qatari diplomatic crisis, and the upper boundary dates back to October 2022, when it became known about the decision to transfer the 2023 Asian Cup from China to Qatar. This decision to hold the Cup in Qatar testifies to the strengthening of its authority by Qatar through sports diplomacy. This article examines the tools of "soft power", with the help of which Qatar successfully defends itself as one of the key players in the region.
Key words: "soft power", Qatar's foreign policy, Qatar, Persian Gulf, diplomatic crisis.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.024
D.A. AVAKYAN Candidate of political sciences, Senior lecturer of the Department of philosophy and sociology Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Moscow, Russia
A.V. STERLIKOV Postgraduate student of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Moscow, Russia
The article presents a brief historiographical overview of works devoted to the development of English trade unions, examines the history of their functioning, highlights the main stages in development from the end of the XVIII century to the present. The peculiarities of the formation of the English trade union legislation are also analyzed.
Key words: Great Britain, working class, trade unions, trade union legislation, labor relations.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.025
V.V. DELOV Phd of political sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Moscow, Russia
D.Е. EBZHNOU Master's degree student, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Moscow, Russia
The article explores the crisis of political ideology of Kemalism and the doctrine of «six arrows» of development, which are becoming formal and are replaced by the ideas of neo-Ottomanism and religious conservatism. The ideas of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic, become unwanted by the current government and the ruling Justice and Development Party seeking to dominate the territories of the former Ottoman Empire. Kemalism does not imply imperial ambitions and leadership in the Islamic world, it is obvious that Ankara does not want to be a third world country and integrate into regional alliances as a minor player, but rather to be a «core» between East and West, Kemalism and the «six arrows» doctrine make it difficult for Erdoğan to realize his political intentions. The competition between the Justice and Development Party («Islamic Democracy Party») and the Republican People's Party (actual supporters of Ataturk's ideas) reflects a number of contradictions that develop into rallies and destabilize the Turkish political system. The author considers three possible variants of the development of the ideological transformation, which will lead Turkey to the following tendencies, that the state will become: 1) autocratic and will strengthen the processes of neo-Ottoman foreign policy with elements of religious conservatism in domestic policy and will consolidate the exclusive leadership of the Justice and Development Party in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey; 2) secular in the type of Kemalist beliefs and will abandon the offensive policy of neo-Ottomanism and will form a pluralistic legislative system; 3) will move to the stagnation stage and will maintain the balance of religious conservatism and secular Kemalism, which will allow to maintain the balance of two-party.
Key words: Kemalism, Six Arrows Doctrine, Neo-Ottomanism, Religious Conservatism, Secular State.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.026
E.A. MOSAKOVA Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Faculty of Global Processes Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
N.R. MIRZABEKOV Master student of the Faculty of Global Processes Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
Introduction. The upward dynamics of the cryptocurrency market capitalization in absolute terms can contribute to the growth of crime using cryptocurrencies. In this regard, countries are forced to introduce regulations to regulate this area.
Goals and objectives. The purpose of this work is to identify trends and approaches to the legal regulation of the circulation of cryptocurrencies. The objectives of this work include: 1) Comparison of cryptocurrency with other types of currencies, taking into account FATF standards; 2) Determining the nature of the dynamics of the use of cryptocurrencies in criminal activities; 3) Identification of the main approaches to the legal regulation of the cryptosphere.
Methods. As part of the work, general scientific research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, deduction. Also, an analysis of legal acts, analysis of static data and other research methods was carried out.
Results. As a result of the study, it was possible to characterize the legal regulation taking into account the geographical criterion. In addition, the main approaches to the legal regulation of the circulation of cryptocurrencies were identified.
Conclusions. At the moment, there is no single regulatory status for cryptocurrencies. At the same time, there are both examples of countries that have legalized cryptocurrency as an official means of payment (El Salvador, Central African Republic), and countries that impose restrictions on the circulation of cryptocurrency, up to its ban (China, Nepal, etc.)
Key words: cryptocurrency, bitcoin, money laundering, mining, licensing.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.027
A.YE. TEMIRKHANOVA Lecturer at the A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
The article considers the Kazakhstan region, in particular, the southeast of Zhetysu (Seven Rivers), as one of the most important routes of the Great Silk Road. It is emphasized that the cities of this region are mentioned in medieval sources as a place through which trade caravans passed and where representatives of various ethnic groups crossed and mutual enrichment of cultures of East and West took place. It is noted that religion is the most important basis for the integration of the ethnic group, cultural formation and worldview of a person. It is emphasized that turning to historical experience is one of the most important ways to find an answer to the burning questions of modern society.
Key words: Great Silk Road, West, East, religion, Islam, culture, cities.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.028
I.A. ARZHANOV PhD Student, International Relations and Integration Processes Department, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The Arctic in the XXI century is a region of rapid perturbation changes, with increasing attention to which rivalry is replacing mutually beneficial and valuable cooperation in key and important issues for the international community. The military-political dimension was no exception. The conscious and purposeful course of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to destabilize the Arctic, implemented for more than 15 years, has led to an increase in the confrontational atmosphere. In the context of the unilateral rivalry being built up by the Alliance, the appeal to the policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic, the measures taken to protect the national interests of the country are of particular research interest. The aim of this study is to identify and reveal the fundamental aspects of Russia's military and political activities in the High North in the context of rival aspirations on the part of NATO in the XXI century. The goal predetermined the formulation of the following objectives: 1) to reflect certain key milestones indicating the NATO's rival course being built in the Arctic; 2) on the basis of extensive empirical material to systematize and detail consistently implemented defensive measures to protect the national interests of the country in the Arctic; 3) to determine, taking into account the policy chosen by the countries of the collective West aimed at the comprehensive isolation of Russia on the world stage, possible prospects for further development of the situation in the field of regional security of the High North. To obtain scientific results, among the main ones, the author used the following methods: historical descriptive, comparative, content and event analysis. In addition, the task of identifying possible prospects predetermined the appeal to situational analysis and forecasting. The key result of the research was the author's concept of phased periodization of Russia's military-political activities in the Arctic, developed and presented in the article. Structured in four main stages, the concept emphasizes the exclusively defensive nature of Russian activity, as well as the non-directionality of the implemented military policy against other states. In conclusion, it is stated that in the long term the rivalry will continue.
Key words: Russia, NATO, Arctic, security, rivalry.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.029
NAZIKE BIELIKE PhD student, UNESCO Chair, Faculty of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
This article examines the role of the foreign policy of small states in determining their national sovereignty on the example of Serbia. The author notes that the crisis of the national identity of a small state can take on various forms and scales, and overcoming it for many of them involves the choice of a competitive and, at the same time, to a certain extent, independent development strategy, which ultimately can contribute to the preservation of national sovereignty. The article analyzes the vectors of Serbian foreign policy since the 1990s in order to show how the state manages its foreign policy narratives of identity, reacting to the changing geopolitical course of the EU in the light of the dynamics of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Serbia has been trying for several years not only to prove its leadership in the Western Balkans, but also to find its place in the global geostrategic game. It balances, sometimes quite riskily, among the world's largest players. Belgrade's foreign policy is often described as a constant struggle between the Russian and European vectors. The modern foreign policy of Serbia is considered at several levels: as building neutrality from the point of view of its interests related to obtaining political and diplomatic support from Russia within the framework of the partnership between the two countries, and as a strategic orientation towards EU membership. The author comes to the conclusion that the multi-vector nature of Serbia's international politics corresponds to its narrative of national identity and national sovereignty, taking into account the capabilities of a small European country.
Key words: foreign policy, small states, Serbia, national sovereignty, multi-vector approach, geopolitics.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.030
YANCHA TUASA SEGUNDO ELIAS Post-graduate student of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
E.A. BOGDANOVA Master student of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
ANA LUBA YAKUSIK SLOBODIUK Master of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Dollarization, whose implementation in Ecuador began in 2000, introduced a new monetary and exchange rate regime in the midst of a wide political and economic controversy, 22 years later we wonder if the theoretical postulates about the effects of dollarization have been fulfilled or not. To answer these concerns, this study analyzes the effects of dollarization on the trend and volatility of key macroeconomic aggregates such as inflation rates, economic growth (analyzed under the volatility of GDP) and the interaction of the Ecuadorian economy with international economies for which a diagnosis of the balance of payments is made.
The results indicate that inflation it's coming the theoretical postulates established at the beginning of dollarization of reduce its rates and in recent years has even experienced a negative trend that worries about its possible consequences, while in the case of economic growth it does not necessarily seem to be fulfilled. In particular, the dynamic behavior of both variables suggests that there could be a risk of debt deflation and low future economic growth. As for Ecuador's balance of payments, there is evidence of a favorable balance with marked periods of deficit, making it clear that with dollarization the national productive apparatus did not experience a significant change, on the contrary, it continues to depend on the export of traditional products such as oil.
Key words: economic growth, inflation, Gross Domestic Product, dollarization, balance of payments, macroeconomic variables.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.031
WANG XIN Postgraduate student of the Department of Geopolitics Faculty of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in recent years, the initiative «One Belt, One Road» has turned from a concept into action and received a positive response and support from the international community. The project «One Belt, One Road» has become the most extensive and largest platform for international cooperation in the world today, «One Belt, One Road» has turned from a dream into a reality, bringing enormous opportunities and dividends to countries around the world.
The purpose of this study is to examine the Belt and Road Initiative from the perspective of an instrument of mutually beneficial cooperation among the participating countries. Research methods - in the course of writing this article, an analysis was made of the works of the scientific community from Russia, China and other countries, of particular interest are the scientific research of sinologists on the foreign policy of the PRC. The topic under consideration allows the use of comparative, statistical, systemic and other methods. Search, systematization, evaluation and structural-dynamic analysis became the dominant research methods. Findings of the study: In recent years, a large number of key projects under the study initiative have been comprehensively promoted for the benefit of people in countries and regions along the route. "One Belt One Road" adheres to the principle of cooperation based on mutual consultation, construction and exchange, adheres to the concept of openness, environmental friendliness and cleanliness, strives for high standards, ensuring the livelihood of people and the goals of sustainable cooperation.
Key words: One Belt and Road, cooperation, initiative, project, challenges, interaction, exchange.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.032
L.S. KENIGFEST Postgraduate student of the all-university Department of World and Russian History MCU, Moscow, Russia
The article examines the importance of the museum as an instrument of cultural diplomacy and memory policy, as well as as an institution for the formation of historical memory. A brief theoretical overview of the basic concepts is made: "soft power", "historical memory", "cultural diplomacy". The role of the museum as a form of translation of cultural memory and an effective tool of "soft power" for the actualization of historical heritage is analyzed. In the context of the modern theory of "soft power", the potential of museums in strengthening and developing diplomatic contacts between Russia and Israel is outlined. In conclusion, it is concluded that the museum is a powerful means of forming and preserving the historical memory of the nation in order to develop immunity to manipulation of the past in the context of political conjuncture, which is important in modern conditions of globalization. The practical significance of the role of museums in the paradigm of historical politics is shown by the example of the dialogue between Russia and Israel. The author does not pretend to the completeness of the consideration of the problem.
Key words: "soft power", cultural memory, historical memory, cultural diplomacy, place of memory, politics of memory, museum.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.033
LUO DONGMEI Postgraduate student, faculty of global studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The Biden administration has paid more attention to cybersecurity issues than any previous administration. Since the Biden administration, the U.S. cybersecurity strategy has made a series of adjustments in four main areas: cybersecurity personnel and agencies, training of cybersecurity experts, strengthening cybersecurity cooperation with allied countries, and emphasizing cybersecurity cooperation with private enterprises and the government. According to the October 2022 U.S. National Security Strategy report, the Biden administration considers China and Russia as enemies of the United States on the issue of cybersecurity strategy, while attempting to deter and combat China and Russia in the field of cybersecurity through cyberspace hegemonic alliances and allies to preempt the occupation of cyber power and form an ideological cutoff in cyberspace.
Key words: Biden administration, U.S. cybersecurity strategy, cybersecurity, cyberspace.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.034
A.E. MURAVYEVA Graduate student of Department of Political Science of the East of the Faculty of Global Studies, Moscow State University Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
A key factor in the modern processes of globalization and integration is the activity of multinational companies, whose role is constantly increasing in various spheres of world politics and economics. The purpose of our study is to identify the role of TNCs in Egypt, the mechanisms of their influence on state policy; accordingly, the object of the study are TNCs operating on the territory of Egypt.
Key words: world politics, globalization, Egypt, world economy, foreign policy, transnational corporations, transformation, world order.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.035
A.KH. OSMANI PhD student at Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
After all foreign soldiers were withdrawn and the Taliban seized control of the country on August 15, 2021, Afghanistan entered a new chapter. In the second half of the year, the humanitarian situation deteriorated further as a result of the continuous fighting and the severe economic crisis that has greatly affected all Afghan people, but especially the country's youth. Young Afghans who remained in Afghanistan confront numerous difficulties, such as adaption to the Taliban so called rules, lack of access to education, financial hardship and unemployment. Among all these issues most afghan youth believe that they will have less chance to take part in civil and political activities due to their affiliation with the previous government and/or ethnic background or democratic views. This article studies the political participation of Afghan youth over the past 20 years and the impact of the current situation on the political activity of Afghan youth, since it was the youth who became the main victim of the conflicts in the country. The author believes that Afghan youth have the potential and political will to put an end to the protracted conflicts in the country.
Key words: Afghan youth, Political participation, Youth politics, Youth migration, Afghanistan situation.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.036
PH.А. PETROSYAN Postgraduate student of the Department of International Security and Foreign Policy of Russia, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia
This article is devoted to the analysis of the role of Great Britain in reformatting the regional security system in Northern Europe and the Joint Expeditionary Force, which it leads, primarily in the issue of integrating Finland and Sweden into NATO structures. The topic has a high degree of relevance due to the overall importance of the European security system in the context of the current geopolitical turbulence. As part of the study, a hypothesis was put forward about the use of the JEF not only as a tool for expanding NATO, but also for expanding the military-political influence of Great Britain. The methods of event and discourse analysis were used. Based on the results of the study, the hypothesis put forward has found its practical confirmation in the presence of significant facts of the joint use of British armed forces on the territory of these states, as well as the commission of actions that, to one degree or another, can be considered as promoting the interests of Great Britain. The presented results can be used by the responsible state authorities when concretizing threats to Russia's national security, as well as for analyzing the military-political activities of NATO and Great Britain in the Northern European region.
Key words: Great Britain, Northern Europe, Finland, Sweden, NATO, Joint Expeditionary Force, JEF.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.037
V.D. POTURUKHIN Postgraduate student, faculty of global studies Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The modern system of international relations is the interaction of geographically and administratively separate societies, represented in the form of a multitude of nation-states. Currently, this system of international relations, which has been functioning for four centuries and is called the Westphalian system, was the foundation for successive world orders, within which certain nation-states dominated the process of world politics. At the same time, the modern process of deepening globalization in all spheres of public life has created conditions for comprehensive territorial-political, economic and even socio-cultural integration, which forms fundamental contradictions in relation to the Westphalian system of international relations. Thus, the global scale of real interaction contradicts the regional nature of the existing regulatory system. At the same time, the prospects of the institution of the state in the context of globalization and the contradictions of the world-system based on the principle of geographically fragmented states-nations are being studied.
Key words: the Westphalian system of international relations, world politics, globalization, the world-system, the institution of the state, the state-nation.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.038
L.M. TSAKHILOVA PhD student, Department of Comparative Political Science, faculty of political science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Analysis of the complex global geopolitical situation in the world and changes in the architecture of international and European security is impossible without rethinking the role and importance of international organizations, which have become one of the key actors in international relations. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is one of the key players in the international political arena. One of the largest international organizations, the number of military contingents of various types of troops of which exceeds the number of armed forces of many states, and whose defense and military expenditures exceed the budgets of many countries of the world, and the contradictory ambiguous policy pursued by this military-political alliance throughout its existence cannot but arouse the interest of researchers, politicians and a wide range of civil society.
The article examines the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, its transformation throughout its existence and its role in modern international relations, as well as key aspects of interaction with Russia.
Key words: NATO, North Atlantic Alliance, international security, security policy.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.039
ZHOU GEER PhD student, International Relations and World Politics Department, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
In the context of the US-Russia-China strategic triangle, the Arctic becomes one node in geopolitical competition. In the United States, Russia's actions in the Arctic and the penetration of China there are seen as representing challenges and threats to the United States. Washington is making efforts to strengthen its position in the Arctic. In Russia, in turn, they are expressing concern over the increased military activity of the United States and NATO in the European North and the seas surrounding it. As part of Russia's policy of "pivot to the East" after 2014 and the withdrawal of investments and technologies from the joint Arctic projects of most Western companies due to sanctions, China is gradually becoming the main partner. To strengthen the influence of China as a “great power”, Beijing is pursuing an active Arctic policy, establishing close cooperation in the development of the Arctic with the Arctic countries, developing competencies and technologies, and participating in the management of the Arctic. The article presents the prevailing assessments in the Chinese scientific discourse of the changes in the Arctic strategies and policies of Russia and the United States in the Arctic over the last few years, as well as the impact of these changes on China's interests in the Arctic. There is a widespread notion in Chinese assessments of the increasing complexity of the geopolitical situation in the Arctic in recent years, the militarization of the Arctic region, and the growth of elements of Russian-American rivalry in the Arctic. Although the intensification of confrontation between the United States and Russia involves other countries in the designation of their position and the escalation of conflicts on the Arctic issues, it is in the interests of Beijing to position itself in the Russian-American "Arctic game" as a neutral participant.
Key words: Arctic, Russia, US, China, Arctic strategy, rivalry, conflict.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.040
SHAO ZIXUAN Graduate student, Higher School of Cultural Policy and Management in the Humanities (Faculty), Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
In the modern world, corruption is a widespread problem for many countries. It is undermining their national security and development, lowering the quality of public administration, causing economic losses and weakening the international status of a country and its reputation. Based on extensive research into the phenomenon of corruption, scientists have a clear understanding of its nature and the conditions under which it spreads to the smallest possible region and grows to the point where it engulfs government institutions. At the same time, the available scientific knowledge does not provide complete defense of the state and its institutions against the spread of unethical behavior. In this regard, the scientific study of this problem and the study of anti-corruption practices used by governments in different countries does not lose its relevance. Data collection and generalization can play an important role in improving anti-corruption countermeasures around the world. Because there are no proven methods for stopping them, governments of states are forced to pay close attention to the development and implementation of anti-corruption policies, strengthening safeguards against corrupt practices, and, no less important, assessing the effectiveness of the efforts being made.
This article discusses the main directions of China's anti-corruption policy, retrospectively analyzes some of the stages and achievements of the fight against corruption in this country. And it reveals the goal-setting and content of anti-corruption reforms in modern China, whose breadth has substantially increased in recent years. This proves the necessity of instilling the idea that "does not dare to corrupt – cannot corrupt – does not wish to corrupt" in the minds of the populace.
Key words: anti-corruption, anti-corruption policy, corruption, anti-corruption reforms, China.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.041
D.V. VINOKUROV Student in the direction of "International Relations" Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
S.S. ZAKHARCHUK Student in the direction of "Political Science" Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
V.V. KIM Student in the direction of "Political Science" Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
This article aims to analyze the attitudes inside Russian society regarding the conflict in Ukraine and the Special Military Operation in particular. The issue maintains relevant to the ongoing controversy on these topics, during which the parties often resort to generalization of their points of view and their automatic extrapolation to large groups of the population. Proceeding from the methods of political sociology, the analysis of public opinion polls is taken as a methodological basis. The main scope of the analysis is support or opposition to the course of the Government of the Russian Federation (RF) and the distribution of opinions among various social groups and strata of the population.
Key words: public opinion, Ukraine, SMO, domestic political actors.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.042
K.S. КOMAROV Student, Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU), Moscow, Russia
Within the political science analysis of current trends in the evolution of global politics, the article expresses authorial comprehension of the relationship between politics and economics through the prism of economic factors. The main emphasis is placed on formation on this basis of the mechanism of integration interactions and the foundations of global governance (illustrated by EU-french relations). The influence of economic statecraft on the choice of a specific political strategy for increasing the competitiveness of the state in new global context is updated. Some models and techniques of national operation in the geo-economic space are presented. Author’s framework is an explicit material for further development of the post-bipolar model of international relations.
Key words: european integration, EU-french relations, economic statecraft, factor analysis, geoeconomics.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.043
S.V. SHAPOVALOVA Student of Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communication Financial University under the Government of the RF, Moscow, Russia
Multilateral ties, and with them the ideas of pan-Turkism, returned to the socio-political life of Azerbaijan simultaneously with the collapse of the USSR and the self-exclusion of the Russian Federation from the domestic political field of Azerbaijan, including its educational environment.
The presented work analyses the role and activities of Turkey in shaping Azerbaijan's new education system both at secondary and higher education levels. International agreements, documents, and statistical data, which witness the dominant influence of Turkey in building the model of Azerbaijani education, were analyzed. The outcome of the study was the prognostic options for the development of Azerbaijan's education vector.
Key words: Turkey, Azerbaijan, the Turkic world, education, international cooperation, "soft power".
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2023.89.1.044
S.S. VDOVIN Postgraduate student of ISAA Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
Academic journal “Political Science Issues”. Volume 12, Issue 12 (88), 2022
Goncharov P.K. Modern Political Culture: Contents, Formation, Typology
Seleznev P.S. Memorial Discourse as a Tool to Maintain the Prestige of the Russian Statehood in the XVI Century
Potseluev S.P., Konstantinov M.S. On the Problem of Historical Amnesia in the Aspect of «Competence-Based» Approach in the Study of National History
Putina O.V. Traditional Spiritual and Moral Values as the Basis of Civic Identity and Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue
Anikin D.A., Batishchev R.Yu. Civil Religion of Modern Russia: the Issues of the Interactions Between State and Orthodox Communities
Rodionova M.E., Eremenko I.V. Comparative Analysis of Representation of Russian Political Parties in Social Networks
Kasymov R.Sh. Models of Intraparty Democracy of Russian Political Parties
Zyong Wan Lin. Political Interest of Vietnamese Students in Connection with the War Between Russia and Ukraine – Interview 2022
Morugina I.N. Features of the Impact of Strategic Communication of Political Actors on the Process Agenda Formation
Jin Yang. Characteristics and Frontiers of Political Propaganda Research in China – Based on Statistics and Analysis of Relevant Literature from Central Chinese Journals from 1992 to 2022
Dankova V.V. Youth Policy of Modern Parliamentary Parties
Karatueva E.N. Implementation of the Principle of Subsidiarity in State and Municipal Administration (on the Example of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Podolskiy V.A. Comparison of the Social Policy Systems Efficiency
Prokhorov D.V., Rassadin A.A., Omelkovich A.V. Prospects for the Development of Innovative Political and Legal Instruments in the Digital Economy
Bashlaeva M.S. Management of External and Internal Information Policy as an Effective Management for Forming the Image of the State
Mosakova E.A., Nikiforova A.Y. Development Trends of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Russia in the Context of the Pandemic of a New Coronavirus Infection (СOVID-19)
Tsygankov P.A., Slutsky L.E. Western Discourse on Russia's "Hybrid War Against Democracy": New Wine in Old Bottles
Vankovska B. Heading Towards a Global NATO: Piquing China?
Ma Shiyuan, Chen Jing, Chen Di, Zhang Huiqin, Soslan Betrozov. Features of European Media Coverage of the Pandemic in China
Pakhrutdinov Sh.I. Strengthening Regional and International Cooperation to Ensure Security and Stability in the Central Asian Region
Tushkov A.A., Smotryaeva K.S., Amelchenko A.Ya. Special Report of the Economist Magazine Dated October 8, 2022: Russian Interpretation of the English Forecast
Belikova E.A., Egorov I.S. Prospects for the Resumption of the Qatari Diplomatic Crisis in the Light of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict
Tuskov A.A., Somova I.Yu., Nekhorosheva A.N. On the Problem of the Involvement of Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations in the Destabilization of the Autonomous Regions of the People's Republic of China
Zhambaeva U.B. Tibetan Buddhism in the Political Context of the Min Dynasty
Kolykhalov M.I. The Concept of the International City in World Politics
Smirnov N.M., Popov S.I., Gusarskaya T.A. The Relevance of the Solution of the Transnistrian Conflict in Modern Conditions, Possible Scenarios
Ashmarina A.A. Migration Policy of the European Union: Conceptual Framework and Prospects for Development in a Changing Reality
Levandovsky N.V. US and NATO Influence on the Formation of the European Union's Foreign Policy
Abdrakhimov L.G. The Legal Aspect of National Security in China
Wang Junqi. China-U.S. Counter-Terrorism Settlement Mechanism
Kapustin A.S. Review of Practices of Counteracting the Propaganda of the International Terrorist Organization DAESH (Prohibited in the Russian Federation)
Romachev R.V. Proxy Intelligence and Classification of Intelligence Actors on the Example of the US
Tamundele Jean-Baptiste Ngay. Russian-African Relations: Moral Values as the Basis of Public Diplomacy?
Tlezhukova D.M. The Role of the International Organizations Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in Ensuring Regional Security in Central Asia
Hu Rong. US-Iran Security Game and Chinese Countermeasures
Saparbekova D.S. The Media is an Important Tool of Dialogue Between the Government and Society
Bratkovskaya D.V., Rogova Ya.D., Gorbenkova E.I. The Role of the UN in the Settlement of International Conflicts: Ways and Tools
Kuziura Yu.S., Rychkova A.L. The Role of Sport as a Tool of "Soft Power" in the Politics of the Asia-Pacific Countries
Loktionova D.V., Myasnikov V.S., Stakhno E.V. Analysis of the Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic Factor on the Economic Stability of the Republic of Korea
Melnikova M.M., Zainullina P.R., Goryachev D.R. China's Regional Policy: the Case of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the Autonomous Region of Tibet
Martsinkevich K.A., Volzhanin D.A., Litvinenko D.V. Russian-Japanese Relations: Prime Minister's Course and Prospects for Recovery
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.001
P.K. GONCHAROV Doctor of sociology, Professor Professor of Law Institute of Russian Transport University (MIIT), Moscow, Russia
The notion of political culture is one of the key and relatively new ones in political science. In spite of the great attention paid by scientists to the research of this phenomenon, not all of its manifestations have acquired adequate reflection in scientific and educational literature. The target of the article is to give a complex idea of the main components of modern political culture and their specifications as well as of the diversity of its typological manifestations in modern world.
Key words: political culture, political values, political conscience, formation of political culture, social purpose of political culture, functions of political culture, typology of political culture.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.002
P.S. SELEZNEV Doctor of Political Sciences, Dean of the Faculty international economic relations Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Within the framework of the present study, the question of the practice of using the memorial discourse as a tool to ensure the prestige of the Russian statehood during the period of its full-fledged formation as a centralized system in the 16th century is revealed. The purpose of the work is to assess the content and role of the corresponding memorial regime in maintaining the prestige of the Russian state in the designated period. The author comes to the conclusion that within the framework of the official and official historical narrative during the period under study, memorial frameworks were publicly set, substantiating the ideas of Russia's spiritual and political continuity in relation to Byzantium and Rome, its religious leadership and messianic destiny, as well as the rights to own the territories of Lithuania and Poland. The latter involved, among other things, the formation of the concept of "debt of memory" in the form of an obligation to return the lost lands as ancient Russian princes, and in the future, the possessions of the Byzantine emperors. At the same time, through the introduction of a number of figures of memory, the Lithuanian statehood was stigmatized and deprived of prestige. It should also be emphasized that the rationale for the prestige of Russian statehood was syncretic (both secular and religious) and, in fact, was more addressed to the domestic audience than to foreign politicians.
Key words: politics of memory, memorial discourse, Russian statehood, prestige, Rurikovich.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.003
S.P. POTSELUEV Doctor of Political Sciences, professor of Department of Theoretical and Applied Political Science, Institute of Philosophy and Social & Political Sciences, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
M.S. KONSTANTINOV Candidate of Political Sciences, associate professor of Department of Theoretical and Applied Political Science, Institute of Philosophy and Social & Political Sciences, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
The subject of the study presented in the article is historical unconsciousness, which is fixed, in particular, in sociological studies among Don students. Accordingly, the purpose of the work was to identify the specifics of historical amnesia in the student mind and determine the key factors of this amnesia based on the empirical data obtained in the course of a series of questionnaire surveys concerning key events in national history, as well as the topic of the current political crisis in Ukraine. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the concept of a large narrative of historical memory (P. Ricoeur, P. Nora, J. Le Goff, etc.), as well as the concept of historical amnesia, developed in the works of D. Rubio, M. Kundera, Z.S. Gevorkyan, N.I. Shestova and other authors. The methodological basis of the study was three questionnaire surveys conducted among students of universities in the Rostov region by employees of the Southern Federal University and the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2015 (N=718), as well as employees of the Center for Socio-Political Research of the Southern Federal University in 2014 and in 2020 (N=751). As a result of the study, it was found that a significant factor in the amnestic effects in youth consciousness is historical (humanitarian) education, built according to the competence-based approach with its focus on instrumental rationality. According to the authors, such treatment of history correlates with the concept of historical memory, in which the opposition “history vs. memory". Subjecting this approach to criticism based on modern authoritative historians (P. Nora, J. Le Goff), the authors interpret historical amnesia as a general weakening of historical memory, suggesting the loss of at least one of its main elements: collective memory (commemoration), scientific historiography and politics of memory.
Key words: historical memory, historical amnesia, big narrative, competence approach, commemoration, memory politics.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.004
O.V. PUTINA Postgraduate student at the Department of Management in the Sphere of Interethnic and Interfaith Relations of the Faculty of Public Administration of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; Specialist of the Center for the Prevention of Religious and Ethnic Extremism in Educational Organizations of the Russian Federation of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow, Russia
The article raises the question of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values as the basis of the civic identity of the peoples of Russia and intercultural and interreligious dialogue both on the territory of Russia and abroad. Based on the methods of political and legal analysis, the author explores legal acts, mechanisms for regulating social relations, including political ones, including the activities of state power at the international level.
The diversity of the national composition and religious affiliation of the population of Russia, the historical experience of intercultural and interreligious interaction, the preservation and development of the traditions of the peoples living on its territory are the common property of the Russian nation, serve as the basis for strengthening Russian statehood, a factor in promoting its spiritual and moral values abroad. Given the fact that the struggle for cultural influence continues to intensify on the world stage, one of Russia's priorities in international relations is to uphold, within the framework of international and regional organizations, the importance of universal human values and international humanitarian cooperation. The Russian Federation and the Russian world abroad are increasingly perceived as the guardian and protector of traditional spiritual and moral values, the spiritual heritage of world civilization based on the accumulated experience of respect for foreign culture, faith, and customs.
Key words: spiritual and moral values, civic identity, intercultural dialogue, interreligious dialogue, state national policy.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.005
D.A. ANIKIN PhD of Philosophy, Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Social Philosophy Department of Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky; Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Politics of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Saratov, Russia
R.YU. BATISHCHEV Junior Researcher of Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, Saratov, Russia
This article examines the peculiarities of the formation of civil religion in contemporary Russia through the interaction, including institutional, of the state with religious orthodox actors. It notices that civil religion is initially connected with the commemorative practices existing in a given society, as it tries to construct a new collective identity by referring to the past. In Russia, civil religion is closely connected with commemorative practices emanating from various religious institutions, the strongest influence among which are Orthodox actors, above all the Russian Orthodox Church.
The methodology of the politics of memory analysis in this article is based on its principled multi-actor nature, the absence of state monopoly on the translation of historical representations. In recent decades, in contrast to the state, the Russian Orthodox Church has taken a more articulate position on a number of issues, influencing the formation of the state memorial agenda. This penetration has also had institutional forms – through the institution of education and the institution of military service (realizing the function of political socialization). The activity of the Church in issues such as medieval commemoration, remembrance of victims of political repression, and war commemorations is noted.
The influence of such specific memorial discourses as "Tsarebozhism" and Orthodox Stalinism, which go beyond the official discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church, but which have an impact not only on the historical consciousness of the faithful Russians, but also partially on the state memorial agenda, is considered separately.
Key words: civil religion, patriotism, politics of memory, Russian Orthodoxy, war commemorations.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.006
M.E. RODIONOVA Candidate of Science in Sociology, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Social Science and Mass Communication Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
I.V. EREMENKO PhD in Philosophy, Senior Lecturer, Department of Mass Communications and Media Business, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
The material of the article draws attention to the analysis of communication tools for creating an effective image of Russian political parties in social networks at the end of 2022 (Vkonrakte, Telegram, YouTube, using the example of the New People and LDPR parties. The analysis began with a brief description of the main direction of the parties, the activities of the parties in electronic and media resources as a political PR tool were considered, the target audience was analyzed, as well as the communication channels of the leaders of the parties, the most active in social networks. The work of the party in the regions is revealed. The conclusion is made about the high importance and role of social networks as main channels of communication of Russian political parties in the 21st century.
Key words: communication channels, political PR, media politics, LDPR, New People, Nechaev, Davankov, Avksentievam Airapetyan, Zhirinovsky, Slutsky, Khovansky, Maddison.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.007
R.SH. KASYMOV PhD Candidate of the Department of Political Science, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Political parties use the mechanisms of intra-party democracy to ensure the legitimacy of their leadership and demonstrate broad support for party policies. There are different models of intra-party democracy. Based on the ability of party members to influence the choice of party leaders and party politics, one can single out a centralized model of intra-party democracy and a decentralized model of party democracy. Russian parties use both models, depending on party goals and the availability of appropriate resources. Since 2009, United Russia has been actively introducing elements of a decentralized model of internal party democracy. This party uses the mechanism of primary elections open to all citizens of the Russian Federation to select candidates for elections at various levels. The Communist Party, in turn, uses a centralized model for selecting candidates. The decision to nominate a candidate is made by the party committee, and approved by the party congress. The choice of a decentralized model is associated with an attempt by United Russia to increase the visibility of candidates, the desire to recruit new leaders and test electoral technologies before the start of the official election campaign.
Key words: political parties, intraparty democracy, preliminary elections, primary elections, primaries, party congress.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.008
ZYONG WAN LIN Postgraduate Student, Department of Comparative Political Science, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
The article conducted a survey of students about the degree of interest in political and military events between modern Russia and Ukraine. Using the results of a social survey of Vietnamese students studying in Vietnam and in the Russian Federation to determine the degree of political interest of students in this event. Let's consider the factors influencing this level of interest, thereby creating a basis for assessing the feeling of participation in political activities of Vietnamese students studying at home and abroad.
Key words: Students, political consciousness, interest, Vietnam.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.009
I.N. MORUGINA Postgraduate, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
This article discusses the features of the influence of strategic communication of political actors on the process of forming the agenda. It is indicated that power and the struggle for power underlie politics, which is competitive in nature and, accordingly, they play a central role in political communication. It is concluded that the features include: firstly, the very strategic nature of this type of political communications; secondly, the need to ensure the political legitimacy of certain political actors in the process of setting the agenda as part of the implementation of strategic communication; thirdly, the need for adequate political opposition through strategic communications on the part of political actors in the process of forming a strategic or tactical agenda.
Key words: political process, political communication, political subject, political agenda, strategic communication.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.010
JIN YANG Postgraduate, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
This article explores the characteristics of Chinese scholarly research on political propaganda. The author analyzed 53 relevant articles in central Chinese journals from 1992 to 2022. The article conducted statistics and analysis according to the indicators: research topics, case countries for propaganda analysis, political events for propaganda analysis, and years of article publication. With the help of statistics and analysis, the paper reveals the characteristics, frontiers and development trends of Chinese academic research in this field.
Key words: political propaganda, propaganda technology, computational propaganda, social bots, algorithms, social networks.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.011
V.V. DANKOVA Graduate student, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The article examines the specifics of the youth policy of modern parliamentary parties. The main directions of youth involvement in the socio-political practices of Russian society are given, the value orientations of Soviet and Russian youth are compared, the role of youth self-government bodies is considered, attention is paid to the targets of political parties in relation to the younger generation based on the analysis of the composition of the deputy corps and the staff of the State Duma factions of the VIII convocation. The purpose of this study is to determine the place and role of young people in the activities of political parties today.
Key words: youth, youth policy, parliamentary parties, political activity.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.012
E.N. KARATUEVA Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, St. Petersburg, Russia
The principle of subsidiarity, based on the distribution of powers between different levels of government, assumes that management can be effectively carried out at the lowest possible level. The intervention of higher structures is advisable only if it is impossible to independently solve problems at a lower level.
Each management level should have its own competencies to exercise its own and delegated powers. In accordance with the existing management pyramid, it is possible to distinguish supranational, state, regional and municipal levels. Moreover, the latter is the basic unit of the structure of public power. In this context, the distribution of powers between the State administration and local self-government is of particular interest from the point of view of the effectiveness of the tasks assigned to them.
Among European countries, it is the Federal Republic of Germany that most fully implements the principle of subsidiarity in the distribution of powers between different levels of government.
Key words: the principle of subsidiarity, public administration, local self-government, municipality, community.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.013
V.A. PODOLSKIY Candidate of Political sciences, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science, State Academic University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
Introduction: several types of social support systems have developed in the world, which differ both in their architecture and in their tasks and effectiveness. Existing approaches to comparison most often compare models and tasks, so the comparison of efficiency is valuable. Aims and goals: the article examines the structure and functions of social support systems in Germany, France, Britain, USA, Russia and China, the cost of their operation and performance. Methods: The article uses a comparative-historical approach, analysis of institutions, statistical data and legal documents. Results: The social support system in the United States can be considered to be the least effective, for it consumes the largest amount of resources and provides a weaker result than other developed social support systems. The British and German systems may be considered the best, but they are built on different principles and also have their own weaknesses. Conclusions: for the development of the social support system in Russia, both the positive experience of Germany and Britain should be considered, as well as the shortcomings of these systems, and also the problems associated with the provision of social support in the United States.
Key words: social policy, social insurance, pensions, benefits, allowances.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.014
D.V. PROKHOROV Candidate of sociological sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of the Samara National research university named after Academician S.P. Koroleyva, Samara, Russia
A.A. RASSADIN Postgraduate student of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of the Samara National research university named after Academician S.P. Koroleyva, Samara, Russia
A.V. OMELKOVICH Student of the department of national and world economy Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
The article discusses and presents the results of research in the context of the creation and development of modern technologies, as well as an analysis of the reaction of society, which caused great prerequisites and digital conditions for their implementation and application in all areas of the socio-economic life of society. In the course of scientific and technological progress and, as a result, the processing of a large amount of information, the role of questions about the emergence of new or changes in existing rules of law in the field of the digital economy, such as, for example, online meetings of members of societies, protection of the rights of subjects in the processing of big data, the emergence of RID in the digital space and IT.
Key words: political system, big data, law, state, digital economy, innovative technologies.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.015
M.S. BASHLAEVA Associate Professor of the Department of State and municipal government and political science Karachay-Cherkess State University named after W.D. Alieva, Karachaevsk, Russia
The article deals with the main problems of forming a positive image of the modern Russian state, as well as national strategies of "soft power" in the foreign policy of states, where the increasing role of flexible factors and the strengthening of the influence of "soft" instruments of influence on the system of international relations are noted, an analysis is made of their role in the implementation foreign policy of Russia. The main approaches, resources, goals and results of the use of "soft power" by states at the present stage are analyzed. In the modern world community, the competitiveness of a country is significantly influenced by the information resources that they have and the reputation these countries have. Today, more and more often in the official statements of the political leadership of the country, in the speeches of public figures and major entrepreneurs, there is concern that an unfavorable image of Russia is being formed abroad. Increasingly, in the course of such discussions, it is proposed to create a single state system that would coordinate all image-building activities. However, the implementation of such a decision requires a comprehensive analysis of the mechanisms for forming/adjusting the country's image, as well as its components, identifying the key actors involved in these processes and understanding the experience of other states in this direction. Moreover, the difficulty of adequately reflecting the processes taking place in Russia to the global audience is due to the fact that it is a super-community – a multinational and multi-confessional state.
Key words: external and internal state information policy, "soft power", "hard power", "balance of power", image, image policy, institutionalism, ideology of the state, social level of development of society, axiological system, mentality of the nation, culture of the country, creative country's potential.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.016
E.A. MOSAKOVA Сandidate of Economics, Associate professor, Associate professor at the Department of Global Processes Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
A.Y. NIKIFOROVA Masterˈs student, at the Department of Global Processes, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
Introduction. Nowadays one of the major problems of the world economy is the decline in the level of the entrepreneurial activity in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. One of the solutions to this problem is the expansion of SMEs, which contributes to the creation of new jobs, improving the living conditions of the general population, as well as increasing GDP.
Materials and methods. Methodological basis of the research is composed. of general cognition methods: evaluation, synthesis, comparison, inductance and deduction, rising from the abstract to the concrete as well as systemic – structural approach. Special methods of investigation such as acquisition of scientific treatises, information gain and economics and statistics analysis were applied during the research.
Results of the study. The main problem of SMEs at the beginning of the pandemic was the inability of its subjects to transfer their activities to online in a short time, as well as to diversify it in response to the new economic reality.
Discussion. The study of the monthly dynamics of the main indicators during the entire period of the pandemic reflects the fall of such indicators as the number of SMEs and the number of employees. But at the same time, the number of types of manufactured products remained at a relatively stable level during the reporting period. Such multidirectional dynamics of indicators demonstrate that enterprises were forced to “reorient" and "differentiate" their products.
Conclusion. The pandemic has significantly aggravated the existing problems in the development of Russian SMEs, and the existing system of state support for SMEs has proven to be low in its effectiveness: the measures of state support for SMEs were effective enough to fulfill only one goal – to preserve employment. Therefore, the question of a cardinal update of the state policy in the field of SME support is risen.
Key words: entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), business processes, the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), diversification, employment, digitalization.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.017
P.A. TSYGANKOV Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
L.E. SLUTSKY Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The article analyzes the popular Western discourse about the "hybrid war of Russia" against the global West and its allies who are on the "right side of history". As a result of the study, it is shown that the widespread use of this discourse by Western media, analytical centers and official representatives of NATO and the EU indicates that it is given the role of an important ideological tool in the struggle for all-round deterrence and weakening of Russia. At the same time, in essence, the discourse under consideration is not much different from similar narratives that were used by the West against Russia in the past.
The authors rely on a wide range of diverse sources. The debate about the "hybrid war" is presented mainly through the analysis of publications in academic journals and monographs, as well as speeches by statesmen. The conclusions concerning the peculiarities of the discourse of "hybrid wars of Russia" are illustrated by references to NATO and EU documents, materials, comments and interviews of military and civilian experts, articles in scientific periodicals and other academic publications.
The article is structured as follows. The first part traces the genesis, evolution and various interpretations of the concept of "hybrid warfare". The second section is devoted to the analysis of arguments about the "hybrid war of Russia". In conclusion, conclusions are drawn according to which the widespread discourse about the "hybrid war of Russia", with all its external novelty, is an attempt to substantiate the idea of Moscow's eternal aggressiveness.Keywords: Russia, West, NATO, European Union, hybrid war, hybrid threats, democracy, autocracy.
Key words: Russia, West, NATO, EU, hybrid war, hybrid threats, democracy, autocracy.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.018
B. VANKOVSKA Professor of political science and international relations, Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia
The article aims at deconstruction of the idea of “global NATO”, or better multiple NATOs across the globe. For quite some time the North Atlantic Alliance had been spreading its reach, including political influence, military equipment, manpower, bases, intelligence, etc. mostly towards Russia’s borders – until it hit the wall. It is logical to assume that the Ukraine war has already been in the cards in Washington; yet it is hard to say if it was THE plan or just a possibility due to the West’s underrating Russia’s readiness to respond. After the Madrid summit the key strategic question is how far to the east would (future) global NATO go. No matter how much the general public is focused on the developments in Ukraine and their (un)intended damages (in terms of economic recession, inflation, energy crisis, etc.) on the collective West, that war is just a prelude to a more important clash – in Asia-Pacific, and probably on a global scale. The (next) key rival is China, i.e. the power that has factual potential to be not only a superior economic giant, but also a power that may actively re-shape the new international order.
Key words: NATO, China, global security, Ukraine, militarization.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.019
MA SHIYUAN Doctorate, Associate Professor, English Department, Beijing International Studies University Lecturer, Peking, China
CHEN JING Master, Associate Professor, French Department, Beijing International Studies University, Peking, China
CHEN DI Ph.D. Saint Petersburg State University, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Department Media Lingustics Senior lecturer, Saint Petersburg, Russia
ZHANG HUIQIN Russian Department, Doctorate, Professor, Beijing international Studies University, Peking, China
SOSLAN BETROZOV Ph.D. Lawyer of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Objective: the purpose of this work is to identify trends and specifics in the media coverage of European countries (UK, Germany, France, Russia) of the situation with COVID-19 in China; the need to strengthen the responsibility of the media in relation to the published information, their independence and objectivity.
Methods: the authors used the method of content analysis of the text of various publications of European countries: Great Britain (5 sources), Germany (4 sources), France (5 sources) and Russia (4 sources).
Conclusions: the nature of the information provided by the national media is influenced by foreign policy factors, reflects the relations between European countries (in particular, Great Britain, Germany and France) and China, and indicates the presence of rivalry and conflict of interests between them.
The panic over COVID-19, which has become one of the most prominent topics in Western media coverage, and the "information epidemic" caused by it may significantly reduce citizens' trust in real objective information from official sources and become a factor of increasing general anxiety in society.
In a time of global panic, the media becomes a manipulative tool designed to distract the public's attention from their own immediate problems by focusing their attention on the problems of others.
Mistrust and fear. Perhaps this is what the pandemic crisis has taught us best. This lesson should be followed by another – how to cope with them, despite contradictions and cultural differences, economic interests and long-standing grievances.
It seems that in this matter, the media can and should become a unifying, binding force that makes it possible to achieve a common goal. It is necessary to realize that it is inadmissible to spread rumors and panic to avoid responsibility, especially in the context of one's own powerlessness in the fight against the epidemic.
Linguistic and comparative methods of analysis allowed the authors to determine the target settings of the publications. The results of the analysis allow the authors to assert that the European mass media not only express political stereotypes of the image of China and the Chinese government, but also promote them in the eyes of public opinion through the dissemination of anxiety, fear and panic. An analysis of the peculiarity of key publications showed the "mechanics" of such promotion. In the meantime, we are experiencing the full spectrum of mistrust and fear. Hopefully, one day – put them behind us.
The article is of interest to a wide range of researchers and the reading public.
Key words: coronavirus, European media, pandemic in China, epidemic control, Chinese experience, media coverage.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.020
Sh.I. PAKHRUTDINOV Doctor of political sciences, professor, member of the Association of Political Scientists of Russia, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
This article is devoted to the international cooperation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of security and trade and economic relations. In order to achieve peace and sustainable development in Central Asia, the states of the region are pursuing an active foreign policy. The transformation of Central Asia into a zone of peace and good neighborliness is also defined as a priority of Uzbekistan's foreign policy. The relevance of the topic of this article lies in the fact that in today's era of increasing sources of global threats, ensuring the territorial security of Central Asia has become one of the main tasks facing the states of the region. The geopolitical and geostrategic importance of the Central Asian region has been growing in recent years, it is becoming an object of serious attention in the international arena due to the presence of a large amount of mineral resources, the conflict of strategic interests of the world's largest countries. When writing the article, methods of comparative analysis, theoretical and general logical methods were used. The article consists of an introduction, the main part, a conclusion and a list of references.
Key words: region, regional security, globalization, foreign policy, stability, security, sustainability, initiative, trade and economic, sustainability, factors.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.021
A.A. TUSHKOV Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies Zhirinovsky University of World Civilizations, Moscow, Russia
K.S. SMOTRYAEVA Director of the Institute of Language and Translation Technologies and Development of International Communication Zhirinovsky University of World Civilizations, Moscow, Russia
A.Ya. AMELCHENKO Student, Institute of Language and Translation Technologies and Development of International Communication Zhirinovsky University of World Civilizations, Moscow, Russia
The paper analyzes The Economist magazine dated 08-10-2022, which suggests an “indisputable” global foreign policy and economic development forecast for 2023. The paper focuses on the energy sector, where 2023 will mark the end of the era of global pricing based on energy pricing. An alternative currency system is considered as the one that can shift the petrodollar from a leading position in the near future. The authors made their forecast of upcoming world events and their interpretation based on the mental and seemingly abstract symbols of a complex magazine cover design, which are associated with a single central inscription – “Regime change”. The cover of the special issue comprises several parts depicting aspects of economic and political activity where changes are definitely to occur. Therefore, the analysis made by the authors being Russian scholars is of particular interest, since the authors’ vision of events taking place differs from the one of The Economist magazine, which, in its turn, is one of the most trustworthy mouthpieces of British policy.
Key words: Rothschild, Great Britain, gas, oil, dollar, pound sterling, bitcoin, symbol.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.022
E.A. BELIKOVA Dr. Political Science, Assistant to the Department of State and Municipal Administration and Law, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia
I.S. EGOROV Applicant of the Department of Political Science of the East, Faculty of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Russia's special military operation on the territory of Ukraine has already become a catalyst for a number of global and local changes both in geopolitics and world economy, including new impetus to many existing and potential regional conflicts: from Transnistria to Taiwan. At the same time, one of the key crisis points in the Middle East – the Qatari diplomatic crisis – continues to be frozen, however, a number of factors indicate that an open confrontation between the GCC countries can start again at any moment.
The main goal of the research is to discuss the premises for the resumption of the Qatari diplomatic crisis and analyze its possible scenarios. The authors point out that a new round of the crisis is inevitable, moreover, it may turn out to be deeper and not be limited to a hybrid and information war between Qatar and the "Arab Quartet" – Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain, but develop into a full-fledged military clash.
The article concludes that in case of implementation of any of the scenarios under consideration the influence of the United States on regional players will decrease.
Key words: Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatari diplomatic crisis, information war, conflict, special military operation, Russia, Ukraine.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.023
A.A. TUSKOV Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies University of world civilizations named after V.W. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia
I.YU. SOMOVA Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies University of world civilizations named after V.W. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia
A.N. NEKHOROSHEVA Student, Institute of language and translation technologies and the development of international communication University of world civilizations named after V.W. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia
This article discusses an urgent topic – the influence of foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on the ethnopolitical conflict potential of modern China, where the key point is their indirect and direct impact on the destabilization of autonomous regions. The balanced foreign and domestic political course of the Communist Party of China is aimed at key transformations in the field of socio-economic life of citizens and the formation of a new post-Westphalian world order. In these conditions, the PRC is affected by problems related to ethno-political conflicts. They fully characterize the entire multifaceted spectrum of the internal political process of the development of the state. Such conflicts as, for example, in the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region of China, the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, etc. are vivid examples of the maturation of conflict potential. It is based on religious, ethnic, political and territorial contradictions. Not the last place in their aggravation is occupied by foreign non-governmental organizations. This complex of problems, related to indirect and direct impact of NGOs on the destabilization of autonomous regions is the subject of the authors’ research in this article. The authors consider the relationship between indirect and direct intervention of foreign NGOs, as well as specific examples of two types of impacts – indirect and direct intervention. Due to the strict restriction of access of foreign NGOs to mainland China, direct intervention of foreign NGOs is being replaced by direct intervention of foreign governments. In this regard, it is concluded that various states are directly interested in destabilizing the internal situation in China in order to realize their political goals.
Key words: PRC, NGO, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Tibet Autonomous Region, separatism, destabilizing events, Human Rights Watch, The Conservative Party Human rights commission, Free Tibet.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.024
U.B. ZHAMBAEVA Candidate of philosophical Sciences, associate Professor of Management in higher education, REU im. G.V. Plehanova» Ulaanbaatar branch; Adviser to the President of the Mongolian diplomatic Organization for peace and friendship, Ulan-Bator, Mongolia
In 1267-1279, Khubilai fights for the real conquest of all of China. To begin with, Khubilai found himself the Commander-in-Chief Chinese Shetankze, then he decided to transfer the capital of his kingdom from Karakoram to China, namely to the place of the old capital Dasin, hereinafter referred to as Beijing. A new city is being built in the suburb of Dashin, which is called the great capital or Khanbalyk, in Chinese Dadu. Khubilai lacked religious fanaticism, but there was ethnic fanaticism. In this sense, it is much more interesting to identify the common stereotypical foundations of behavior associated with Khubilai’s psychology, and more so with the nature of the unconscious, which allow us to build a different order of ethnic structure, the basis of which can serve as an immanent sense of unity.
Key words: state, mentor, Buddhism, dynasty, politics, religion, legitimacy, emperor.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.025
M.I. KOLYKHALOV Candidate of political sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal SIU RANEPA, Novosibirsk, Russia
In modern scientific discourse, a number of concepts of global cities are being developed – "international city", "global city", "global information city", "world city". The least specified in terms of identifying criteria and defining indicators is the category of "international city", which characterizes a wide range of urban centers that are comprehensively involved in international activities.
The purpose of the article is to explore the concept of an "international city", to determine the key features and criteria for classifying urban centers in this category, to identify key differences, and to propose basic indicators of selection criteria.
Key words: metropolis, international city, manufacturing city, gate city, transactional city.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.026
N.M. SMIRNOV Bachelor of the Department of Public Policy and History of State and Law, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia
S.I. POPOV Ph.D. in Political Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Policy and History of State and Law, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia
T.A. GUSARSKAYA Senior Lecturer of the Department of Public Policy and History of State and Law, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia
The article presents the author's reflections and observations on the situation in Pridnestrovie, Ukraine and the world political arena, during the implementation of a special military operation for the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. Possible ways of solving the Transnistrian conflict in modern conditions are identified and analyzed.
Key words: conflict, Transnistrian conflict, Transnistrian Moldavian Republic, PMR, Transnistria, special military operation, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Moldova, Romania, OSCE, United States, European Union.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.027
A.A. ASHMARINA Assistant lecturer at IMOMI of Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
The article deals mainly with the modern migration policy of the European Union with an emphasis on the conceptual component. Purpose of the work: to identify the main directions of the EU policy in the field of migration in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the features of regulating the migration processes of a united Europe at the supranational level. Using a systematic approach and a case-study method, the author highlights the main directions of the EU migration policy, and also concludes that it is difficult to develop a common EU migration policy due to the conflicting national interests of European countries.
Key words: migration policy, migration, migration flows, European Union, legislation, trends, prospects.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.028
N.V. LEVANDOVSKY Lecturer of the Military Training Center, Moscow State Linguistic University; Postgraduate Student of the Department of Public Administration in Foreign Policy of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
The article analyzes the EU's long-standing desire to gain strategic autonomy from the United States and NATO in the field of defense and foreign policy. Various initiatives aimed at shaping the ideological frame of the collective identity of the EU, including attempts to form an independent European army, have led to contradictory results. The reality of today shows that institutionally NATO, being the core of the liberal world order of the collective West, has an obvious advantage representing a mature mechanism capable of mobilizing member states in order to broadcast the political will of the United States. NATO's identity has historically developed along the path of expansion, being the driving impulse of the collective West. This identity blocks the EU's attempts to gain its independence, subordinates its interests to the goals of the United States. During the transformation of the global world order the ambitions of the United States continued to grow turning the whole world into a "zone of American responsibility". Against the background of the strategic confrontation policy between the United States and Russia and in the future with China, Europe has regained for Washington the importance of an unconditional ally and an outpost in the struggle to preserve its former power and hegemon status in the ending its existence unipolar world, a special element in the implementation of a new policy of containment of Russia. The discourse of confrontation with Russia, which arose against the background of the special military operation, allowed NATO to overcome centrifugal tendencies within the alliance, stop the formation of strategic autonomy of the EU not only in the military, but also in the economic sphere and also turn the European Union into a key informational, economic and military formation of the American proxy war with Russia. The author also reflects on the degradation of European elites and their fundamental misunderstanding of Russian views on world politics.
Key words: foreign policy, strategic autonomy, NATO, USA, proxy war, containment, EU, Russia, Strategic Compass, national security, geopolitics.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.029
L.G. ABDRAKHIMOV Candidate of science degree, PFUR, Moscow, Russia
The article examines the legal aspect of national security of the PRC within the framework of officially published public documents. The author notes that in the PRC the legal provision of the national security system is based on the strengthening of political stability, with a clear hierarchy of other areas of national security (literally translated as "state security"). At the present stage of China's development the emphasis is placed on updating the existing legal acts, on creating a legal framework and legal institutions to respond to new challenges and threats to national security, such as: sanctions, cyberthreats, activities of non-governmental organizations, COVID, etc.
Key words: PRC, national security, state security, legal provision of national security, national interests, threats to national security.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.030
WANG JUNQI Ph.D. student, Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
This article attempts to explore the legal issues of the basic theory, basic principles, international legal framework and relevant procedural issues of international cooperation in counter-terrorism investigation, as well as the importance of international cooperation in counter-terrorism investigation, problems and main directions for improvement in the future in the light of cooperation international organizations and countries in the counter-terrorism investigation. To achieve the goal of the study, this paper uses a combination of methods of historical analysis, normative analysis, empirical analysis and comparative research. Based on the analysis of legal problems in the organization, the main procedures and the main issues of international cooperation in the field of combating terrorism, this article proposes ideas for solving problems by accelerating the implementation of a normative international platform, building a perfect international system of cooperation in the field of combating terrorism, rationalizing the use of investigative measures and the establishment of an effective intelligence-sharing mechanism.
Key words: international counterterrorism, investigative cooperation, mechanisms for cooperation in the fight against terrorism, anti-terrorism laws, terrorism.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.031
A.S. KAPUSTIN Postgraduate Student, Department of Russian Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The author conducted a review of studies that examined the basic aspects of the propaganda of the international terrorist organization Islamic State (hereinafter – DAESH) on the Internet, as well as considered effective and ineffective counteraction practices.
The purpose of the study is to identify effective practices of countering the propaganda of the international terrorist organization DAESH. During the analysis, the risks and factors of the effectiveness of propaganda impact on Internet users were identified.
The study was carried out based on materials from secondary sources.
The result of the study was the identification of approaches to effectively counter the propaganda and recruitment activities of DAESH.
Key words: terrorism, DAESH, propaganda, recruitment, Internet.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.032
R.V. ROMACHEV General director intelligence agency "R-Techno", Moscow, Russia
The article provides a definition of proxy intelligence, a classification of intelligence actors on the example of the United States. The activities of the main US intelligence actors are briefly considered. The intelligence service is defined as a service that is provided by both state intelligence actors and non-state actors.
Purpose: to give a definition of proxy intelligence, to determine the meaning of "intelligence service" in the political process, to classify intelligence actors using the example of the United States. Briefly review the activities of the main US intelligence actors.
Methodology: the analysis of the activities of both US state intelligence actors and non-state actors was carried out. The history of the interaction of non-state intelligence actors with state intelligence actors and authorities has been studied. The intelligence product proposed by the authors was studied. Specific organizations involved in US intelligence activities have been studied. The paper uses methods of studying documents, content analysis and a comparative method. The methodological basis of the work is the source study analysis.
Result: thanks to the study, it was found that the United States in its political activities actively resorts to the help of non-state intelligence actors, and private intelligence companies in particular. Their role, contribution and significance in the development of foreign policy decisions are established. The "intelligence service" is systematized precisely as a service provided by intelligence actors to their customers.
Practical significance: the findings became the basis for the development of practical recommendations for the Russian authorities on building communication and business relations with Russian private intelligence companies.
Based on the results obtained, a curriculum and a course of lectures in the direction of "Political Science", a master's program "Information and Hybrid Wars" at Moscow State University were prepared.
Key words: outsourced intelligence, contract intelligence, hired intelligence, private intelligence, intelligence actors, corporate intelligence, dark intelligence, hybrid warfare, hybrid intelligence, non-classical warfare, proxy warfare, proxy intelligence.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.033
TAMUNDELE JEAN-BAPTIST NGUAY Postgraduate student of Kazan (Privolzhsky) federal university, Kazan, Russia
In the sphere of interstate relations, a huge role is played by moral imperatives that determine the international agenda. The pursuit of the common good can be considered the main goal of a fair foreign policy, since the system of value orientations corresponding to it is creative in nature and enduring, while social injustice, dictate from the powerful of this world, encouragement of radicalism and extremism, lead to an imbalance and subsequently result in violence, war crimes, oppression, the war of "all against all".
The purpose of this article is to try to formulate a system of principles and approaches on the basis of which today there is a revival of full-fledged and comprehensive relations (in the field of social and economic development, scientific, technical and political cooperation) between Russia and the countries of the African continent.
We consider the reference points of the comfort zone in modern Russian-African relations to be the values of trust and humanism recognized by the world community, on the basis of which the current vector of Russian diplomacy seems to be built. It is no coincidence that in the title of the article we put the thesis about moral values as the basis of public diplomacy, which in the context of our study can be called a high mission - a real "new gospel" with which Russia addresses the peoples of Africa.
Of course, in our study, we will also turn to the trail of foreign policy relations established between Africa and Western countries, taking into account the difficult history of these relations. Turning to the events taking place on the African continent today, and to those that preceded them many decades ago, one involuntarily asks difficult questions. What is historical memory? How much has Africa and Africans changed? What was irretrievably lost, and what, on the contrary, was found? What is the main idea, the missionary role, the very “new gospel” that Russia brings to the peoples of the African continent, who had previously been “evangelized” and experienced the brunt of colonial oppression? Finally, what real means does Russia have to effectively "preach" high values in the field of diplomacy, and are these means sufficient to ensure sustainable and mutually beneficial cooperation with African countries in the long term?
Key words: public diplomacy, Central Africa, Russian-African relations.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.034
D.M. TLEZHUKOVA Postgraduate student of the Department of History of Political Parties and social movements of the Faculty of History, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia
This article examines the activities of the SCO and CSTO international organizations in the field of security in the Central Asian region. The author educed the threats for stability and security in Central Asia, described the fundamental principles of organizations and their methods of struggle against the threat, gave an appraisal of CSTO and SCO in resolving crisis situations. The author concludes that it is necessary to increase the potential of operational forces, pay more attention to preventive measures against attempts to destabilize the political situation. CSTO is considered as the organization for military and security cooperation. SCO is related with cross-border criminal issues, such as extremism, terrorism, drug trafficking.
Key words: Russia, Central Asia, Central Asia, China, security, threats, Afghanistan, SCO, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, CSTO, Collective Security Treaty Organisation, terrorism, extremism, integration, collective security system.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.035
HU RONG Head of Human Resources, Shanghai Fuxing Bund Commercial Co, China
The ongoing ferment of the Iranian issue has not only become a trigger for a new round of crisis in the Middle East, but also has a profound impact on China's economic, political and strategic interests. After the United States launched the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq and the beginning of the "Arab Spring", especially after the signing of the "Iranian nuclear agreement" in 2015, Iran quickly rose in the Middle East and became one of the major powers. The rise of Iran not only harms the interests of Israel and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, but also threatens US hegemony in the Middle East. In this context, in order to curb the growth of Iran's influence in the Middle East, it is necessary to exert all possible and maximum pressure on Iran, including military containment of Iran. A military confrontation between the US and Iran begins. Based on the analysis of literature, historical analysis, comparative analysis and case analysis, this article examines the history of the military confrontation between the United States and Iran. The "heating" of the Iranian issue is also connected with how China in the new era can actively act on the world stage, play the role of a responsible large country. Therefore, an in-depth study of Iran's predicament and the proposed countermeasures are of clear theoretical significance and far-reaching practical significance.
Key words: Iranian predicament, US-Iranian relations, Iranian issue, Trump administration, situation in the Middle East, military confrontation, economic sanctions.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.036
D.S. SAPARBEKOVA Master's student of the Faculty of Journalism of the Russian Academy of Sciences and GS, Moscow, Russia
The article is devoted to the problems of modern mass media in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is noted that the issue of adopting a new law on the media is currently on the agenda. In order to prepare it on the portal "Opening of the NPA", the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Mass Media". It is planned to expand the status of a journalist, consider the concept of "Internet advertising", transition to funding through grants subsidizing traditional media such as newspapers and magazines. The necessity of training a professional pool of journalists is emphasized, taking into account the most important strategic tasks facing the state.
Key words: mass media, Kazakhstan, journalist, state.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.037
D.V. BRATKOVSKAYA Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
YA.D. ROGOVA Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
E.I. GORBENKOVA Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
Over the years, the United Nations has played an important role in preventing international crises and resolving protracted conflicts. The UN conducted complex operations related to the establishment and maintenance of peace and the provision of humanitarian assistance. In the modern realities of world politics, new threats and conflicts have arisen, which, in the context of the globalization process, undermine the security and stability of entire regions and groups of countries. Today, interstate conflicts are still one of the leading factors of instability in the international space, which pose a threat not only to the participants in the conflict, but to the entire world community. That is why the main task of the UN, as the largest and most authoritative international organization in the modern world, is to maintain international peace and security through the cooperation of the member states of this Organization.
In this article, the authors explore the methods, strategies and tools that the UN uses in the course of its activities to resolve international conflicts. The subtleties and differences in the concepts of the Organization's peacekeeping activities are analyzed.
Key words: international relations, international terrorism, international economy, United Nations, UN, international conflicts, war, international law, settlement methods, peacekeeping mission, security, modern threats.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.038
YU.S. KUZIURA Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
A.L. RYCHKOVA Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
In the near future, the Asia-Pacific region will remain one of the priority areas for the development of cooperation for Russia. The Russian "Turn to the East" is due to the actual concentration of the new political and economic center of the world in the Asia-Pacific region, its formation as a dynamically and steadily developing region, as well as common territorial borders. Building good neighborly relations in the Asia-Pacific region is an important task for our country, in solving which it is useful to turn to the concept of "soft power": its direct application, as well as an analysis of its use in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.
The authors considers professional international sports to be an important tool of "soft power". In the article, he examines the effectiveness of the use of "sports diplomacy", characterizes its implementation by individual states of the Asia-Pacific countries, and also concludes that the impact of sport on international relations is significant as a way to "soften" the foreign policy situation.
Key words: international relations, foreign policy, Asia-Pacific, China, Japan, Korea, Russia, soft power, sports, diplomacy, sports diplomacy.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.039
D.V. LOKTIONOVA Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
V.S. MYASNIKOV Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
E.V. STAKHNO Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
The well-being of the state economy is always threatened; the conditions of the modern global market are far from ideal, which means that the prosperity of both external and internal economic systems of any country depends on the measures taken by its leadership, responding to the emergence of new and new threats. There is no doubt that the most devastating and striking disaster for global economic stability in the 21st century has been the Covid-19 pandemic. No country can boast that the epidemic has not contributed to and affected its economic policy. A significant actor in the Asia-Pacific region – the Republic of Korea – is no exception; it is this state and its response to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on its own economic well-being that are at the center of this study.
The author of the article focuses on the implementation of the South Korean leadership of those steps that were a response to the economic crisis that was the result of the impact of the coronavirus epidemic. The degree of destructiveness of the impact of the pandemic on the well-being and functioning of the country's economic agenda is being studied.
Key words: international economy, international relations, economic crisis, economic threat, pandemic, covid, lockdown, economic stability, pandemic impact, Republic of Korea, Asia-Pacific.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.040
M.M. MELNIKOVA Master-degree student, Far Eastern Federal University, Ussuriysk, Russia
P.R. ZAINULLINA Master-degree student, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
D.R. GORYACHEV Student of the Department of International Relations, Far Eastern Federal University Vladivostok, Russia
This article is focused on the issues of regional policy of the PRC, the subject of the study is the domestic policy regarding peripheral regions, and the object is the development of the Xinjiang Uygur and Tibet Autonomous Regions. The article analyzed the reasons for the current position of the above elements in the state system of China, as well as possible ways to resolve problematic aspects.
Key words: domestic policy of the PRC, autonomous regions of the PRC, regional policy.
DOI 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.041
K.A. MARTSINKEVICH Student of Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
D.A. VOLZHANIN Student of Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
D.V. LITVINENKO Student of Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia
International relations are an indispensable element of politics. Mutually beneficial cooperation helps countries to develop and strengthen their potential for influence. The events of 2022 put Russia at the disadvantage, not only the entire collective West, but also the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, rebelled against it. Japan, neighbor of Russia, with whom relations had been built for many years, severed the threads of contact that were too important for it in a larger way.
The object of the paper is Russian-Japanese relations, which came to a standstill after Yoshihide Suga came to power, and almost completely ceased to exist with the arrival of Fumio Kishida.
The first part of the study analyzes the policies of Yoshihide Suga and Fumio Kishida toward Russia and examines the problematic aspects of the interaction of these politicians with the Russian side. The second part deals with modern process of Russian-Japanese relations, examines problematic issues of interaction and prospects for restoration of contact between the countries.
Key words: International relations, Russia, Japan, Russia-Japan relations, Kuril question, Shinzo Abe, Yoshihide Suga, Fumio Kishida.
AMELCHENKO A.YA. – Student, Institute of Linguistic Translation Technologies and Development of International Communications, University of World Civilizations named after V.V. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia.
ANA LUBA YAKUSIK SLOBODIUK – Master of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
ARZHANOV I.A. – PhD Student, International Relations and Integration Processes Department, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
AVAKYAN D.A. – Candidate of political sciences, Senior lecturer of the Department of philosophy and sociology Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Moscow, Russia.
BOGDANOVA E.A. – Master student of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
DELOV V.V. – Phd of political sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Moscow, Russia.
EBZHNOU D.E. – Master's degree student, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Moscow, Russia.
FATHULLINA D.V. – Postgraduate student of ISAA Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
GLAZKOV A.B. – Postgraduate student of the department Political Science and Ethnopolitics Department, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.
GONCHAROVA I.V. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Technologies of Sociological Faculty of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
GRIGORIEV M.S. – Candidate of political sciences, professor, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia.
GRIGORYAN D.K. – Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the chair of D. in Political Science and Ethnopolitics at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; Associate Professor of Chair of Criminalistics and Investigative Activity of Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
GUSAKOV I.M. – Master of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
HE LIANYUAN – Student of the Higher School of International Relations, Humanitarian Institute of St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
KENIGFEST L.S. – Postgraduate student of the all-university Department of World and Russian History MCU, Moscow, Russia.
KHANDZHYAN A.A. – Postgraduate student of the department Political Science and Ethnopolitics Department, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.
KHARLASHKINA T.A. – Bachelor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia.
KIM V.V. – Student in the direction of "Political Science" Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
КOMAROV K.S. – Student, Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU), Moscow, Russia.
KOVALEV M.K. – Postgraduate student of the Department of Russian Politics, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
KUCHUMOVA E.V. – PhD, Associate Professor of the Graduate School of International Relations of the Humanities Institute. Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
KUZNETSOVA E.A. – Post-graduate student of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia.
LUO DONGMEI – Postgraduate student, faculty of global studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
MAGADIEV M.F. – Candidate of sociological sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and National Security Institute of Law and national security of the Russian Academy national economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
MEDVEDEV N.P. – Doctor of political sciences, professor, editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Nauka Segodnya", Moscow, Russia.
MIKHAILENKO A.N. – Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of International Security and Foreign Policy Activities of Russia of the Faculty of National Security of the Institute of Law and National Security of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
MIRZABEKOV N.R. – Master student of the Faculty of Global Processes Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
MOISEEV A.V. – Candidate of Military Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Administration in Foreign Policy of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
MOSAKOVA E.A. – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Faculty of Global Processes Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
MURAVYEVA A.E. – Graduate student of Department of Political Science of the East of the Faculty of Global Studies, Moscow State University Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
NAZIKE BIELIKE – PhD student, UNESCO Chair, Faculty of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
NEKHOROSHEVA A.N. – Student, Institute of language and translation technologies and the devel-opment of international communication University of world civilizations named after V.V. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia.
NOVIKOVA A.V. – Senior lecturer of part-time education, Economist, Laboratory of Sociological and Focus Group Research, Department of Sociology, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia.
OSMANI A.KH. – PhD student at Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia.
PETROSYAN PH.A. – Postgraduate student of the Department of International Security and Foreign Policy of Russia, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia.
PODOBREEVSKAYA E.S. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Political Science, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
POPOV S.I. – Ph.D. in Political Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Policy and History of State and Law Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia.
POTURUKHIN V.D. – Postgraduate student, faculty of global studies Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
PRONCHEV K.G. – Junior researcher, Department of Global Problems, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Postgraduate student, Department of Philosophy of Politics and Law, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
RAVOCHKIN N.N. – Dr. in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy; Professor at the Department of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev, Kemerovo, Russia.
SAMSONOVA N.N. – Graduate Student, History and Theory of Politics Program, Political Science Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
SHAO ZIXUAN – Graduate student, Higher School of Cultural Policy and Management in the Humanities (Faculty), Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
SHAPOVALOVA S.V. – Student of Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communication Financial University under the Government of the RF, Moscow, Russia.
SHERBACHENKO A.K. – D. in Law, Professor of the Department of Criminalistics and Investigative Activity of the Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
SOMOVA I.YU. – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies University of world civilizations named after V.V. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia.
STERLIKOV A.V. – Postgraduate student of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Moscow, Russia.
SULEIMANOV E.A. – Graduate student of the faculty of journalism IGSU RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
TEMIRKHANOVA A.YE. – Lecturer at the A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
TITOV A.S. – Postgraduate student of the department Political Science and Ethnopolitics Department, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.
TSAKHILOVA L.M. – PhD student, Department of Comparative Political Science, faculty of political science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
TUSHKOV A.A. – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of International Relations and Law Vladivostok State University; Professor of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies University of world civilizations named after V.V. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia.
UROLOV D. – Independent researcher, Institute for Social and Spiritual Research at the Republican Center for Spirituality and Education, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.
VASETSOVA E.S. – Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science of the East FGP Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
VDOVIN S.S. – Postgraduate student of ISAA Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
VINOKUROV D.V. – Student in the direction of "International Relations" Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
VOROBYOV A.V. – Postgraduate student of the Department of International Security and Foreign Policy Activities of Russia, Faculty of National Security, Institute of Law and National Security, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
WANG JUNTAO – Political candidate Sci., Associate Professor, Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
WANG XIN – Postgraduate student of the Department of Geopolitics Faculty of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
XUGUANG LIU – Doctor of Law, Head of Department for ideological and political education at the College of Marxism, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China.
YANCHA TUASA SEGUNDO ELIAS – Post-graduate student of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
ZAKHARCHUK S.S. – Student in the direction of "Political Science" Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
ZHOU GEER – PhD student, International Relations and World Politics Department, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia.
ABDRAKHIMOV L.G. – Candidate of science degree, PFUR, Moscow, Russia.
AMELCHENKO A.YA. – Student, Institute of Language and Translation Technologies and Development of International Communication Zhirinovsky University of World Civilizations, Moscow, Russia.
ANIKIN D.A. – PhD of Philosophy, Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Social Philosophy Department of Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky; Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Politics of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Saratov, Russia.
ASHMARINA A.A. – Assistant lecturer at IMOMI of Lobachevsky State University Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
BASHLAEVA M.S. – Associate Professor of the Department of State and municipal government and political science Karachay-Cherkess State University named after W.D. Alieva, Karachaevsk, Russia.
BATISHCHEV R.YU. – Junior Researcher of Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, Saratov, Russia.
BELIKOVA E.A. – Dr. Political Science, Assistant to the Department of State and Municipal Administration and Law, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia.
BRATKOVSKAYA D.V. – Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
CHEN DI – Ph.D. Saint Petersburg State University, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Department Media Lingustics Senior lecturer, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
CHEN JING – Master, Associate Professor, French Department, Beijing International Studies University, Peking, China.
DANKOVA V.V. – Graduate student, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
EGOROV I.S. – Applicant of the Department of Political Science of the East, Faculty of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
EREMENKO I.V. – PhD in Philosophy, Senior Lecturer, Department of Mass Communications and Media Business, Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
GONCHAROV P.K. – Doctor of sociology, Professor, Professor of Law Institute of Russian Transport University (MIIT), Moscow, Russia.
GORBENKOVA E.I. – Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
GORYACHEV D.R. – Student, Department of International Relations, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
GUSARSKAYA T.A. – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Public Policy and History of State and Law, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia.
HU RONG – Head of Human Resources, Shanghai Fuxing Bund Commercial Co., China.
JIN YANG – Postgraduate, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
KAPUSTIN A.S. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Russian Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
KARATUEVA E.N. – Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, St. Petersburg, Russia.
KASYMOV R.SH. – PhD Candidate of the Department of Political Science, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia.
KOLYKHALOV M.I. – Candidate of political sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal SIU RANEPA, Novosibirsk, Russia.
KONSTANTINOV M.S. – Candidate of Political Sciences, associate professor of Department of Theoretical and Applied Political Science, Institute of Philosophy and Social & Political Sciences, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
KUZIURA YU.S. – Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
LEVANDOVSKY N.V. – Lecturer of the Military Training Center, Moscow State Linguistic University, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Public Administration in Foreign Policy of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
LITVINENKO D.V. – Student of Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
LOKTIONOVA D.V. – Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
MARTSINKEVICH K.A. – Student of Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
MA SHIYUAN – Doctorate, Associate Professor, English Department, Beijing International Studies University Lecturer, Peking, China.
MELNIKOVA M.M. – Master-degree student, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
MORUGINA I.N. – Postgraduate, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
MOSAKOVA E.A. – Сandidate of Economics, Associate professor, Associate professor at the Department of Global Processes Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
MYASNIKOV V.S. – Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
NEKHOROSHEVA A.N. – Student, Institute of language and translation technologies and the development of international communication University of world civilizations named after V.W. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia.
NIKIFOROVA A.Y. – Masterˈs student, at the Department of Global Processes, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
OMELKOVICH A.V. – Student of the department of national and world economy Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia.
PAKHRUTDINOV SH.I. – Doctor of political sciences, professor, member of the Association of Political Scientists of Russia, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
PODOLSKIY V.A. – Candidate of Political sciences, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science, State Academic University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia.
POPOV S.I. – Ph.D. in Political Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Policy and History of State and Law Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia.
POTSELUEV S.P. – Doctor of Political Sciences, professor of Department of Theoretical and Applied Political Science, Institute of Philosophy and Social & Political Sciences, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
PROKHOROV D.V. – Candidate of sociological sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of the Samara National research university named after Academician S.P. Koroleyva, Samara, Russia.
PUTINA O.V. – Postgraduate student at the Department of Management in the Sphere of Interethnic and Interfaith Relations of the Faculty of Public Administration of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; Specialist of the Center for the Prevention of Religious and Ethnic Extremism in Educational Organizations of the Russian Federation of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow, Russia.
RASSADIN A.A. – Postgraduate student of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of the Samara National research university named after Academician S.P. Koroleyva, Samara, Russia.
RODIONOVA M.E. – Candidate of Science in Sociology, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Social Science and Mass Communication Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
ROGOVA YA.D. – Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
ROMACHEV R.V. – CEO of R-Techno intelligence agency, Moscow, Russia.
RYCHKOVA A.L. – Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
SAPARBEKOVA D.S. – Master's student of the Faculty of Journalism of the Russian Academy of Sciences and GS, Moscow, Russia.
SELEZNEV P.S. – Doctor of Political Sciences, Dean of the Faculty international economic relations Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.
SLUTSKY L.E. – Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
SMIRNOV N.M. – Bachelor of the Department of Public Policy and History of State and Law Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia.
SMOTRYAEVA K.S. – Director of the Institute of Language and Translation Technologies and Development of International Communication Zhirinovsky University of World Civilizations, Moscow, Russia.
SOMOVA I.YU. – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies University of world civilizations named after V.W. Zhirinovsky, Moscow, Russia.
SOSLAN BETROZOV – Ph.D. Lawyer of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
STAKHNO E.V. – Student Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
TAMUNDELE JEAN-BAPTISTE NGAY – Postgraduate student of Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University, Kazan, Russia.
TLEZHUKOVA D.M. – Postgraduate student of the Department of History of Political Parties and Social Movements, Faculty of History, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
TSYGANKOV P.A. – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
TUSHKOV A.A. – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies Zhirinovsky University of World Civilizations, Moscow, Russia.
VANKOVSKA B. – Professor of political science and international relations, Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia.
VOLZHANIN D.A. – Student of Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
WANG JUNQI – Ph.D. student, Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
ZAINULLINA P.R. – Master-degree student, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
ZHAMBAEVA U.B. – Candidate of philosophical Sciences, associate Professor of Management in higher education, REU im. G.V. Plehanova» Ulaanbaatar branch; Adviser to the President of the Mongolian diplomatic Organization for peace and friendship, Ulan-Bator, Mongolia.
ZHANG HUIQIN – Russian Department, Doctorate, Professor, Beijing international Studies University, Peking, China.
ZYONG WAN LIN – Postgraduate Student, Department of Comparative Political Science, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.